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Alice Day, and the Pedo Blogs

Regular readers, sorry but I have to make the following announcement.

Hello you sicko freaks. Seems that the infamous pedophile Lindsay has decided to link this page, due to my outrage that Alice Day and other pedophile filth is being displayed on your sick blogs. I'd like to thank him for bringing you here- it's not often that I get a chance to tell you what scum of the earth you are.

May you burn in hell.

Now, back to my normal readers.

I know that everyone in the blogosphere is sharing in the outrage that Blogger is hosting pedophile sites. I've commented that if it wasn't so damn sad... I'd laugh at their "new discovery", because like many of you regular readers know... a few of us ol' crime bloggers have been talking about this very thing for months. Only we where nice enough to include Live Journal, Xanga, Myspace, you know almost all the social blogging networks. There have even been bloggers that complained about this over a year ago.

So despite it being the "new" rage of the blogosphere... it's really sort of old news to some of us. However, that doesn't make me any less happy that someone else is now standing up to take notice and to inform others that this sort of sick behavior is going on.

Which brings me to Alice Day, it's coming up soon. This is a day celebrated by the sick monsters that would like to prey upon your children for their own deviant sexual desires. I kid you not. Personally, I think it's about damn time that we all work together to take back April 25... making it the day the blogosphere wins against the pedophiles. Do not let them get away with the filth that they spread, do not let them rejoice in knowing that they are clicks away from your children. Do not let them continue to abuse freedom of speach by passing off their illegal and heinous behavior as something acceptable.

I know that some of you are just link clickers... and that's okay. I like link clickers. You don't have to know how to search out these sickos... you only have to know that they are there... lurking on the internet... waiting. I also know that some of you are highly talented "search artist", hell you could find what you were looking for with an out dated desktop, a dial up connection and the worlds worst search engine. And, that's okay too. Whatever your position is on the web... link clicker, searcher, reader, blogger- it doesn't matter. Because what I am asking of you will take nothing but a little time.

Follow this link, read the post and then follow the link that they provide... and click the "FLAG" button. Perhaps if Google gets enough of these... they'll understand that we as a society are not "okay" with having this filth around.

For those interested in helping a little more, I have found (it took less than 5 minutes) the following blogger users who are admitted pedophiles. Clicking on the link below will provide you with blogger profile information, some of their post copies and even a yahoo profile or two. One even claims to be a teacher in Ohio at a middle school. "Searchers" will know what to do with the information... "link clickers" may want to peek to see what is out there. You'll have to copy and paste links, because I refuse to make them click-able. click here... for the latest pervs... (toledo ohio teacher according to profile)

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maybe you're a pedophile too?

pedophiles v. homosexual deviants
10 year old impregnated by 75 year old man!
virginia, isn't she a little young?

posted by a pedophile at 21:04 | 5 comments

pedophiles or child molestors?

pedophillia is the love of children. i love kids so the kidnapping, rapes and murder of the girls in florida makes me sick. these people aren't girl lovers but girl haters. kidnapping is evil. hurting a child is evil. non-consensual sex is evil. rape is evil. murder is evil. child molesters are evil. anyone who kidnaps, rapes or murders isn't a lover but a hater and deserves to die.

posted by a pedophile at 20:13 | 1 comments

the thought police attack

Dear Mr. Roberts:

I see that you have offered a “bounty” of $1,000 for a NAMBLA member via your morning program on KFMB San Diego. You specify on your website:

“If you know someone who is a member, give me their name, location, and credible information that they are members of NAMBLA, and I will give you $1000 out of my pocket”

My name is Kevin Brown, I reside in Indianapolis, Indiana, and I am a NAMBLA member – as well as a publicly “out” pedophile to my friends, family, coworkers, and the world at large.

I am also the Executive Director of the Paed Foundation. Our organization is dedicated to promoting acceptance of minor-attracted adults in society. Our current project is the production of “Adam’s End (Confessions of a Pedophile)”, which will appear in Manhattan this summer. It features an actor who is also a pedophile acting the lead role of Adam, who is a middle-school teacher. We are casting child actors in the production and seek in the opening of the play to humanize pedophilia for our audience by showing Adam’s interaction with his peers and students. He is “outted” in the play and the last portion of the performance examines ramifications to Adam’s life after this event.

As you know, such projects are expensive. I could really use your $1,000 to help finance the production. I will make you an offer: if you prepay round-trip airfare from Indianapolis to San Diego ($290 or so looking at, you may deduct it from the $1,000 leaving my production with $710 for play expenses. I will wager you forty push-ups that I get more mileage out of it promoting pedophilia than you do seeking hatred against us. In any case I wouldn’t be afraid of a pedophile in your studio for a morning. It should at least garner you some publicity.

I would expect assurance of safe transport from the airport to your studio and back, and an opportunity to speak briefly between us before we are on air.


Kevin Brown
Executive Director, Paed Foundation

well he went on the show and what did the thought police do to him for admitting being a "minor-attracted-adult" who had never acted on his own sinful desires?

They took my son from me tonight and he is in a foster home with strangers.

Free speech was all it was. Constitutionally protected free speech which does not apply to me the same as it does to other people, my peers, in this country. Want to make me a g*d d*mn vocal activist? It ain't just words no more is it?

I am told it will be on all the local news channels, every news program, tomorrow night here in Indianapolis. Pedophile playwright loses custody of his son.

I am talking to my attorney now. The United Nations will be involved tomorrow via their Human Rights project. I will fight back and win. Ya ain't taking g*d d*mn custody of my son from me, I didn't do anything wrong. And then what will the haters have accomplished? P*ss*d me off so much I get my sh*t together and fight back loudly, vocally?

Don't need told-you-so's from my brothers and sisters. If it wasn't now it'd be tomorrow, the next day, I've lived in fear of it his whole life now. Better to hash this sh*t out now, while he's little, and settle it than for it to come up when he's five, six, and it is devestating to him. What the f*ck are those people thinking? I am going to shut up now, I'm p*ss*d.

Kevin Brown
Pedophile Father and Husband

posted by a pedophile at 19:38 | 2 comments

i think my pastor is a pedo too!

my pastor is kind of weird. reverend s*** keeps his wife and daughter locked up when he is not home and they home school. he makes them cover up from neck to wrist to ankle and they only seem happy when he's gone. his pubescent daughter fears him and now she looks pregnant although she's never allowed to go out of the house without daddy. if he's forcing incest on her then that's bad. should i call the police with my suspicions?

posted by a pedophile at 19:14 | 0 comments

a quote

i'd venture to guess that anyone who's had the misfortune of falling prey to their morbid curiosity by downloading these videos from their favorite p2p locations immediately regret having done so, and wish to god they could purge these images from their minds, and close pandora's box like it was never opened. but they can't. and though we all believe we've been desensitized [...] by hollywood, these sights and sounds are like nothing any of us have ever experienced before, and will likely stay with us forever.

posted by a pedophile at 19:07 | 0 comments

smiles can be as good as hugs or kisses!

heidi smiles and i smile. nothing's as sweet as her smile. i smile, she smiles. she smiles, i smile. i get lost in her smile. i'm in love. it will never be more than a love of 2 friends, a love shared by smiles, and hugs but that's all i need. i love her. i love her smile.

posted by a pedophile at 13:53 | 2 comments

alice day — april 25

charles lutwidge dodgson, in his years-long devotion to alice liddell, gave an excellent example of girllove in its purest form. his love for alice was selfless and unconditional, and continued long after they fell out of contact and she became a woman.

for this reason, many girllovers celebrate alice day, using it as a day to rejoice in the gift of girllove and affirm the ideal so aptly typified by this special relationship. alice day occurs each year on the 25th of april, the day that charles lutwidge dodgson originally met alice liddell in 1856.

some girllovers extend this day into a ten-day period of celebration and commemoration ending on the 4th of may — alice liddell’s birthday.

posted by a pedophile at 15:25 | 0 comments

heidi and me

heidi: i love heidi. i really, really do. sadly she's sick. i'm not one to f*ck a little girl, even if it's a fantasy of mine. i just wanna hold her and let her know that she's loved. i love you heidi!

me: i think there's no such thing as an average pedophile. i realized i'm a pedophile after viewing child porn on accident. first it sickened me then later (i saw images of girls enjoying it) they turned me on! i'd always liked younger girls but also dated girls my age. i'm told i'm attractive and have had many succesful relationships. i still like girls my age but i like the younger ones too. i've never molested anyone and never will. i'll keep it a fantasy. these days i even try to stay away from the online fantasy stories and artwork, legal as they may be.

posted by a pedophile at 19:08 | 0 comments

conscientious pedophile movement

interesting group!

posted by a pedophile at 18:23 | 0 comments

int'l symbol of man-girl love

posted by a pedophile at 16:51 | 1 comments

pedophile test

i passed. or did i fail?

posted by a pedophile at 16:25 | 0 comments

ephebophilia and hebephilia

ephebophilia, also known as hebephilia, is the sexual attraction of an adult to adolescents.

ephebophilia is not considered a disorder or perversion. it is natural for adult men to have a sexual attraction to especially young girls. however, the people attracted to may be below the age of consent, and when they are models in pornography, this may be considered child pornography.

paedophilia or pedophilia (american english) (greek pais boy, child, and philia friendship, icd-10 f65.4) is the primary sexual attraction toward prepubescent children. alternative spellings in british english are paedophilia or pædophilia. pedosexuality is used as a synonym.

the term "paedophilia erotica" was coined in 1896 by the vienna psychiatrist richard von krafft-ebing in his writing.Psychopathia sexualis. His definition is basically still valid. The following characteristics are given:
the sexual interest is toward children, either prepubescent or at the beginning of puberty
the sexual interest is the primary one, i. e. exclusively or mainly toward children
the sexual interest remains over time
occasionally definitions additionally require an age difference of at least five years. on the other hand, a pedophilic sexual orientation often develops during puberty or childhood.

a person is not pedophile if he can be sexually aroused by children, but his primary sexual attraction is not towards them. there is empirical proof that this is the case for at least a quarter of all adult men (freund & costell 1970, hall et al. 1995, quinsey et al. 1975).

note that pedophilia can be diagnosed solely in the presence of fantasies or sexual urgeson the subject's part -- it need not involve sexual acts with children. pedophilia is not a legal category or term, and although the acts pedophiles desire to carry out are criminal in some jurisdictions, they are not legally referred to as pedophilia.

boylover or girllover is a non-sadistic pedophile or ephebophile interested in boys or girls respectively. some, however, may have an unusual but non-sexual interest in boys or girls and therefore be neither pedophiles nor ephebophiles in a technical sense. this emphasizes emotional affection rather than sexual acts. some boylovers and girllovers defines the terms boylover and girllover as a person, who has a sexual, emotional and spiritual attraction to children of the preferred sex.

source: ames, a. & houston, d.a. legal, social, and biological definitions of pedophilia. archives of sexual behavior, 19, 1990, 333-342.

posted by a pedophile at 00:01 | 0 comments


one affected with pedophilia.
synonyms: paedophile, pedophiliac

sexual fondness and activity of adults with children.
synonym: paedophilia

relating to or exhibiting pedophilia.
synonym: paedophilic

posted by a pedophile at 16:09 | 1 comments

interesting articles

child sexuality
child sexual abuse
child pornography

posted by a pedophile at 19:34 | 1 comments

Aboutmusings of a sometime girl lover -- a nonpractising pedophile -- suffering with occasional pedophilia.

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pedophiles or child molestors?
the thought police attack
i think my pastor is a pedo too!
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smiles can be as good as hugs or kisses!
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heidi and me
conscientious pedophile movement
int'l symbol of man-girl love
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Anonymous said…
Do not forget that Charles Dodgeson is better known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll Yep, that is the one and the Alice in question is the one he immortalized.
Reading some of this materia I can only say, they must be living in Wonderland to think this is a "good" thing
Anonymous said…
You are doing a great job exposing this sick stuff. I love your Einstein quote at the top. Hopefully now that the word is spreading something can be done about these despicable blogs.
Anonymous said…
Step One: Recognize that minors are indeed sexual creatures, no matter how delusional you may be

Step Two: Stop trying to protect me out of my humanity. Thanks. (I'm a 16yo girl, and I also felt this way when I was nine, so please stop pretending you know what kids are like)

Step Three: Read this little copy/pasted thing I said elsewhere:

You make it so minors are able to feel comfortable discussing their sexuality, if not with parents, then with medical professionals or therapists. You make it so that they won't be blasted for it or reported to the parents if they insist their parents don't know. You make it a topic that can be discussed as freely as two adults who are dating because THEN, the need for secrecy will vanish. Nobody would be going, "You better keep this a secret, or your mommy won't love you," (the most common source of abuse-as-in-force is one's own near relatives -- situational offenders who are not pedophiles so much as assholes with a need for power) because it would be just as ludicrous as telling it to a thirty-year-old.

Also, I tend to think that foot rubs would be just as traumatic as sex can be if our society decided one day to make it so. If someone is raised hearing the following...

"Don't let anyone touch your feet, even if it feels good. That's bad and it's wrong."

"It's sick for adults to touch the feet of children."

"It's sick for children to touch each other's feet."

"Oh, look at that pedo(haha, a bad pun...)phile! He rubbed a little girl's feet. He should fucking burn in Hell, the bastard!"

"All adults who touch children's feet should get the death penalty!"

"What a sick fuck -- he has pictures of children's feet on his computer!"

"Cover your feet up! You don't want any sick men seeing your feet."


...then I'm sure you can imagine that instead, we'd be discussing how to keep adults from exploiting childrens' feet. Our society creates victims.

Step Four: Realize that it's not too late for you to fix your ageist bigot ways.

Yay! So Simple.
Lilo said…
Ella, when you are older and have the beginning of maturity approaching your warped little mind, feel free to come back and talk to the adults.

What you are comparing is in no way even close to the sexual abuse of a child. And in honesty, if you still feel the same way about sex that you did at 9, then it only goes to show that you have not matured to the point of being able to make logical points- let alone actually have any idea of what a sexual relationship is meant to be.There is a difference between a 9 year old and a 16 year old, and it's truly sad that you have been conditioned to the point that you lack to see the basic differences in that. Perhaps with age and counseling- the apparent damage that has been done to you can be corrected, and I hold out hope that you will one day be able to reach the point where you can resolve your seriously sad lack of common sense when it comes to pedophiles and their deviant beliefs.

If you'd like, I can assist you in finding a well qualified counselor.
Anonymous said…

Read the articles/statistics on childhood sexuality.

And I can see that your arguments are made purely of propaganda, because if they weren't, you'd be explaining why you disagree with me instead of just the fact that you do disagree.
Anonymous said…
(A quick message to lostinlimaohio)


"Ella, when you are older and have the beginning of maturity approaching your warped little mind, feel free to come back and talk to the adults."

You validate Ella's point with this cop-out, you know...

Anyway, assuming that minors are as important to you as the impression you gave earlier, I'm surprised that you aren't more willing to hear one out when they disagree with you.

Please, if you claim to be concerned with minors then be concerned with them.

You, yourself, said, "there is a difference between a 9 year old and a 16 year old", so instead of brushing 'Ella' off as some silly child, why don't you treat her as though she can reason?

Besides, arguing ad himonem doesn't validate your opinions anyway.
Anonymous said…
Too bad your blog is all about promoting hated and promoting child abuse.

You will never succeed at your goal because you have no idea who your enemy is. You are alienating the very people (child lovers) who work everyday to help children. We oppose child molestation - you don't even seem to realize who is doing most of the molestation.

-Forever a Girl Lover
Anonymous said…
Hello LIL,

First off, allow me to introduce myself--I am Todd Nickerson, a self-identified and self-outed pedophile. Now let me point out what that means: I am attracted to little girls, period. It says nothing of about my tendency to act or not act on it--it is, like homosexuality, a sexual orientation and not a tendency, a state of being and not a state of doing.

Of course, it is not in the media's interest to make this distinction. I know; I hold a degree in journalism. The media generates an 'us and them' mentality, what media theorists call the Game Schema, which serves the bottom line very well.

Sensationalism, fear-mongering and seperating the world into distinct groups of good and evil people are part of that Game Schema.

The reality of pedophilia is far different, and you and others like have a vested interest in destroying the evidence of that, which is why you are on a crusade against ped-oriented blogs.

Such blogs are the evidence of the blossoming of freedom of speech, for a truly free world tolerates not only speech it agrees with but that which it doesn't.

Likewise, in my experience, the most vehement of anti-peds tend to be repressed peds themselves. I know this too, as I once was one of the strongest and loudest anti-ped voices out there, even as I knew what I was inside.

I had inklings of what I was when I was twelve or thirteen, and by high school could no longer deny it to myself, no matter how loud I shouted that pedos were sick and evil.

So, when I see the lengths people such as yourself go to to eliminate what you perceive as a threat to children, what I really see is someone who feels threatened by the confrontation of their own sexual insecurities.

BTW, I know Ella well. She is an absolutely wonderful girl, far more intelligent than most 25 year olds I've met. By insulting her obvious wisdom, you only make yourself look foolish, and by condescending to her as you did, you only underscore the reality that you aren't really concerned about minors at all.

You not only illegitimized her thoughts and feelings--you did so with barely contained sarcasm and an obvious air of superiority. Not that I'm surprised--its the standard M.O. of "child advocates" to treat them as sub-human or somehow incomplete beings.

At any rate, if you wish to report me or come after me and do me bodily harm, as so many of you faceless Bloggers like to threaten, by all means, track me down. E-mail me and I'll even give you my home address. Of course, be prepared to meet resistance--I'm no pushover.

I'm not a child molester and never will be. I don't look at child porn. So, why would I risk coming forward then, knowing how dangerous it is for us out in the open and knowing that by coming out, I have essentially lost the ability be around children?

Some things are worth fighting, or even dying, for. The right to my identity is one of those things, and right to speak my mind, to present the other side of the issue is another.

If you are fighting child molestation and child rape, I commend you. I would even support you in that goal.

But do not make the mistake of confusing those who belong to the thriving community of peds online with child molesters (most of whom, according to the FBI's Kenneth Lanning, are not even pedophiles anyway but situational molesters. In other words, most child molesters are garden variety heteros with poor impulse control, marriage problems, or sexual frustration and are presented with a convenient vessel to channel their frustration.)

If you would bother to do the actual research, you might learn a thing or two about what real peds are all about, but I'd wager you have no interest in that. If you learned the truth, you might come to understand just how alike you and I are, and you just couldn't have that, now could you?

Anonymous said…
Enough with the damned martyr act! You want to have sex with children and are unhappy that "oppressive society" wants to protect its children from you. Sorry, Todd. No sympathy here. You will do semantic gymnastics to deny that. You will claim that the children crave it, ergo is not molestation. Fortunately, my children are now old enough that you and your ilk are no longer an issue for them. However, there will most likely be grandchildren in the future. I am glad Todd has identified himself so we will know who to avoid.
As far as your less honest fellow travellers... let 'em try, it will be their last breath.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
JRob, pedophiles aren't the only ones who think children are sexual beings. The children seem to think it too. ;p

Open your eyes.

It seems to me that people rant about wanting to protect minors without meaning a damn word of it. As soon as I, a minor, say something which does not follow society's idea of how a minor should feel, I am no longer supposed to be protected. Suddenly I'm a monster or an idiot or immature or pointless. Suddenly I have a "twisted little mind" simply because I DEMAND my HUMANITY, and I demand the humanity of others to be respected as well.

So what am I? A child who needs protection from myself, or a predator?

You. can't. have. both.
Anonymous said…
Ella, my comment was directed at Todd. Nobody is denying your humanity except for those who wish to use you for their own gratification. That applies not only for minors but adults as well. You are neither a monster, idiot or pointless. Maturity remains to be seen, but maturity is not a precondition for humanity. A newborn is much a human as a centurgenarian and everything in between. But if you cannot distinguish between a comment addressed to someone else and take that as a personal attack, then I do have to question your maturity.
Anonymous said…
Being public comments, I believe everyone is allowed to reply to the comments directed at others. I realize your comment was directed at Todd. I suppose I was not clear in that my most recent reply was general, meant for you and the original poster of this blog entry as well as anyone reading who feels that pedophilia is intrinsically wrong and that I am somehow an idiot for disagreeing.

You see above, lostinlimaohio replied to me in a patronizing tone. It is hard to believe that one who would put me down for my youth actually believes that youths are full humans instead of unformed parts of wholes. We all evolve in our lives, but it is a mistake to say that a five-year-old is less whole then a fifteen-year-old and a thirty-year-old less whole than a sixty-year-old.

Thank you for replying to me now though. Thank you for not insulting me. Thank you for reading the words I am saying instead of assuming a meaning I've never stated. That is more than I expect, and it is refreshing.

However, I wish you would do the same for Todd. He could not choose to be attracted to adults any more than you could choose to be gay if you're straight or straight if you're gay.

I admit I'm coming from a biased spot - he's my friend. Without any hope or desire to use me for sexual gratification, he and several other pedophiles listen to me when my own mother makes my life hell. So, yes, I'm biased...

But I know this:

Being a pedophile and being a good human being are not mutually exclusive. Even if you disagree with pedophilia, I am certain you realize that every human being has both good and bad aspects. I object to the idea that a pedophile can’t be kind, can’t be brave, can’t be an essentially good human being simply because they find children’s emotions wondrous and children’s bodies aesthetically appealing.

Children are precious - and I don't mean precious as in cute, I mean precious as in incredibly valuable. Though not all pedophiles are respectful to children, many are. Pedophiles such as Todd above, or such as Lindsay Ashford, care more about children than half of the Children's Services workers I have had the great displeasure of interacting with. Their love is not tainted simply because there is a sexual side to it - particularly because sexuality is beautiful when force is not involved.

I may be immature - nobody can be the judge of their own maturity. I am too close to my own situation to be objective. But if part of being an adult is learning to see sex as evil, dirty, and wrong - as seeing one of the greatest gifts of life as sick and traumatic - then I never want to be an adult.

I spent enough years in my childhood feeling guilty for my sexual feelings towards adults and/or sexual feelings in any way. Being sixteen, I am probably closer to childhood than the others posting here, and I am simply trying to tell you all what the situation looks like from where I stand.

Thank you for listening.
Lilo said…

Using a child for sexual gradification tends to out weight any "good qualities" a person may have. Children are precious, and clearly need to be protected from those who would prey upon their vulerably minds... I regret that you were not blessed with someone that was wiling to protect your impressionable young mind. And so you know, I really am willing to help you get some sort of counseling, because I strongly feel that you need it, and that the right counsler may help you to understand and deal with whatever trama you have experienced that lead you to the path you are on.

Love is a complicated thing, and as you mature, I can only hope that you are able to see the difference between the deviant sexual desires of Ashford- and those like him, and the real love that exists in the world.

As for Todd- knowing that a person has any sexual interest in a child is enough for me. You could find the cure for cancer- and I would still see you as the sick and demented individual you are. You are nothing more than a boil on society's ass.

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Sen. Kennedy

empirical- ADJECTIVE: Relying on or derived from observation or experiment: empirical results that supported the hypothesis. Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment: empirical laws. Guided by practical experience and not theory, especially in medicine Kennedy hate crimes rider may doom Hatch's sex offender bill By Robert Gehrke The Salt Lake Tribune WASHINGTON - A fight over federal hate crimes legislation could torpedo Sen. Orrin Hatch's push to strengthen the nation's sex-offender registries and clamp down on sex crimes. The Senate Judiciary Committee gave quick, unanimous approval to Hatch's bill Thursday, clearing its way for consideration by the full Senate. But Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said he plans to try to attach language to a bill that would require tougher sentences, provide federal assistance and offer grants to prosecute hate crimes - those motivated by hatred for a race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. The White ...


I sometimes wonder if certain men have some sort of animal DNA breed into them. The type of DNA or whatever it is that makes animals ritually preform certain actions. Like lions, when a male lion takes over a pride it'll often kill the offspring of the previous male, before mating with the female lions and creating cubs of it's own. I only wonder this, because it seems like there are an overwhelming number of men out there that end up killing the children of their girlfriends, not all of them do- but on a case by case comparison between girlfriends killing their boyfriends offspring and boyfriends doing it, it just seems that it's a lot more common amoung men. NOT THAT ALL OF THEM DO THIS... there are some great boyfriends/stepfathers out there that actually take care of kids as if they are their own... but then we have cases like Christopher Thunborg and Kashon Scott. Thunborg was babysitting his girlfriend's 11 month of baby in March when police say he caused ...

WTW Someone Please Help Us

There's so much to work with, I'm going to just hit as much as I can. Ashely Simpson decided to pick a fight at McDonald's. Betting millions that if the employee would just go and get the manager- the manager would just love her. Simpson's climbing on the counter and irate behavior where in typical White Trash Style. Great coverage at Stereogum. Tom Cruise has decidedly canned his sister for her inability to help him keep his mouth shut. Evidently he needs a real professional as his PR person- in order to keep him in line. It's just not right firing family because you're and idiot. Kate Hudson is suing someone because of photos of her in which she looks like a starving actress. She claims the images suggest she has a eating disorder- no Kate, it's not the images, it's the you. One should not sue because they have starved themselves to the point of it being noticeable in photos. Please stop by these other great sites to read more WHITE TRASH WEDNESDAY B...