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James Fagan

I'm going to let some people in on a not so little secret about child abuse, because it seems that James Fagan isn't exactly aware of it and should be told.

Victims of sexual abuse often deal with the emotional and often times physical results of that abuse all of their lives. Counseling may help, a loving environment helps, in fact a lot of things help- but the sad truth is that the effects are always there to some degree. No child victim of rape needs someone to remind them of it- it's there in their head every day of their life. They will feel it at 8, feel it at 12, and guess what? At 19 they still feel it. It's stays with them their entire life, they'll go through the throwing up, the not sleeping, the difficult relationships- not because of some half witted lawyer who decided it was a good idea to run them through the ringer during the criminal trial of their attacker- but because they had an attacker to begin with.

James Fagan doesn't get that though. Instead he thinks, and has admitted publicly in front of his peers, and his constituents that it's his job to open up all the pain and suffering, to undo any healing that might have happened and traumatize victims of rape all over again- just because he's a lawyer, and doesn't like the looks of a new law.

.....that 6-year-old is going to sit in front of me, or somebody far worse than me and I’m going to rip them apart. I’m going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined. That when they’re 8 years old they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep. When they’re 19 years old they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody. And that’s not because I’m a nice guy. That’s because when you’re in court, and you’re defending somebody’s liberty, and you’re facing a mandatory sentence of those draconian proportions, you have to do every single thing you can do on behalf of your client. That is your obligation as a trial lawyer.”

His words mean that in order to defend the right of his client to be released in a few years with the option of taking on more victims- he has to degrade, humiliate, and assault a victim of the client to begin with. That in his mind, if we want to protect another child from being brutally raped by this same fellow- we must be willing to allow him to butcher the current victim.

What sort of reasoning is this? What sort of man can look at all the children who've been raped, and all the adults that were raped as children- and still be so vile against victims? And does this lawyer, this Democratic Representative James Fagan from Massachusetts not know about the laws designed to protect victims of rape during criminal cases? Is he so unaware of "rape shield" statutes, and the ability of states to create similar statues to protect children victims even more? I'd assume he does- but just doesn't care about it.

In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that perhaps really what this man is telling the world is that he makes these victims relive every painful detail, he scars them even further- because for some deviant reason he's just enjoying doing so. Perhaps he's living out his real desires vicariously through these court proceedings, and running home at night with all the details and all the evidence laid out before him to get a few minutes of perverted enjoyment out of the suffering of others. Because no other reason justifies his statements.

While I could go on about this for quite a while, I think I'm about boiling to the point of profanity and so I'm compelled to just send you over to Jay at Stop the ACLU- he's got more to the story and even a video of the statements- if you can stomach watching this disgusting piece of garbage as he threatens those who should be shielded the very most during the most difficult period of their life.

State House District Office
Room 163 26 Dean Street
State House Taunton, MA 02780
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2040 508-824-7000
Facsimile: 508-823-9892


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