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Christopher Tindall

Sometimes, I could just bang my head in the wall I get so annoyed with our local press. This is one of those times. I was searching the online addition of the Lima News for a certain story, and had been to every page at least four times, when I noticed a certain name in a story.

The story was hidden in the far column, a little more than half way down the page, and I swear the story on top of it had something to do with a fire department getting some sort of service award.

Of course this annoys me, not just because it is politely tucked out of view, but because it is an important case, and deserves much more of a print up than the two or three lines they gave it. Honestly, they printed a larger article on how the widow of some engineer supports one candidate over another, than this. Not that that isn't important- but I think we all go the point when we read the very same thing in the commentary in the Letter to the Editor that she wrote.

Okay, so I'm not happy. You get that.

"Attorneys entered an insanity plea for a 16-year-old boy charged with killing a 72-yearold woman after escaping from a group home.
The plea was made Thursday in a motion filed in Logan County Common Pleas Court. Prosecutor Gerald Heaton said the judge would order psychological tests for Christopher Tindall. "

It wasn't just a 72 year old woman, it was someone that had a name- Joan Green. She had a family that loved and cherished her. She was an active woman who deserves to get more attention than just being passed off as "a 72 year old woman".

And Tindall? He didn't just murder her, she was sexually assaulted by this juvenile deviant, before he heinously killed her. Ever better, he was in this group home, without anyone's knowledge in the area, for raping a school mate just two years earlier. In fact, he had only been released a few months before the brutal murder of Joan Green.

I've wrote about this brutal crime before, and I'm likely to continue to post this story as it develops.

A previous post can be found here.

For those new to the site, or who didn't see it last time it was posted, I am again posting the link to the petition regarding notification of juvenile offenders. Please take the time to sign the petition.

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Anonymous said…
It sounds like they want to make it sound not so bad....I mean it's not like she was 30 and had a whole life ahead of her. That's how I percieved the 72 y/o comment and it pisses me off. Her age has nothing to do with how vibrant,loving and wonderful she was...and needed and missed she is to her friends,family and community. This little twerp needs to have his hoo-hahs cut off and be put in gen pop, since he can't get the DP. I hope her family can heal.
Anonymous said…
Hey L.,

Trying to figure out how the press decides what to cover and what not will drive anyone to hit their head on the wall. That's why it's really up to bloggers like you to get the word out... to speak for the dead.

Anonymous said…
When the prosecutor breathes fire and brimstone at the time of arrest, then backs off media attention midway thru, start watching for a plea deal.
Anonymous said…
Ragardless of her age she was a HUMAN BEING! How dare these judicial systems keep letting these people off with insanity pleas! Like i said before there is NO CURE for insanity! Of course he will act better in a mental institute, he will be on drugs that take him to the "happy place" but what happens when they wean him off the "happy place" drugs and years from now throw him back out into the world? More brutal rapes and murders? More babies mutilated cause "god" told the mother to do it? This is sad, and to make it all better we have our wonderful press choosing when to hide things or sugar coat them! Lets just run Cheney in the dirt and spend every second of air time talking about a hunting ticket he didnt deserve and an ACCIDENTAL shooting instead of Jennifer Kesse and all the others missing that could possibly be found if there were more media coverage!
Anonymous said…
Now wait a second Missy...he did not have a hunting license. He is NOT above the law. He edeserved the ticket. So hush up 'bout that. Now,as for everything else,I agree with every word you said :-)
Anonymous said…
He had a hunting license. It was a money making license that had just went into effect and was not told to the person/persons that purchased all license required for his hunt. That is why they gave ALL that hunted that day warnings. It doesn't really matter what i was trying to point out is that the media was more concerned about digging up false/irrelevant information on Cheney rather the victom okay? or what is the victom saying about what happened? And they itterupted any news coverage dealing with Jennifer kesse, Natalee etc.! I could go on and on and on but i will stop.
Anonymous said…
This is just messed up. They don't mention that Christophers, i believe it was, great uncle murdered his owh parents. I don't know their names because it is on his fathers side of the family but it seems to run in his family. I personally had a spot made for Christopher in Boys Town but his father wanted Christopher to stay in Ohio. Boys Town national headquarters is in Nebraska and it is an awesome place that would have helped Christopher get better and not be tempted as much. Then Christopher tried to blame all this on his mother for "leaving" him. When in all actuality his mother had to separate him for his brother and sister because of Christophers actions. This is just all jacked up!

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