Before Aaron Nichols could even get a drivers license, he'd already molested enough children to convince most people that he was a danger to society. Most people, but not all people. Not his father, who he'd confessed to and who had instructed him to 'remain quiet', not the original prosecutor that waited until the last minute to admit that his dealings with Nichols father (the county coroner) and Nichols uncle (a county councilman) had conflicts of interest in handling the case, not even the first judge who also ended up recusing himself because of dealings with the same two men. And, amazingly after years of waiting for this to go to court- it seems that Nichols, charged with molesting an 11 year old boy in 2002 and an 8 year old boy in 2003, still hasn't had enough victims to convince the current prosecutor that he's a clear danger to society and needs to be locked up. Instead, the prosecutors office has worked up a plea deal with the defense that seems to do...