If you are going to be caught on drug charges in Spokane and have child porno- rest assured that those child pornography charges won't even matter. Well, you have to register as a sex offender- but you'll be able to combine the time from the drug charges with the child pornography time, which is a pretty great two for one deal. Unless in this case you are the victim, or a family member of the victim- or just a regular citizen trying to protect your family from these sort of deviant monsters. In those cases this "deal" seems more like a swift kick in the ass against you; rather than fair punishment for the felon who is getting away with it.
A few comments to the ol' state of Washington:
First fix the little spot in your laws that makes it such a difference between " possessing child pornography without sexual motivation" and "possession with sexual motivation". That's just pointless. Pornography is by all intents of the word- sexually related. What do you think he was planning on doing with it? Make postcards? And if you find this boil on society ass in possession of picture of 10 year old girls having sex... there's a crime going on somewhere other than just his house. SOMEONE had to take those photo's, and his possession of it makes him guilty of indecency with a child after the fact, lewd acts after the fact, endangerment of a child by sure sickness of having indecent photos of them. (I know I like to make up my own laws- but damn doesn't it sound good? Add a mandatory 50 year prison term on my new founded charges and wala it's be perfect).
But this whole letting him off completely by letting the sentences be concurrent- that's bull. Probation and registering is nothing but a "slap on the wrist" as my friendly reader who pointed this story out to me says.
Well, here it is, Washington the State of Sicko Friendliness.
September 29, 2005
A Spokane felon, caught with child pornography during a drug arrest, pleaded guilty Wednesday in a plea bargain that will require him to register as a sex offender and be on probation for four years.
Jack Kenneth Gannon II, 44, pleaded to more charges than he originally faced, but the sentence he receives on Nov. 9 may be served at the same time as a three-year sentence he recently received on a drug conviction. He also avoided the possibility that Deputy Prosecutor Kelly Fitzgerald would file additional child pornography charges.
Gannon originally was charged with one count of possessing child pornography without sexual motivation, but pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with sexual motivation. Without the admission of sexual motivation, Gannon wouldn't have been required to register as a sex offender.
In addition, Gannon pleaded guilty to two counts of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes. There was no evidence that he actually committed the crimes, but the law allows such a plea to achieve a mutually agreed sentence.
Gannon's deal calls for him to be sentenced to a year in jail on each of the communication-with-a-minor charges, with all of the time suspended. The result will be an increase in his post-release probation from one to four years, and he will have a two-year sentence hanging over his head to ensure he successfully completes sex-offender treatment and complies with other conditions of his release.
Police found pictures of girls 10 or younger having sex with adults when they went to a home in the 2500 block of West Mallon to arrest Gannon on a drug warrant and to handle some unrelated business for Child Protective Services.
Gannon has a half-dozen prior convictions in Spokane and Pend Oreille counties, dating from 1987. He has been convicted of second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm, of drug possession, intent to manufacture methamphetamine, car theft and reckless driving.
In a February 1998 raid on a compound of trailers on rural property about six miles south of Newport, Wash., Pend Oreille County sheriff's deputies caught Gannon and another man with a pot of meth brewing on a wood stove, pipe bombs in various stages of construction and several loaded weapons.
A few comments to the ol' state of Washington:
First fix the little spot in your laws that makes it such a difference between " possessing child pornography without sexual motivation" and "possession with sexual motivation". That's just pointless. Pornography is by all intents of the word- sexually related. What do you think he was planning on doing with it? Make postcards? And if you find this boil on society ass in possession of picture of 10 year old girls having sex... there's a crime going on somewhere other than just his house. SOMEONE had to take those photo's, and his possession of it makes him guilty of indecency with a child after the fact, lewd acts after the fact, endangerment of a child by sure sickness of having indecent photos of them. (I know I like to make up my own laws- but damn doesn't it sound good? Add a mandatory 50 year prison term on my new founded charges and wala it's be perfect).
But this whole letting him off completely by letting the sentences be concurrent- that's bull. Probation and registering is nothing but a "slap on the wrist" as my friendly reader who pointed this story out to me says.
Well, here it is, Washington the State of Sicko Friendliness.
September 29, 2005
A Spokane felon, caught with child pornography during a drug arrest, pleaded guilty Wednesday in a plea bargain that will require him to register as a sex offender and be on probation for four years.
Jack Kenneth Gannon II, 44, pleaded to more charges than he originally faced, but the sentence he receives on Nov. 9 may be served at the same time as a three-year sentence he recently received on a drug conviction. He also avoided the possibility that Deputy Prosecutor Kelly Fitzgerald would file additional child pornography charges.
Gannon originally was charged with one count of possessing child pornography without sexual motivation, but pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with sexual motivation. Without the admission of sexual motivation, Gannon wouldn't have been required to register as a sex offender.
In addition, Gannon pleaded guilty to two counts of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes. There was no evidence that he actually committed the crimes, but the law allows such a plea to achieve a mutually agreed sentence.
Gannon's deal calls for him to be sentenced to a year in jail on each of the communication-with-a-minor charges, with all of the time suspended. The result will be an increase in his post-release probation from one to four years, and he will have a two-year sentence hanging over his head to ensure he successfully completes sex-offender treatment and complies with other conditions of his release.
Police found pictures of girls 10 or younger having sex with adults when they went to a home in the 2500 block of West Mallon to arrest Gannon on a drug warrant and to handle some unrelated business for Child Protective Services.
Gannon has a half-dozen prior convictions in Spokane and Pend Oreille counties, dating from 1987. He has been convicted of second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm, of drug possession, intent to manufacture methamphetamine, car theft and reckless driving.
In a February 1998 raid on a compound of trailers on rural property about six miles south of Newport, Wash., Pend Oreille County sheriff's deputies caught Gannon and another man with a pot of meth brewing on a wood stove, pipe bombs in various stages of construction and several loaded weapons.