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Jerry Rangel Pt. 3

Jerry Rangel- here and here- is a convicted sex offender. In previous posts on about him, you'll find that he was charged in 2005 with assault with a deadly weapon, for threatening and assaulting his girlfriend when she attempted to leave him. You'll also find that he is charged in the brutal rape of a 13 month old child. What you won't find is any news report mentioning both the recent rape charges, and the 2005 assault charges. Despite the fact that had Rangel been held in jail until his court appearance for the 2005 charges, he would not have been free to rape a toddler.

The rape of this child is just another travesty that could have been prevent- as I pointed out in the second linked entry. And yet- the media has failed to mention this. One might say that the media just hasn't made the connection between the Rangel who held a knife on his girlfriend, and the Rangel who left a 13 month old girl with a broken leg, bruising, and a torn vagina. Well, sadly the media has realized that both cases involve the very same man- they just fail to see what one case has to do with the other.

A reader disturbed by this exchanged emails with the reporter covering the story in one of the local Texas news outlets. So they sent the following to the reporter:
Have you found out anything concerning the July 2005 aggravated assault Jerry Rangel was arrested for and why he was free to brutally rape a baby 7 months later? Anything? Is it not worth mentioning in anything written about this case?

THe response to the email left me a bit speechless- and you should know by now that that isn't something that happens to often:
we didn’t put his assault charge in the first story for space reasons. The same is true for the second story, which focused primarily on Deanna and her recollection of the events surrounding the assault. I felt it was more relevant to list his previous sexual assault conviction.

We did a story when he was arrested for aggravated assault. On that charge, it appears that he had been released on bond. He had yet to be sentenced. His bond for that charge has since been rescinded.

Space reasons? Hum. Let's save some space and NOT mention that had this man, who had already been convicted in 1996 of raping an 11 year old, could have been locked up due to the 2005 charges thus PREVENTING the rape of a 13 month old child.
I always wonder what motivates reporters in how they do their job. It's nothing personal against them- but I just wonder about it. The second story she refers to was dedicated to letting the mother explain how it's not her fault that the child was raped- despite the fact that she knew Rangel was a sex offender, that she left the child with him, that she had been partying with him while he drank and did coke before she left him with the children (3 all together)... yes- a mothers shock that someone already having a history of sexual abuse against children would actually rape her child while most likely still under the effects of binge drinking and drugs is so much more news worthy than the fact that had this sicko been sitting in jail- the child would have been safe.

In another sort of update to the case- I had mentioned in the earlier entries on Rangel that the children had been removed from the home of this "mother", and placed in foster care. The "mother" was attempting to get them back at a hearing this week. Thankfully, the judge decided against that.
A Bryan toddler who suffered a brutal sexual assault earlier this month will temporarily remain in foster care, a judge ruled Wednesday.

The 1-year-old was hospitalized with severe injuries after an attack that police said happened when she was left in the care of Jerry Rangel. Investigators believe that Rangel, a convicted sex offender, was dating the child's mother.

Child Protective Services removed the girl and two siblings - 3- and 4-year-old sisters also left at home with Rangel - upon learning about the case.Full Source

It's nice to know that someone is looking out for these children, since is apparently is too much to ask of the mother.

H/T Kash

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Anonymous said…
Agreed. I'm actually relieved that the children are NOT with their "mother", who has much to answer for. I hate hearing about children being removed from their natural parents, but in this case, there is no choice. They're much better off with other care. Their mother has much soul searching to do.
Anonymous said…
I agree Harding,but that would require a soul,and FBO's don't have one.
Is there a way to start a movement to keep criminals in gen. pop? Does anyone besides me not find that a form of discrimination? These things should be among other criminals,not forced to be alone with a guard watching every second !!!
Can't we maybe all sue to give them the right to be among other homo sapiens?
Anonymous said…
I still think the mother should be charged. She knowingly left the kids with a known sex offender and she has admitted prior knowlege of that fact.
I hope she is never able to get those kids back!
Anonymous said…
I hope Bubba shoves a mop handle so far up his . . . well - you know what I mean. I think these guys are protected by the ACLU . . .
Anonymous said…
I gre up in Bryan and can't believe such a horrible thing happened there. The eagle is a joke of a paper. You wouldprobably find more accurate information from one the TV Channel websites.
Anonymous said…
after reading this, I am speechless as well.

Magnolia, I am with you on the movement, I do not think it is discrimination either.
Anonymous said…
Look! I live here in Bryan. Jerry Rangel was..or should i say, IS, my best friend. You guys have all the facts screwed up and i am here to tell everyone that i know him personally. He was not this monster that you have made him out to be. Yes, the cops did do a sloppy job at the crime scene. Yes, he had an ugly past but i bet you didnt know that in the previous case were he was convicted, he was only 12 years old and the girl was 11? Did you know that the girl was his stepsister. From what i understand the two kids had been sleeping together for months when her mother found out and pressed charges. Why was he convicted and sent to TYC for 8 years. Because he already had a ungly crimanal past at the age of 12. GET YOUR FACT STRAIGTH BEFORE YOU GO PASSING JUDGMENT. ONLY GOD WILL JUDGE no only my homeboy but all of us. I am so sorry but you people did not know Jerry and i did. As a matter of fact he is doing well, i talked to him Friday.
Back off! He didnt do it. Do me a favor and make sure you keep on writing all this bullshit about my homeboy whenever the cops get the results from the rape kit and DNA. My homeboys name will clear, and i want you all to reflect on how stupid you were for passing judgment so quickly.

Have a nice day!!!

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