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What's on AMW?

This weekend, America's Most Wanted is featuring the following cases, in hopes that you can help bring these wanted criminals to justice:

Dallas, Texas
FRANCISCO JAVIER RAMIREZ…Cops in Dallas say Francisco Javier Ramirez murdered his wife and stuffed her body in a car trunk. He has distinctive tattoos and may be working as an air conditioning repairman.

Michigan City, Indiana
LARRY WOODS…Everyone thought Larry Woods' fate was sealed when he was sentenced to 111 years in jail for shooting his boss. But cops say Woods had different plans. According to police, Woods escaped prison in a garbage truck in 2001 and hasn't been seen since.

Lakeland, Florida
JEFFERY HOLDER…Police say when Jeffery Holder thought he had found the man who allegedly raped his girlfriend; he pulled out a gun and started firing. Police say Holder recklessly took the law into his own hands, and in the process nearly killed an innocent man.

Plainfield, Illinois
LISA STEBIC MISSING…Lisa Stebic left her home in an upscale community 20 miles outside of Chicago on April 30, 2007 around 6 p.m. She has not been seen since that evening.

Lizzette Garvin. She’s a con-woman from New York who got the detective’s number working the case, and started calling her. (Kind of like the movie “Catch Me If You Can”) She was captured as a direct-result of AMW within a day of the show airing.

Along with these cases, AMW is also looking to you for help in capturing Paul Jackson. Police say that along with the help of his brother, this man created a torture chamber and lured young girls back to it with the intent of brutally raping them. While there are others, this is the shorted story of one of the victims of these brothers:
The year was 1990 and Andrea Hood had ran away from home to try to make it on the streets of Portland. The sixteen-year-old was a perfect target for Paul Erven Jackson and his brother, Vance Roberts. Cops say the brothers picked up Andrea one night in June of 1990 and the terror began almost immediately. Andrea told AMW that Vance picked her up in his pickup truck while Paul hid in the back. After sexually assaulting Andrea, she says the men took her back to their home where the torture and rape would continue for three days.

Andrea recalls that "it was like a house of horrors, like a dungeon..." and she had no reason to believe that she would survive being starved, restrained, sodomized, and tortured in a converted soundproof room. However, after three days under the brothers' command, she convinced them to unlock her cuffs. Andrea noticed a single window which did not have bars on it and she made a break for it -- she broke the window and dove through the jagged glass to freedom. Bloody and barely clothed, she ran to a nearby home, begging for help.

For the entire case history, and photos of Jackson, please see the AMW page. It's time Jackson was brought to justice.

A special congrads goes out to Officer Carl Andolina with the Buffalo (N.Y.) Police Department, who won this year's AMW All Star. Be sure to stop by the AMW All-Star Challenge webpage for more details, and past winners. From the press release:
For the third year in a row, the All-Star Challenge sponsored by the television show “America's Most Wanted” and Sprint (NYSE: S) continues to honor extraordinary first responders – law-enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs and others – who are first to assist and go beyond the call of duty. This year’s winner, Officer Carl Andolina with the Buffalo (N.Y.) Police Department, will receive the grand prize of $10,000 and an all-star weekend at the 2007 NASCAR NEXTEL All-Star Challenge on May 19 at Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Charlotte, N.C.

"We are very proud of all of this year’s eight finalists. They are extraordinarily dedicated people who put their hearts and souls into serving their communities, while risking their lives. We salute their valor and dedication," said program host John Walsh. "We're also thankful to Sprint for their commitment and for working and helping us to recognize and honor these heroes."

Last year Officer Andolina and his partner Officer Patricia Parete were seriously injured while responding to a fight in progress at a local convenience store. Both officers were shot and injured in this operation. While Andolina is recovering from his injuries, his partner was not so fortunate. Today, Officer Parete remains on a respirator undergoing a slow recovery. Andolina’s selfless actions are still evident as he assists in raising money and providing support for Parete’s family.

You can catch America's Most Wanted on your local Fox station, at 9:00pm on Saturday, you call also check out these cases and more at their website and while your there, be sure to check out their forums.

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