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Save The Children.Org

There are numerous charities out there that advertise themselves as a charity designed to help children in need. Most that you hear of are big enough to advertise in order to continue educating people about their services, and to help gather donations for what is a very worthy cause. Every now and then however, these organizations are given free publicity. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.
For one such charity organization, the free publicity they were getting without their knowledge, wasn't the kind most child focused charities really want.
Let me explain a little. This morning I received the following in a email, from a fellow blogger.

It seems that uber perverts Lindsay Ashford and Todd Nickerson are at it
again. Nickerson, Ashford and their buddies have been trying to give
themselves a 'good face' by donating money to charity! Yep, they managed
to scrounge up over a thousand dollars that they sent in to Save the
Children. What's worse, Save the Children accepte the money and sent
them a thank you letter, that they are now trumpeting as a 'success'
( ). I can hardly believe
that Save the Children could have known that these folks were scumbags,
but they are claiming that they said so.

I looked through the link, which also provided the letters sent to them from Save the Children, and went to work contacting Save The Children, requesting a reaction to this "press release" from them. The first person I talked with did not seem interested, and promptly transferred me to voice mail. I called again, and this time explained that I planned on blogging this, and sharing it as much as I possibly could, and that I was only being nice when I offered to give them a chance to react BEFORE I posted it. She did her damnedest to find someone to handle my questions during lunch hour when no one was in the main office. She did also confirm the donations- which under Todd Nickersons name totaled $1300.00 and state in which this perv lives. (Those in TN be warned) .

I sat back and waited, sort of wondering what this organization would do, and honestly, doubting that I'd hear much from anyone about it. Until my phone rang this afternoon, and it was someone from Save the Children. I talked with Eileen Burke of Save the Children this afternoon, and she was kind enough to inform me that since this has been brought to their attention they have already sent a return check for the amount donated to Nickerson. She clearly stated that Save the Children is an organization that in no way supports any type of abuse of children, including the sort promoted by Ashford and his "group". We had a nice conversation, and I was amazingly surprised by their quick action on this matter. She also sent me the following, to share so that the stand by Save the Children on this situation can be known in order to counteract Ashfords "press release".

Lilo* - thanks again for contacting us. Here is a response you can share on your blog and with other crime bloggers. Thanks so much, Eileen Burke


"We deeply appreciate you contacting us. This problem was first brought to our attention earlier today when another concerned citizen questioned the content and the nature of the group and its blog. We were not aware of the reputations of the individuals when the donations were made. We have already returned the donations and are now looking at ways to see how we can manage such donations in the future. We have also contacted the Connecticut Attorney General on this matter.

Save the Children remains an advocate for the protection - not the exploitation - of children. "

Save the Children

For as much as I know about it, Save the Children is a wonderful organization that reaches out to help children in need, it is a real shame that they have been used in this manner by a group like Girllovers, and hopefully, their prompt reaction to the problem, and great handling of it will inspire others to step up and offer assistance in place of the funds sent by Ashford. It's been rare for me to see companies willing to give up money because of questions surrounding where it came from.

I rarely ever stand up and endorse any charity, and while there are many that have proven to be worthwhile organizations, I can not more clearly state that this particular organization has impressed me by this. They have done what others may not, in returning much needed funds due to questions revolving around the source of funds. For those of you out there interested in make a donation to a respected charity, with integrity beyond the norm, I can't offer anyone more deserving. Perhaps, we can not only make up for the donations returned, but give above and beyond that.

*named changed
Categories: ,

Linked at the following Open Trackback hosting blogs (please visit them, bloggers like traffic) and other blogs covering this topic (marked with a **)
Cao's Blog
123 Beta

Woman Honor Thyself
Rose DesRochers**


Anonymous said…
I was one of the concerned individuals who contacted Save the children after receiving an email from Anti Pedophile Mother - Sara Copley.

I’ve just received an email from Save the Children insuring me that they were not aware of the reputation of this group or the person who sent the donation. They are now actively looking at ways to see how they can prevent this in the future.

You're more than welcome to link to my blog post.
Anonymous said…
Reading thids post made me curious on who this Ashford person was. This was actually the first time I heard that name. I went into his website and was not able to pass the Home page!! The nerve of this man!! I dont want to get too deep into my thoughts on the bastard because he is seriously going to ruin my Friday night but "yuk!!". Im also sorry to hear that the name of a good intended organization was stained by the name of this sickoo!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Lilo...crossposted and added my own paragraph ! Thanx.....
Oh..and I am so glad Sara multi mailed one should be able to tarnish this Foundation !!! Glad you ran with the ball...we know how Lindsay loves ya...I better scoot b4 you throw something at me....
Anonymous said…
Lilo, Twilight_Sky an admitted paedophile somehow got word of what we did and linked to both our blogs. He also made a post stating what we did was wrong.You can read it via my blog link. He sent Save the Children an email!
Anonymous said…
Twilight will latch onto you and not let go. He's rabid and gets his kicks harassing me. I have plans for him tho' LOL

Lilo, could you please email me? Couldn't find your email posted here.

Thanks! Great blog btw.
Anonymous said…
Perhaps, we can not only make up for the donations returned, but give above and beyond that.

ok, beanie babes - we got our money back (don't worry, plenty of other charities out there) and now it's your turn...

lets see if you can put your money where your mouths are.

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