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Raye Dawn Porter

I'm going to admit, the whole journalist "fair and balanced" idea never really caught on with me. I completely understand that there are TWO, or more sides to every story. I'm always going to jump on the side of the victim. And sometimes- such as the case is now- I am going to be jumping on the victims side, followed by a lot of anger induced writing.
Raye Dawn Ported, the mother of a murdered little girl, the woman who either chose to stand by as her child was abused fro nine months, or did at least some of the abusing- one can never say for sure- is going to have another baby. After all, she did so well with the last one. Yes, that's a bit of my anger shining through.
According to court records, Raye Dawn Porter is requesting half of their marital
assets, attorney fees and financial support for their unborn child. She is about
four months pregnant, her attorney, Steve Huddleston, said. "I am not
associating this child with the father," Raye Dawn Porter said in a statement
provided by Huddleston. "This is my child. The circumstances surrounding this
event are not the fault of the baby." Michael Porter filed for divorce about one
week after he was charged in Lincoln County District Court with first-degree
murder in the Oct. 11 death of Kelsey Smith-Briggs. Kelsey was Raye Dawn
Porter's child with her former husband, Lance Briggs, of Meeker. Along with
child support and medical expenses for her prenatal and postnatal care, Raye
Dawn Porter wants the court to deny Michael Porter any form of visitation.
Huddleston said his client is not thinking of Michael Porter as the father of
her baby, but rather is thinking of the child as her own, he said.

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for thinking of the child one gives birth to as one's own. Perhaps, had she thought that way of Kelsey, we would not have had these tragic uncalled for events happen.

The abuse began in January with a broken clavicle, twenty-nine bruises and multiple abrasions.

Swollen and blue nose in March

A sprained ankle in April

Later in April, two broken legs

August she had lost weight, there was bruising on the side of her face and down her left arm, she had retinal hemorrhaging, and appeared heavily medicated

October 11th, Kelsey had been taken to the hospital. Reported she had a seizure.

Other reports: She had broken bones and bruises from head to toe. The DHS report states that Kelsey had a broken collarbone and faded bruises on her thighs and bottom. A doctor said those bruises were the result of abuse, likely from a beating with an object such as a hair brush. Kelsey eventually died -- the cause of blunt trauma to the stomach, according to the Oklahoma medical examiner.
And now, with this little angel gone- the so called mother will be bringing another child into the world.
It never fails to amaze me that while someone can stand by and watch as their child is tortured for nine months- they can lay down at night with the monster who is doing it. I would hope, that DHS in OK is more willing to protect this child than they where to protect Kelsey.


Anonymous said…
I'm a single mother living in Oklahoma, so I've heard a lot about the Kelsy Smith-Briggs case, and it breaks my heart. I was investigated for child abuse because my 4 year old had 2 bruises on her shins (she got them while playing, as little children do). I would never, ever harm my child, yet they insisted that I did until they finally interviewed my daughter and she let them know that I don't even spank her, much less abuse her. It angered me because I know there are so many parents that NEED to be investigated, yet they sit by and do nothing. The Oklahoma DHS system is horrible. They don't help those who need the help, and they continuously help those who don't. I've seen girls walk in and out of that building driving bmw's yet applying for welfare benefits. I've seen a girl I went to school with continuously get custody of her son after she admitted to smoking crack in front of him, screaming at him, hitting him for simply asking for something to eat. And yet they investigated me- a mother who wouldn't even dream of hurting her own flesh and blood. Thankfully, the caseworker they assigned to my case found no evidence of abuse and closed the case. But I have to wonder, how easy is it for those who DO abuse their children to just say "They got in an accident" or "they fell down the stairs"?

The grandmother in the Kelsy Smith-Briggs case pleaded with every agency she could, and the system failed her, but most of all, it failed Kelsy. They should immediately remove the new child from the mother's custody- as she had just as much to do with the abuse as the step-father did.

Some people really should be sterilized.

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