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This land is my land, this land is not your land...

I was reading the illegal immigrant news this morning... you know, all about the Spanish National anthem... and all about their big rally May 2... and I started thinking. Perhaps, just perhaps we need to stand up. It may be a really good time to remind everyone who's country this is.
12 million illegals... heh, I think we can beat that. The rough estimate is that the US has a population of 298,000,000, or close too it. Take away the estimated 12 million illegals, and we still have 286,000,000 give or take some. So, basically, if one were to be honest- a boycott by legal citizens would be more impressive. 12 million illegals, who can not legally vote verses 286 million citizens who can minus children and some criminals.
My country. Not theirs.
My taxes, my jobs, my political leaders.
286 million people should be able to remind law makers just who put them in office.
286 million people should be able to remind companies who buys their products.
286 million people should be able to sing the true National Anthem, in English.
286 million people should be able to know that this country is ours.

Stand up, be proud and demand that they take notice.

National Boycott Plans Creating a New Divide


Anonymous said…
I hope this completely backfires on these illegals.....Everyday it just makes me more and more outraged. Lilo, the date I believe is May Day...May 1st...on Monday. It has been proven too....that illegals are voting. (reported on it awhile back)
Anonymous said…
Summed up nicely,Lilo.
I'll just add an Amen.
Lilo said…
I have ancestors who came over on the Mayflower... I don't recall them starting any reservations as I am sure that that happened much later. I also have ancestors that are Irish, and by the time they showed up the reservations deal was already in place. But hey, nothing like you blaming my entire bloodline for everything. Thanks.

And if you weren't such an idiot you'd have glanced through my posts and found where I favor settling the lawsuit held locally throughout Ohio and Michigan with the Native Americans. And since I have enough Native American Indian in my bloodline to trace that family map out too- I guess next you'll try to pin all the pioneers who were scalped and killed, during raids on me too.

I don't have any ignorance to my country's founding... I know the history thank you. However, I do have a great deal of disrespect for those who would wave a flag ABOVE the flag of the United States, who would refuse to learn the native tongue, who would demand public assistance without paying the funding for it.

I have no problem with immigrants... in fact the country is based upon the notion that America is a melting pot of cultures... the issue develops when a criminal decides that they are above the law, and sneaks in under the cloak of darkness, and then continues to insult my country by not paying taxes, using public services that my taxes pay for, illegally voting, working below legal wages to undercut true Americans, developing gangs, becoming even worse criminals, and expecting me to embrace their language because they are too lazy to learn mine. The list goes on and on and on.
Anonymous said…
my relatives can also be traced to the mayflower...gee, wonder if we are related. i'm part irish too...also part english and a good percentage of native american...cherokee. you are one of those people who want to blame societial ills on immigrants. but in reality i can't imagine you out picking strawberries in the hot sun all day for low pay. you say you would if you would get paid decent?! hmmm...let's think about that. you start to pick strawberries for a "decent" wage and i have to pay more for my strawberries at the grocery story. plus, do you know how much $$ immigrants plow back into our economy. one recent study by a conservative think tank said that they money they put back in, both in taxes and just "life" spending, far exceeds the amount of the services they receive.

like your forefathers, they have come for a better life. but i'm sure, with your superior intellect you already know that. you know, the lady that cleans my house every week is what you would consider an "illegal alien". i wouldn't trade her for the world.

as for your historical knowledge, i doubt you are as clear as you think you are. i've read the stuff you've's too bad you are from lima though. i spent a lot of time there as a child. my uncle pastored a church there. the people i ran into were all really nice...not bigots like your writings (at least regarding race) make you appear to be.

a proud american!
Lilo said…
"not bigots like your writings (at least regarding race) make you appear to be."

Race? I haven't said one thing about race. Ever. Let's see, I talk about criminals, the occasional politics, perverts- A LOT about perverts... but race? WHERE?
A year of writing, 60,000 plus visitors, and YOU are the first to accuse me of anything "regarding race"

And so you know, I've spent summers paying people to let me pick strawberries all day in the hot sun, so really BAD comparison there on your part.
Lilo said…
And I must say, I'm glad to know that you too are a criminal... how much you pay that cleaning lady of yours?
Anonymous said…
i pay her $500 a week. if my budget supported more, i'd pay her more. she's been in my employ for 10 years. her daughter is a US citizen and will graduate highschool this year and has been accepted to several prestigous universities. i'm proud of this hard-working family that i've had the honor of helping a little bit. i'd do it again!

a proud american!
Anonymous said…
Proud American my ass. You could get a good cleaning,too for half that.
My people didn't get here on the far as I know. I do know that my family has had multiple military members in every single war since the Revolution and do to this very day. I have Apache in me, little English/Irish and French and Italian. I married into a family of LEGAL immigrants, from Lebanon/ children are half Arabic.

I actually know people that need money enough to pick berries,rake yards, food even, and they are all LEGAL citizens.
I have no use for anyone that supports criminal activity in any're a proud anti American.
Anonymous said…

what an arrogance you have about you...especially when you know not what you talk about. i am a proud american! i have a son who is in the marines currently serving our country in iraq. both of my grandfathers fought with honor in WWII...i've got my maternal grandfather's medals to prove it.

i pay my cleaning lady what i do because she does a damn good job. why would i want to be crooked in my pay. $100 a day isn't a whole lot for keeping a 7,000 sq ft house in pristine order. perhaps in rural america, i could get away with paying someone a lot less...but i don't live in rural america. i live in a city that is considered one of the most expensive to live.

as much as people like yourself love to throw up crap lines like you "know" legal people who would love to clean the 10 toilets, etc. in my house for $250 a week, it's not matter how much you wish it to be so. i would do it again! this woman has become part of our family, as we have hers. she too has a son who has just joined the army and will proudly serve this country wherever he is deployed.

i have no use for people like yourself who choose to lay all things bad at the doorstep of undocumented workers. it's just an excuse and a lousy one at that and it creates divides where there should be none. we don't live in a feudal society anymore...nor should we!

a proud american!
Lilo said…
Since there is so much love between you and her, can we assume that you have been helping to make her a legal citizen? Have you assisted in helping her apply for a visa, done anything to help her become a legal documented worker? Do you take out taxes from her paycheck? Provide her with insurance?

Before you go talking about how "she's family" now, perhaps you should be looking at just what you have done to help her become a legal worker. Or.. haven't you?
Anonymous said…
My arrogance probably stems from me being a LEGAL citizen. This is the issue. LEGAL VS NOT LEGAL !
I don't like people that cheat. Tells me all I want to know about their character. Feel the same way baouse those that supply the "cheat" sheets ,too.
Anonymous said…
ABOUT**** hard to type when kitty feller helpin' ya.
Anonymous said…
Yes Lilo, we have an attorney who is working quite diligently to help this lady (and her husband) became citizens of the country she considers home now. And yes, we do take out taxes (it's a little tricky I'll admit and I don't fully understand how that'd have to ask our accountant) from her pay. We also provide health insurance through our HMO for her entire family (her husband works in landscraping). Like I mentioned before, both of her children were born in the US and are citizens. One will graduate from high school next month, the other has recently enlisted in the Army to give back a little to the country that has given he and his family so much.

A Proud American!

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