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Duncan.... continued

In a post from Duncan, he mentions his friend Joe, who was helping him take control of his money- as he had still been living pay check to pay check even after five years of being free.

In a letter found here, Joe Crary, a Fargo business man confirms that he gave Duncan $15000 to cover the bail- after Duncan had written a check himself and requested from Crary to borrow the money.

In the statement you will find his reasons for believe that Duncan was not a flight risk, information on how they met, and he truly felt Duncan was a changed man... who assured him he was innocent of the charges against him.

Dr Wacksman has admitted to lending Duncan $6500 to help with legal fees. Whereas Crary seems not to have known Duncan as well as the Doctor... I fail to believe that this educated man could still have been believing Duncans insistence that he was innocent and changed. It has been said this man is a pediatrician... now that's a scary thought. I would expect one given the responsibility to take care of our child to not roam around sex offenders. And I can't imagine one actually taking a sex offender to Disney's Epcot center. That bothers me on more levels than I can even begin to tell you.

There are many other details which Duncan has so freely given us... but yet the meaning is unknown. There's questions as to his reasoning for starting the blog itself... "so I can check easily what I was doing on any day in question" which he makes in the post that so many have come to question which mentions the disappearance of Leanna Warner. Then there's the post that gives a detailed story of how he went for a late night walk, used his MP3 to record his whereabouts, because he wanted proof as to where he had been.. only to discover when he returned home that it hadn't recorded. HERE. Unable to get it out of my mind, I searched the police logs for that very night from the Fargo Police. You may do the Search here. The one I found that bothered me read like this:

05/06/04 21:59:33

I couldn't find a news story in the following days mentioning a lost boy... but I have to wonder why on that very night... Duncan went to such great lengths to convince us he was just out walking. There are relatively very few times in which Duncan over reacts to his actions, or situations like this. So why that night? Why Leanna's disappearance?

I have always feared we may learn more than we ever wanted from Duncan. He was intrigued by treasure hunting, as seen by his Geo finding game. Could it be a higher level of the game... he left the clues and we are left to find the cache? Duncan "places" his image on the cover of a TIME magazine... followed by the creepy question "What's next for Duncan?", He responses to a friend in his blog about making a movie of his life by saying "I may be famous before you know it" And to "watch the airwaves". Was he planning for this? His desire to "get back at society", was that what he would be famous for? ........."I am scared, alone, and confused, and my reaction is to strike out toward the perceived source of my misery, society. My intent is to harm society as much as I can, then die.....................All those years I dreamed of getting out...And getting even..." source HERE


Anonymous said…
I know I've said this before , snakes of a scale are joined in hell !! These pricks have a way of contacting and seeking each other out. I would bet my right hand that these two " fellas" are involved in some sort of sex offender arrest in the future. You don't just step up and defend some shit head like Duncan out of the blue for no reason ! You said that Dr. Wacksman might be a pediatrician ! Holy snake shit thats bad news !!
Anonymous said…
I know I've said this before , snakes of a scale are joined in hell !! These pricks have a way of contacting and seeking each other out. I would bet my right hand that these two " fellas" are involved in some sort of sex offender arrest in the future. You don't just step up and defend some shit head like Duncan out of the blue for no reason ! You said that Dr. Wacksman might be a pediatrician ! Holy snake shit thats bad news !!

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