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Welcome aboard...

A little over a year ago, it came to the attention of a few well meaning people that a new sort of blogging was growing into a ever popular forum- Crime Blogs were suddenly popping up everywhere- with much of the credit of that going to the original crime blog fathers- Steve Huff, and Trench. Trench took it on himself to provide a home for crime bloggers in the way of a forum, and a blogroll dedicated to those sites that focused on true crimes all of types. The blogroll grew to include many great writers, and was a great benefit to anyone interested in the True Crime. I'm sure many of you caught one or two Carnivals of the True Crime Blogs, which were presented every week by a different member of the group. Those within the blogroll shared ideas, tips, and just everyday thoughts on current cases, past cases, and so much more.

Sadly, not even a year after it's birth- the True Crime Blogs group has passed on, and I suppose that there are many reasons for this.

However, in it's place I'm pleased to announce a new group by the same name, dedicated to bringing you the stories of crime, as only they can. We still have many of the same talented writers, and hopefully we will have even more very soon.

As the un-official first Carnival of the Crime Blogs, I thought I would just take some time to introduce (or re-introduce) some of the blogs whose writers pound away at the keyboard every week to enlighten the public about True Crimes. So, in no particular order, please help me welcome the following blogs (and bloggers)... again.

While many of the crimes you read about seem to almost be happening as you read each word, there are other crimes that have grown old, and almost faded from memory. Laura James, at CLEWS has a special gift for wiping the cobwebs away, and telling the tales of long forgotten crimes, with such passion that it'll feel like you're watching the murder schemes unfold before your own eyes.

Historic crimes aren't the only ones that easily forgotten by so many, as Home Sweet Homes reminds us of the unspoken stories that all too often happen behind the closed doors in an abusive home. Some of these stories make it out into the public- often when someone is either too badly beaten to remain silent any longer, or when a life is finally lost. Her focus on domestic violence is always presented in a soft spoken manner, sharing the stories that most of turn our backs on. Reminding us daily that sometimes the biggest dangers are the ones inside the home.

Some crimes can even make the toughest man turn in disgust- and Trench does an incredible job in mustering the stomach to gather them together and share them in one of the most fitting named blogs of all time- News of Doom. Leaving readers with a tight know in their stomachs, Trench digs up the the gut wrenching stories that everyone should read.

While I'm speaking of Trench, I'd be a fool not to take the time to mention his other sites- MyCrimeSpace- a sort of scary parody of the social network MySpace, filled with none other than crimes related to social networking- whether it's a YouTube'r with a desire to film their latest criminal act, or a 40 year old MySpace'r preying on children- if they are online and involved in crimes, MyCrimeSpace is sure to have them listed.

Trench also cares for The Trenchcoat Chronicles, a themed site filled with it's own set of kids gone wild, or should I say "kids gone criminal", discussing everything from school shootings to hazing and other related violence.

While some crimes barely make the news, and some were in the news years before the internet boomed- others are the cases we are hearing about day after day after day. They are plastered in the newspapers, analyzed by panels of guests on news shows... and studied for clues by thousands. They are also likely shared and investigated by Steve Huff, our own celebrity crime blogger- who has a passion for bringing you the stories you want to hear most about. Not being a "hit and run" sort of blogger, Steve's post seem to always include hours of online research, and are always worth reading.

While many crime blogs focus on a single topic- The Cellar focuses on a single criminal. One sole monster, who has left a trail of heinous crimes, and creepy blogs everywhere he has been. Many of us never heard the name Joseph Duncan, until he was arrested for the most sickening of crimes. While The Cellar was started by another, Jules has done a tremendous job of tracking down and sharing much of the life of Duncan, both online and in the real world. Hers will be a site worth watching as the trial of Duncan begins.

A community of crime bloggers couldn't even begin to be complete without mentioning our own shining northern star- Harding from T.O. Crime. Covering those crimes that happen beyond the border of the US, within Canada, T.O. Crime offers insight into just how similar criminals are- no matter where they call home.

While Harding covers north of the border, we have a few of our own that have taken to putting their own hometowns under the looking glass. slabtown chronicle does more than live up to it's name under the ever watchful eye of the very talented writer JD.

Which reminds me of the incredible writing skills of our very own True Crime authors over at Crime Rant. Hosted by the authors of numerous books, Gregg Olsen and M. William Phelps, Crime Rant hits on various stories, always enlightening readers with their unique perspectives and great story telling skills.

Parents Behaving Badly gets it's name honestly, as it dives into a realm of murders, abuse, and just plain bad parenting from people of all walks of life.

Adding to our collection of great blogs is The Missing & Murdered Children, which as it's name hints is dedicated to stories with the most innocent of victims, children. From parental abductions to kidnappings and murders, the faces of those who can't speak for themselves will likely be found there.

Although that is just a short list of some of the blogs who will be joining in forming this new endeavor- I've just completely ran out of time in introducing them all, and will be posting a second edition of this meet and greet very soon.

For those I have missed, I am sorry... and will do my best to ensure that you're caught in the next round. Within a few days I'll have a proper blogroll up and ready in my side bar, and with a little more time I promise to make this transition go a little more smoothly.

Until then, please stop by slabtown chronicle for the latest edition of the official True Crime Carnival.

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