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Jesus Cano

I may have mentioned somewhere along the way that I was raised in a very religious home. Now, while my faith in God is very strong, I haven't participated in the chosen religion of my family in quite some years.

There is a great deal of resentment on my part- and a great deal of stern beliefs on the part of the religion that I just can not endorse. However, I have to say that it is a rare occurrence for me to actually stick to the topics I cover on this blog, and have to mention that old religion of my family.

Jehovah's Witnesses have a interesting, to say the least, method of spreading their beliefs. Many of you are more than likely familiar with the Saturday morning knock on the door which often brings the smiling faces of a few well dressed visitors offering you "eternal life in paradise on earth", through a small magazine called The Watchtower. But, Jehovah's Witnesses are more than just the people interrupting your sleep early in the morning.

If you were to start at the basics, a "congregation" (local church) consists of families, many of whom are baptised members of the congregation. Above the members you have Ministerial Servants, who are a bit higher on the ladder, and then Elders, who oversee the congregation. Next in line are the District Overseers, who are heads of all the congregations in a area. The chain gets higher and higher, and thrown in there are pioneers, who spend at least so many hours a month dedicated to spreading the word of the religion, and special pioneers- who travel worldwide to deliver the message of Jehovah. It becomes a little more confusing when you add in the Farm and Bethel- which house a number of Jehovah's Witnesses, with each one dedicated to a certain task which is assigned to them. Those granted access to live at either the Farm in Wallkill or Bethel are a bit more special than others- and the work preformed is done so in order to assist in the daily needs of others who reside there, publishing their literature and overseeing other aspects of the church as a whole. For more information on the structure of the religion, see here.

Now, I know that I have often "picked on" the Catholic faith, not on a whole- but as a caution to the fact that sexual abuse within the realms of the Church is quite high. I've doubted for a long time that it is only Catholics who have this problem, it's just that it seems to be more present in the news. And I gather 90% of my posts from the news. At this point, I don't want anyone to feel that I am picking on one religion or another. So, please let me make this very clear:

There are corrupt people everywhere who would choose to prey upon children.

I don't care what religion you practice- somewhere there is someone who shares your faith that is "a bad apple". Deal with it. I'm not going to beat around the bush, or try to hold your hand while you learn to accept that. It's just the truth. Adjust to it.

That being said, it's rare that I become so involved in a story that I find the need to look closely at the religion of the person involved and ask what the religions stand is. It's rare, that I then openly object to that statement.

BUT I OBJECT TO THIS. And that link will take you the the press release statement from the Jehovah's Witnesses Office of Public Information, on child abuse.

Mr. Brumley, who is evidently the General Counsel for Jehovah's Witnesses seems to have taken a stand much like the one which has recently been villainized by those who oppose the Catholic Church's way of putting the laws of the land at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to dealing with child abuse. According to him, the order of importance as seen by JW's runs something like this:
Victims, and providing them with help
Abusers, and providing them with help
And then the authorities... because you know that at some point in time someone may want to follow the law and report instances of child abuse.

Really, the law? It's LAST? You're going to give a child abuser "help" and then what, wait a while while you're giving them their "help" before you report them? Exactly what "help" are you providing? Does it come with a nice legal defense for when you get around to reporting them?

Okay, I've really gotten more sidetracked than I had meant to on this. So, let me rewind a tad and get back to Jesus Cano, and just why I had to bring up the Jehovah's Witnesses to being with.

SOURCE- Police busted a New York minister after he allegedly took a hidden camera to O'Hare International Airport and videotaped young boys and men in the bathrooms.

CBS 2's Suzanne Le Mignot reports on the disturbing allegations that landed him in police custody.

Police in Middletown, NY, say 50-year-old Jesus Manuel Cano used a hidden camera to tape young boys and men while they were using the urinals at O'Hare Airport. Cano allegedly targeted six or seven bathrooms for six or seven hours at a time.

Evidence found in his car in Middletown, NY included a video camera with a disturbing tape that was shot at O'Hare Airport.

"After viewing the videotape, we'll be checking into the possibility that some crimes have been committed in Illinois," said Middletown Police Lt. Paul Rickard.

Cano came to the Middletown Police Department's attention because of a photo of his naked rear end. Police say he was passing out copies of naked photographs of himself to young boys to lure them for sexual encounters.

Now, normal Jehovah's Witnesses, those that are just baptized members are not regularly referred to as "ministers", and although it is completely possible I doubt that Cano is just a member. I've had trouble finding sources that actually connect him to living at the Wallkill Farms belonging to Jehovah's Witnesses, but I'm leaning towards the belief that he did, as references made are just enough to put two and two together. UPDATE: Confirmed that Cano lived in JW community, and was is a Mexican national having lived in the US on and off since the 70's.

SOURCE- Jesus Cano, the hamlet of Wallkill man who was arrested in the City of Middletown last weekend for allegedly soliciting teenage boys for sex, has been indicted by an Orange County grand jury.
"I am sure that a guy like you have a good number of girlfriends," starts the note police say he gave to gave out to teenage boys. It continues in awkward English: "If you Gould like to tried something different and brake the routine, please give me a call and let me know how I can reward you for your service. Please call me."

But, because the indictment has not been filed in Orange County Court – and that is expected to occur next week – District Attorney Frank Phillips could not detail its contents.

“We did assist the City of Middletown Police earlier this week in obtaining a search warrant from one of our county court judges to go and search Mr. Cano’s residence in Ulster County and we received very good cooperation from the Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ulster County. The Middletown Police were right on top of it and we were with them.”

This wasn't just a case of a man attempting to lure young boys into sexual contact. He had evidently, for some time been taping unsuspecting men and boys in public bathrooms, and of course, it gets worse the more I read about him.

SOURCE- The overnight raid at the suspect's house yielded much more evidence than police expected. They found hundreds of photographs, several computer memory sticks and DVDs – including one labeled "Chicago O'Hare Airport."

"Each one of the hard drives and the computers will be forensically looked at," said Middletown Sgt. Jerry Mishk.

Chicago police say they are aware of the new evidence. Chicago aviation officials say they are concerned those images may have been taken at O'Hare. Both agencies say they cannot comment on the evidence until after they have been briefed by New York police.

"When we went into the area that his roommate said was his area, we saw two computers set up, running simultaneously," Mishk said.

So far, Cano has only been charged in New York with two counts of attempting to promote an obscene gesture on a child. More charges could follow as Chicago police join in the investigation.

Middletown police say it will take days to examine the volume of evidence.

Police say they don't know how many times Cano came through O'Hare.

CBS 2 News has also learned Cano traveled in New York and South America with the Jehovah's Witnesses. Police now believe he may have used his trips to photograph children in sexual positions. Police theorize the pictures may be part of an international child pornography ring.

Given the fact that Cano more than likely was a resident at the Farms, and that he traveled outside of the US with Jehovah's Witnesses, it's a safe bet to believe that he was a special pioneer- which could have made an uncountable amount of children available to him. The evidence agaist him should make you raise more than just an eyrbrow. This isn't someone who has just begun. He's beening at it a while. Even the (now blurred) image of Cano that he is said to have passed (linked image may not be work safe) out to young boys in an attempt to convince them to contact him is disturbing.

While police are looking at the idea that Cano could be part of an international child pornography ring, I'm looking at back to the past when I attended a local congregation with my family. I recall the strict rules that frowned upon association with people who where not members of the church. I also recall the even stricter guidelines with which my brother adhered to while he lived at the Farms- yes, he was one of those special select few that were "blessed" with being chosen. I recall how his days where very laid out for him, and that there was little chance of associating outside of the company which joined him at the Farm.

I'm not suggesting that it would be completely impossible for Cano to have had a secret life outside of the religion, but given the strict guidelines by which members of both Bethel and the Farm live, given the rules and guidelines involved in being a special pioneer- which takes years of committed service as well as flawless recommendation from numerous people... it concerns me that perhaps rather than looking at an international situation- investigators may want to look internally at other Jehovah's Witnesses which Cano would have had contact with.



Anonymous said…
Hi LILO - I'm currently getting my blog up and running again. :) I like the work you are doing here!
Anonymous said…
I applaud your blog.
Dissident JW member speaks out.

The Jehovah's Witnesses have a BIG pedophile coverup problem!

The core dogma of the Watchtower organization is that Jesus had his second coming 'invisibly' in the year 1914.Their entire doctrinal superstructure is built on this falsehood.

Jehovah's Witnesses door to door recruitment is by their own admission an ineffective tactic. They have lost membership in all countries with major Internet access because their false doctrines and harmful practices are exposed on the modern information superhighway.

There is good and valid reasons why there is such an outrage against the Watchtower for misleading millions of followers.Many have invested everything in the 'imminent' apocalyptic promises of the Jehovah's Witnesses and have died broken and beaten.

Now if you wanted to know about the quality of a product,would you listen to the seller's pitch or a longtime customer?
Respectfully,Danny Haszard (click this link for more JW child abuse pedophile cover up)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the visit! You might not have recognized the blog under its most recent redesign.

The policy of the JWs is not to pursue accusations of child abuse (even sexual abuse) without two witnesses. Without two witnesses willing to testify to the elders, the victims are told to "wait on Jehovah" to take care of it.

They are known to have a substantial file of predators that they have not released to authorities. In their view, all "worldly" authorities are part of a satanic system of things that will shortly be destroyed by their so-loving God. There is even a "theocratic strategy" which attempts to justify lying to authorities, even in court. They also intervene when possible to make sure children stay with the JW parent in cases of divorce.

Victims of abuse are discouraged from seeking outside help of any kind, but of course the elders of the congregation are completely untrained in pastoral counselling (or much of anything else).

Also, the bias against women and children so evident in many authoritarian controlling groups operates with this one too, and since men are often in somewhat short supply...

Unlike other religious groups, there is no debate or discussion on such issues. Decisions are strictly from the top down because they believe the governing body in Brooklyn is the only true voice of God on the planet.

What is adds up to is that pedophiles can operate for years. There is a record of cases at, and some victims - now adults - have tried various ways of making the Watchtower Society accountable in some way.

You are right that investigators should interview other JWs, but they may not be forthcoming. They will obey the law (render unto Caesar) only so far as they have to do so - when they perceive any sort of conflict their loyalty is always to "the organization."
Anonymous said…
Though you are familiar with fam members that are JWs, I applaud your honesty and candor. You are not in La La Land when you state there can be bad apples in any religious organization...

The Watchtower Video organizational reply is from 4 years ago, but if you talked with individual JW families you'd get different answers on how they'd handle it if it were their kids (though they may not publicly admit it). Me personally? I might call the local conga after I talk to the cops (and if my kid was molested this would take place on my way to the hosptial) - period!

How he got away with it for this length of time beats me - especially with a roomate. I'm sure that's being investigated and questioned on the grounds. But he was swiftly dismissed off the property once this came to light - now folks are just waiting to read in the papers that he's not a JW at all given all his GROSS activities!

This makes us all look at what we represent, what policies are being inforced, and what we would or should personally do. More is forthcoming on this mess, but for those who are practical and balanced they'll realize you cannot trust anyone with your kids and that you should train them as well to not excuse inexcusable behavior as "normal".... no matter what rank/title they have!

Thanx for blogging the item and keep informed!
Anonymous said…

You may not be aware of a documentary produced a few years back about incest occurring within Jehovah's Witness families and the church's apparent cover-up, mentioned in one of the other posts here. I believe it was called "Suffer the Children" but I haven't been able to locate it online. Perhaps you'll have better luck.

Lilo said…
Having been raised in a family that is deeply dedicated to their religion, and having grown up with friends of that faith, I know that there are many JW's's who are completely upstanding. They live according to the faith that they have choosen, and truly are good people.
But as with any faith, there are going to be some who fall along the lines of Cano- predators in sheeps clothing.
It is not my intent to insult any religion, but if the statement is four years old- the society should either be updating it, or dismissing it completely. And honestly, even four years ago I would have expected a better reaction. Yes, there are some that will read that and then come to their own conclusion- but as anyone who has been around the society can tell you, there are many who live by the word as it comes down from the Governing Body, and will read that and take it as the gospel on the matter. On it's own that is a big reason why that statement is completely unacceptable.

Todd, I vaguely recall it, but will see what I can do to find it.
Lilo said…
is a link with a transcript of the show.
Lilo said…

that should work
Anonymous said…
Folks have got to use their brains and common sense when it comes to this crime and stop being blindsided. Also if indiviudals don't speak up and call authorities when they see sexual harrassment and other illegal activities in their homes, is it totally the religion to blame for this? Nope; its their sorry selves alone if they keep silent- Enablers and Co-conspirators if you really think about it....

There may be select individuals in their personal conga who are abusing their power when the Parent or Victim approaches them (I don't doubt it), but for some reason some folks'll join any religion and at times go into a thick mental haze and dismiss all reasonableness,common decency, and protocol when something like this happens. They feel they have to be lead by the hand and told what to do! Some simple parents take this route on purpose so if something goes wrong later they have a finger to point at... and meantime an adult or child is paying a physical and emotional price....

As you know if there are/were coverups they will come to light. Folks can and will address this painful sick matter as they see fit, and in the end it is a personal decision. I cannot speak for each persons individual circumstances past and present, but I wish and hope they are going thru any legal means available to have the matter addressed and most of all get all of the help due them.

You have fam who are JWs, so ask them what they would personally do. I know you'll get varying degrees of answers depending on the crime! And yup, the video response can use an update or perhaps be shelved- but that's just my opinion ;^)

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