Somethings will always leave me questioning the valid point in a story. The Luebrech case is no exception. A news report last night informed me that Luebrech's wife is being interviewed by a shrink to see whether the baby killer is indeed as friends and family say- crazy. HUM. My first thought was that SHE was being evaluated for "standing by her man". But rather, she's been brought into this mix to see whether the guy is crazy. First- if you have not yet heard of the case I'll give you a quick run down... or you can skip over to the left of page and click on the links to the story under his name.
First the man goes to the babysitter, lies about the 13 month old child having a doctors appointment, takes him (leaving other older child there) and then some time later calls 911 to report that he has drowned his child. The story would end there, but then his supporters begin expecting the rest of us to buy into the notion that it's not his fault. No sirree- he's mentally ill therefore you can not, and should not blame him for the murder of his son. Which when you include the lies he told to be able to preform this heinous crime it adds up to premeditated murder- but forget about that. He's insane. What could drive a man to kill his own son? To hold an innocent baby underwater until the life is drained from their bodies? Hold on to your seats.... OCD. You know OBSESSIVE COMPLUSIVE DISORDER. Yep that's the "mental illness" they are throwing out to us. Now forget that one in fifty people in the US suffer from OCD. And the amazing fact that these one in 50 people aren't rushing to drown innocent babies. Or the fact that OCD isn't a violent disorder. Because, when you mention those types of things- his supporters become enraged that you don't buy into this bull they are feeding us. We'll just stick to the 'relevant' facts. First if he was that bad- a whole lot of people should be charged with child endangerment for leaving children in his care. Now since I can not reasonably buy this crap defense... other than to determine the mothers 'mental illness' (because no SANE person would stand behind a man that KILLED their child) I see no point in her being interviewed by any head doctor.
But here it is from WLIO : A psychiatrist interviewed the wife of Putnam County murder suspect Michael Luebrecht, who confessed to drowning his 13 month old son. Putnam County Prosecutor Gary Lammers is willing for the process to go on --- to find out if Luebrech is, as his family and friends believe, mentally impaired.
I know, it would be easier for the world to grasp how a man could cruelly murder his own flesh and blood if he was "insane". But the facts stand as they are. OCD is not a "lets run out and kill innocent children" type of disorder. Its just not. Had another mental illness been thrown out to defend him I may have been more willing to except it. But come on. Really. OCD? Please. And its not that I have anything against mentally ill people. I just have a hard time dealing with murdering bastards using a non violent, very common, disorder to explain away their bad parenting skills. It's a disservice to the thousands of people actually suffering from the disorder who aren't running around plotting on how to kill off their children.
The Luebrech case highlights the complete lack of common sense so many people have when it comes to mental disorders. It invites us back to the Ara when we locked up "crazy" people in mental institutions and gave them all electric shock. If this case where to be won on grounds of mental illness from OCD- it ruins years of work done by hundreds of people to establish understanding and comfort from those suffering from mental illness. It takes us right back into the dark ages where we see those suffering from any mental infliction as needing to be locked in a small white padded room.
Luebrech made a clear and defined choice when he arrived at their babysitters house, lied about a child having a doctors appointment and then proceeded to return home and murder said child. It may have been many things- cruel, heinous, demented, horrifying, terrible, unthinkable, cold and cunning etc. But it was not a impulse upon which he had not control. At any time he could have stopped. Instead of lying to a babysitter- why not call your doctor IF he really was that bad? But its that "IF" that makes this whole thing sickening. There is no if. Rather then calling 911 AFTER he killed the child- why not call before and tell them you feel you are about to do it? Or best of all, why not just save the world the pain and kill himself instead? Because OCD does not cause one to kill others, it does not cause you to become violent. It's OBSESSIVE COMPLUSIVE. You over clean, you feel compelled to repeat actions over and over again. You do a lot of un- normal things. (There's a whole linked thing at the side on "What is OCD" before any idiots decide this is where they want to jump in and tell me that OCD is not the "MONK" thing- read it. I have You should.) You do not however KILL babies.
There is a small child dead, not due to OCD- but rather due to his fathers cold and calculating decision to lie in order to pick him up, return home with him, run a tub of water, and then hold him under until his life is taken from him. By the very person responsible for loving and protecting him. I hope Luebrech lives 20 years with the knowledge that he has done this heinous thing, and then receives the physicians treatment due to him- a cold needle inserted into his arm, with poisons injected through it until his life is over.
And for those of you who like to make all the comments about how wrong I am on this- and amazingly there seem to be more than one. You're ol' buddy there should be rotting in hell. And for supporting his incredibly offensive characterization of a mental disorder such as OCD, you should be locked in a little white padded cell. And given electric shock therapy. I have heard that many physicians have pulled back from the use of this treatment because it lacks alot of the documented support that it truly helps the patient. But I am more concerned with seeing you (mis)treated than cured of your stupidity.
Categories: murders, Luebrecht
First the man goes to the babysitter, lies about the 13 month old child having a doctors appointment, takes him (leaving other older child there) and then some time later calls 911 to report that he has drowned his child. The story would end there, but then his supporters begin expecting the rest of us to buy into the notion that it's not his fault. No sirree- he's mentally ill therefore you can not, and should not blame him for the murder of his son. Which when you include the lies he told to be able to preform this heinous crime it adds up to premeditated murder- but forget about that. He's insane. What could drive a man to kill his own son? To hold an innocent baby underwater until the life is drained from their bodies? Hold on to your seats.... OCD. You know OBSESSIVE COMPLUSIVE DISORDER. Yep that's the "mental illness" they are throwing out to us. Now forget that one in fifty people in the US suffer from OCD. And the amazing fact that these one in 50 people aren't rushing to drown innocent babies. Or the fact that OCD isn't a violent disorder. Because, when you mention those types of things- his supporters become enraged that you don't buy into this bull they are feeding us. We'll just stick to the 'relevant' facts. First if he was that bad- a whole lot of people should be charged with child endangerment for leaving children in his care. Now since I can not reasonably buy this crap defense... other than to determine the mothers 'mental illness' (because no SANE person would stand behind a man that KILLED their child) I see no point in her being interviewed by any head doctor.
But here it is from WLIO : A psychiatrist interviewed the wife of Putnam County murder suspect Michael Luebrecht, who confessed to drowning his 13 month old son. Putnam County Prosecutor Gary Lammers is willing for the process to go on --- to find out if Luebrech is, as his family and friends believe, mentally impaired.
I know, it would be easier for the world to grasp how a man could cruelly murder his own flesh and blood if he was "insane". But the facts stand as they are. OCD is not a "lets run out and kill innocent children" type of disorder. Its just not. Had another mental illness been thrown out to defend him I may have been more willing to except it. But come on. Really. OCD? Please. And its not that I have anything against mentally ill people. I just have a hard time dealing with murdering bastards using a non violent, very common, disorder to explain away their bad parenting skills. It's a disservice to the thousands of people actually suffering from the disorder who aren't running around plotting on how to kill off their children.
The Luebrech case highlights the complete lack of common sense so many people have when it comes to mental disorders. It invites us back to the Ara when we locked up "crazy" people in mental institutions and gave them all electric shock. If this case where to be won on grounds of mental illness from OCD- it ruins years of work done by hundreds of people to establish understanding and comfort from those suffering from mental illness. It takes us right back into the dark ages where we see those suffering from any mental infliction as needing to be locked in a small white padded room.
Luebrech made a clear and defined choice when he arrived at their babysitters house, lied about a child having a doctors appointment and then proceeded to return home and murder said child. It may have been many things- cruel, heinous, demented, horrifying, terrible, unthinkable, cold and cunning etc. But it was not a impulse upon which he had not control. At any time he could have stopped. Instead of lying to a babysitter- why not call your doctor IF he really was that bad? But its that "IF" that makes this whole thing sickening. There is no if. Rather then calling 911 AFTER he killed the child- why not call before and tell them you feel you are about to do it? Or best of all, why not just save the world the pain and kill himself instead? Because OCD does not cause one to kill others, it does not cause you to become violent. It's OBSESSIVE COMPLUSIVE. You over clean, you feel compelled to repeat actions over and over again. You do a lot of un- normal things. (There's a whole linked thing at the side on "What is OCD" before any idiots decide this is where they want to jump in and tell me that OCD is not the "MONK" thing- read it. I have You should.) You do not however KILL babies.
There is a small child dead, not due to OCD- but rather due to his fathers cold and calculating decision to lie in order to pick him up, return home with him, run a tub of water, and then hold him under until his life is taken from him. By the very person responsible for loving and protecting him. I hope Luebrech lives 20 years with the knowledge that he has done this heinous thing, and then receives the physicians treatment due to him- a cold needle inserted into his arm, with poisons injected through it until his life is over.
And for those of you who like to make all the comments about how wrong I am on this- and amazingly there seem to be more than one. You're ol' buddy there should be rotting in hell. And for supporting his incredibly offensive characterization of a mental disorder such as OCD, you should be locked in a little white padded cell. And given electric shock therapy. I have heard that many physicians have pulled back from the use of this treatment because it lacks alot of the documented support that it truly helps the patient. But I am more concerned with seeing you (mis)treated than cured of your stupidity.
Categories: murders, Luebrecht