I just have to say, I have Premcor Refinery, BP Chemicals, Innovene, PCS Nitrogen, ISP, Buckeye something or another... and a assortment of other companies dealing with the whole gas, energy thing within 5 miles of my home. And yet... I am paying as of two minutes ago (seriously I just came home from the gas station) THREE DOLLARS AND NINETEEN CENTS A GALLON FOR GAS. $3.19. Someone explain to me what that is all about? First off- I live 5 miles (less really but I am willing to give them something) from these places and yet my local Sterling Station gets to charge that amount????? I know the hurricane, the hurricane, and the war, and that crazy guy the other crazy guy said we should kill, and all the other half baked excuses. But really BUSH come on do something already. I thought releasing reserves would help in keeping the price at least at the "ripping the money from your pockets" prices, so how come it's now at the "ripping the money from your pockets AND the pock...