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Julie Popovich

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The media is buzzing. There's posters spread over the campus and surrounding area. We've seen the posters, the photos and the vaguely detailed news casts. Wanting to know more- as happens alot- I decided to hit the Columbus Police web site. Many law enforcement sites offer a online version of police reports. Maybe they do. Well, yep they do. Navigating my way to the desired page- I found what it was I set out searching for. Then I photo impression 4'ed it so that you too could see it.

Clicking makes it bigger. After seeing this, a few things stick out. First I imagine how concerned the family surely is. I can't. It's that indescribable fear, which only someone living it can truly comprehend. The next thing that knocks my brain a bit is that she went missing on the 11th- two days went by. They lived together. He had to have realized that she hadn't come home that night. I am not sure what the missing persons policy is in Columbus. But I do know that my own dear Tim would be frantic after the first 2 hours. Of course, he well should be. I never go out long. (Mostly because I am here at my desk searching endlessly on one thing or another) I am not in any way like Tim who can make a trip down the road to the gas station turn into a 4 hour trip. But I have to wonder... who stated that they thought she got into a car with the Boyfriend? Every report I have heard, or seen tells a much different story. Most of the news reports state she left with someone they thought she didn't know. Or that she knew but they didn't. Wouldn't the boyfriend fall out of both these categories? And this sort of contradicts the report made by a friend of hers where she states everyone she has talked to DID NOT see her leaving, in a car with someone or otherwise as reported by a college newspaper. "...."As soon as I found out she was missing I talked to the girls the next day that were there that night and they said they never saw Julie leave," Brooks said.Brooks said she has not talked to anyone who can confirm Popovich left with someone."No one I know said they saw Popovich get in a car with anyone. I don't know where that rumor came from," Brooks said..." Full Story/Source here

Maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's Tim's little speech last night about how sex offenders aren't the only ones doing bad things. Or maybe it really is as strange a thing as I think. Or sort of think. You decide. Whatever it is or isn't- theres one undisputtible fact- Julie Popovich is missing. And a lot of people are wanting her home again. Julie's family, crime stoppers and private donors are offering a reward of up to $50,000 for the return of her. PDF flyer here. I would say that anyone having information with or without the reward should walk their rears up to the first law enforcement officer they can find and give what they know. But I guess there will always be those out there that feel it's not worth it to them unless money is in the package.


Sometimes looking at a story through the media's eyes you stumble back, close your eyes shut real tight and them open them in hopes that there is a glowing neon sign pointing towards which report is most closely resembling the truth. It can be hard. I wish I could give a clear sign as to what the truth may be. But- something tells me no matter how hard I close my eyes- the chance that sign appears is very slim.

What we do know is that the last place people admit to seeing Julie is Ledo's shortly after 1 am. That as of now- she hasn't been where she normally would be. Depending on your preference of news stations we know that one of the following somewhat may be sort of true. :

Source HERE

Columbus police say they suspect foul play and they're seeking a male "person of interest." As they continue their investigation, family members and friends of Popovich, 20, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, are also looking and handing out fliers, among other things.
Sherry Mercurio, a spokesperson for the Columbus police, tells The Early Show co-anchor Rene Syler the "person of interest" was the last person known to have been drinking with Popovich that night in Ledo's Lounge.

NBC 4's Teresa Garcia reported. Garcia: "Is it a sure thing that she got into a car with someone?" Estep: "No, that's being looked at. We're getting a little bit of conflicting statements there."


"...getting into a car with a man her friends did not recognize...."
"According to the police report, her friends said they thought she knew the man. "She was at the bar with co-workers and friends, they did not get a good look at him. It did appear she left willingly," Sherry Mercurio of the Columbus Police Department told FOX News. "

Full Story/Source here"...."As soon as I found out she was missing I talked to the girls the next day that were there that night and they said they never saw Julie leave," Brooks said.Brooks said she has not talked to anyone who can confirm Popovich left with someone."No one I know said they saw Popovich get in a car with anyone. I don't know where that rumor came from," Brooks said..."

"...Got into a car with someone they thought was rp..."

Update HERE


Anonymous said…
Your copy of the police report does not enlarge on click.

Tying to see all in writing post that will link to you.

Also - you have no trackback feature enabled?

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