Everyone, and I do mean everyone, makes bad choices. It's just the way life goes. Some of us make worse choices than others, again that's just the way life goes.... IF WE LET IT.
I'm really annoyed at this entire "it's not my fault, I'm completely free of blame" attitude displayed by so many people now a days. So, let me take a moment to clear a few of these "who's to blame" questions up:
You're sitting in your house when a tornado comes through- not your fault.
You're watching TV, see the news report that a tornado is headed you way, and you go outside to watch it. You get hit with a branch and die- you're fault.
You're walking down the street when suddenly a power line breaks and you get electrocuted- not you're fault.
You're walking down the street, see a power line down that happens to be in a pool of water, and you run over to play jump rope with it, and die- you're fault.
You're online and someone breaks into your house killing you- again not you're fault.
You're online and you invite someone over that you don't know but has multiple comments about wanting to kill people on their site. They get to your house and kill you- you're fault.
Do you see where I am going with this? You make BAD CHOICES, and you have to suffer the cost of that. Don't like it? Stop being stupid. It's that easy.
I know, you're wondering why I feel the need to address this. Well, here it is:
Bad situation. Tragic really. But, the story doesn't end there. It turns out Kach has decided to sue people involved in the case, because she feels that they didn't do enough to find her.
Pretty crappy of me to try to say she's wrong, that she should be taking responsibility for the fact that she was held captive, huh? Well, you might think that... until you see this gem:
I know, we don't blame victims. It's not PC. But, lets look at this.
She pursued an older man. Bad Idea.
She told him she was running away. Bad Idea.
She ran away. Bad Idea.
She went to him. Bad Idea.
And now, who does she decide to blame? Not herself for being a stupid 14 year old girl who willingly ran away. Not even her capture really. No, she's blaming those who tried to find her. Who worked the case, spent hours going over possible leads. She's going to sue, because at 14 she made a bad choice, and they weren't able to find her.
People, I try to be understanding. I try to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone. But, this one is really hard for me to grasp. I can see her suing the man, his family- because according to reports 3 other people lived in that house with them, but to sue the city?
Did the city instruct her to be a spoiled little brat who put her own stupid little plans of running away into action? Was it the city or the school that caused her parents unimaginable grief when she left?
Yes, what happened to her was bad. But at some point, she has to be willing to step up and say that her actions played a role in this, rather than blaming the city for not rescuing her.
Smoking causes cancer. If you light up, and you end up with cancer... it's your fault.
Drunk driving causes deaths, if you get completely wasted, and hop in your car, crash into a tree and die... it's your fault.
Had she not been a selfish little girl acting out, chances are she wouldn't have ended up with the life she did. It is fair? NO. Was this perv wrong in doing this to her? YES. But she has to accept her own personal role in this.
Categories: Misc
I'm really annoyed at this entire "it's not my fault, I'm completely free of blame" attitude displayed by so many people now a days. So, let me take a moment to clear a few of these "who's to blame" questions up:
You're sitting in your house when a tornado comes through- not your fault.
You're watching TV, see the news report that a tornado is headed you way, and you go outside to watch it. You get hit with a branch and die- you're fault.
You're walking down the street when suddenly a power line breaks and you get electrocuted- not you're fault.
You're walking down the street, see a power line down that happens to be in a pool of water, and you run over to play jump rope with it, and die- you're fault.
You're online and someone breaks into your house killing you- again not you're fault.
You're online and you invite someone over that you don't know but has multiple comments about wanting to kill people on their site. They get to your house and kill you- you're fault.
Do you see where I am going with this? You make BAD CHOICES, and you have to suffer the cost of that. Don't like it? Stop being stupid. It's that easy.
I know, you're wondering why I feel the need to address this. Well, here it is:
Yahoo News: Tanya Nicole Kach, 24, came forward March 21 and told police that she had been living in Thomas Hose's house for 10 years. Kach told police that Hose, 48, kept her in a bedroom in the small, two-story home where he lived with his parents.
Bad situation. Tragic really. But, the story doesn't end there. It turns out Kach has decided to sue people involved in the case, because she feels that they didn't do enough to find her.
Pretty crappy of me to try to say she's wrong, that she should be taking responsibility for the fact that she was held captive, huh? Well, you might think that... until you see this gem:
SOURCE "Ms. Kach had told her in recent days that when she was in the eighth grade her parents were going through a contentious divorce and that she was convinced neither parent wanted her, leading her to run away.
At the time, Ms. Kach said, she had a crush on Mr. Hose, and when she confided her plans to leave home, he offered to take her in"
I know, we don't blame victims. It's not PC. But, lets look at this.
She pursued an older man. Bad Idea.
She told him she was running away. Bad Idea.
She ran away. Bad Idea.
She went to him. Bad Idea.
And now, who does she decide to blame? Not herself for being a stupid 14 year old girl who willingly ran away. Not even her capture really. No, she's blaming those who tried to find her. Who worked the case, spent hours going over possible leads. She's going to sue, because at 14 she made a bad choice, and they weren't able to find her.
People, I try to be understanding. I try to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone. But, this one is really hard for me to grasp. I can see her suing the man, his family- because according to reports 3 other people lived in that house with them, but to sue the city?
Did the city instruct her to be a spoiled little brat who put her own stupid little plans of running away into action? Was it the city or the school that caused her parents unimaginable grief when she left?
Yes, what happened to her was bad. But at some point, she has to be willing to step up and say that her actions played a role in this, rather than blaming the city for not rescuing her.
Smoking causes cancer. If you light up, and you end up with cancer... it's your fault.
Drunk driving causes deaths, if you get completely wasted, and hop in your car, crash into a tree and die... it's your fault.
Had she not been a selfish little girl acting out, chances are she wouldn't have ended up with the life she did. It is fair? NO. Was this perv wrong in doing this to her? YES. But she has to accept her own personal role in this.
Categories: Misc