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Brandon Alan Austill

So many times we hear that children who come from an abusive home often suffer long into their life, and many times (though not always) they continue the cycle of abuse. As children they learn from watching that violence is an acceptable way to express frustration, anger, and a entire range of other emotions. Hitting, kicking, beating- it's often times all they have ever come to know- so it's no mystery as to why they then grow up to be abusers themselves.

Now, not all do. Some do. But not all. And being abused as a child is not excuse for abusing a child when one grows up. A person is not destined to have to follow in the footsteps of their parents... we can be better. We can move forward, and stop the cycle- if we want too.

Sadly, it doesn't seem that Brandon Austill moved beyond the years of abuse he suffered, rather he continued in the violence towards his own child.

It would have started in 1994, with an appeal to the removal of several children from an abusive home, where two of the children were forced to sleep in a basement with standing water, the children had all received small injuries over the course of time, their physical health was neglected- and so on. Brandon Austill was 8 at that time. While the State had stepped in, offering a glimmering chance that this young child could beat the odds and find a place of peace... there were of course may legal battles to overcome.
The petition resulted from twenty-nine (29)separate referrals to DHS. According to the DHS case manager, there were terrible living conditions in the home, and the parents were not addressing the children’s physical and emotional problems. Specifically, the petition alleged that the home contained trash and “an excess of accumulated piles of dirty clothes.” Some of the children had received numerous small injuries over a long period of time. Tamika, the oldest child, was said to have an excess of responsibility in caring for the younger children. Also, Brandon and
Michaelwere said to be sleeping in the basement of the house where a hole in the wall had allowed standing water to form on the floor. The petition further stated that reasonable efforts to prevent removal had been made and that the parents refused referrals to parenting classes and individual counseling.

Fast forward to Sept of this year, when Brandon Austill and his girlfriend had a baby girl, on Sept 9th.

Police say that four days later, Brandon began abusing the child- and she endured it until the end of Oct when he admitted to "smashing the infant's head against a bathroom sink and a dining room table. Police said Austill also bent the infant's leg until he heard it break and jolted the baby with a stun gun." The baby's injuries included a broken left tibia, broken left ulna, broken left femur, face fractures and two skull fractures.

In itself, it's a horrifying story of a helpless child, an infant only days old, being physically abused in the most horrid of ways. This isn't a case of "well I may have been angry and spanked a 10 year old too hard", or a case where the parent was just neglecting to take care of the child. No, Austill methodically beat this child, and in many of the news stories the "stun gun" is actually referred to as a "cattle prod". He bent her legs until he heard them snap. He went above and beyond what records show he himself might have endured as a child. One has to wonder what sort of rage could be behind such heinous acts of abuse and cruelty.

For those out there that may find themselves dealing with emotions that they can not handle, feeling the rage that may lead to the abuse of a child- or if you suspect that a child you know is being abused- please call for help. You can start by visiting Prevent Child Abuse America

A very big Hat Tip to Loadbroker
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Anonymous said…
My sister told me about this. As I sat in one of her chairs holding my nine month old nephew and rocking him to sleep, I felt a mixture of horror, disgust, fear and vengefulness for that little baby who suffered so much at the hands of her parent someone who should have been protecting her, not hurting her, as she told me what happened. I've heard of some pretty sick things before but this case was one of the sickest ever. I can't even begin to imagine the mindset a person would have to be in to even consider doing some of the things that man did to his daughter. I know that if I ever found out anyone was hurting MY nephews, (I have two, one is turning four on monday and the other is nine months old), I would be hard-pressed not to "commit another wrong" by murdering the bastard.

Anonymous said…
For the life of me, I can not understand how anyone can abuse a child like this. This upsets me so much, it literally makes me ill. I'm sorry, I can't go for the "I was abused and know no better" excuse, sick bastards like this need to be punished and fixed so they can have no more children, and they should be put on probation when they get out and a major condition of their probation be that they are allowed no contact with children at all, not even their siblings children, and probation officers should have to follow up with checks to make sure that some stupid woman doesn't allow the abusers around their children (because the women were lonely for a man to be around or whatever excuse they come up with). I have no sympathy for women who allow this to happen to their children either, and think they should be prosocuted to the fullest extent of the law and should have to be sterilized so they can no longer have children, also. If you can take care of them and keep them safe, you shouldn't be allowed to have them!! You can get more time out of abusing an animal than you can for beating or killing a kid, and that is a crime in itself.
Anonymous said…
I was unaware at the time I referred this to you, but ironically enough, this poor child was born on my 40th birthday...I pray that red tape and bullshit laws don't prevent this child from landing a safe and happy home. Just ONCE can social services perform for this child (who will permanently own a spot in my heart)? I invite Brandon to contact me to "discuss" this matter in person. And thank you, Lilo, for your attention to this case.
Anonymous said…
My best friend dated this sorry excuse for a man about a year ago. He beat her also. HE is a piece of crap and he deserves the same things to happen to him. I just wish that was part of the whole death sentence. I have a 23 mopnth old daughter and i cry when she falls and hurts herself i could NEVER imagine hurting her or letting someone else. ANd i do not care what the momma says... she would have known something was wrong with that baby. A broken leg is Noticable.

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