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I knew everything in Texas was bigger....

For years, I've heard the bragging from Texans about how *everything* in Texas is bigger- regardless of what it is. And, I'm amazed to say that evidently there is something to that little rumor.

Everyone has sex offenders, and everyone has creepy demented bastards- but following Texas's claim to fame- it turns out that their very own Thomas Louis Van-Hook is a bigger freak than most.

Thomas Louis Van-Hook, a registered sex offender convicted of exposing himself to small children has a history of enlightening people about his disturbing criminal intentions. Take for instance when he decided to write to P&G, the makers of Huggies Diapers about his thoughts on their product ads.

The Examiner also obtained a copy of a letter that Van-Hook wrote in 2004 to the Procter & Gamble Company, the makers of Pampers Diapers, where he requested that the company do more to show the genital areas of children. The head of corporate security for Procter & Gamble sent the letter to the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department.

Van-Hook provided a dozen scenarios on how he thought Pampers should film their commercials in the 7-page letter. One scenario was that Pampers’ commercials should show a little girl laying on a couch for a diaper change and the cameras could show her, “with her little legs wide open.”

Van-Hook also suggested using pampers baby wipes on girls as old as nine. In his closing paragraph, he write, “there should not be a problem of your showing a nine-year-old girl’s beautiful, pretty little hairless …”

Despite his conviction, despite his vulgar past behaviors, Van Hook evidently decided that just being a pervert wasn't enough- he had to act out his twisted perversions too. And so, he posted a letter offering babysitting services- specifically indicating his preferred age group and that the children should be 'female only'.

For the past week or more, residents of Jasper County had noticed advertisements posted at various places throughout the county offering babysitting services for $12 per weekend — but the ads solicited the babysitting services for “Females only” and requested their ages be “11 months thru 9 years.”

Law enforcement, despite knowing Van Hook's status as a registered sexual offender can not legally charge him with anything, until it appeared that a two year old girl left in his care may have been assaulted.

But because Van-Hoot was off parole, had completed his sentencing requirements and had no stipulations to stay away from children, law enforcement officials were having a difficult time trying to find a way to charge him with a crime.

“We know where he is and we are waiting on a judge to sign the warrant,” Scott Duncan, a Jasper County Sheriff’s Department investigator told The Examiner on Friday.

The Examiner was told by a law enforcement source on Friday that a 2-year-old child may be Van-Hook’s latest victim.

“From what I was told they began investigating this after a little girl was left with him,” said The Examiner’s source. “Because she is so young she can’t make an outcry and unless he injured her the exam isn’t going to reveal anything.

“He is out there actively trolling for fresh victims. And because he has served his time, I am not sure what we can do about it until he victimizes another child. This guy is a sick bastard.”

The likelihood that Van Hook has victimized any child related to his babysitting offer is about as high as the amount of children he's actually been able to babysit since putting the sign up. He's openly advertising his willingness to sexually assault a child- and yet, because of the way laws are written, until there is a known victim, there's not a real crime.

Now- the article is a little confusing as it says he's been 'taken into custody at his residence' and yet also says that they are waiting for a warrant from a judge, making it appear as if there's not been any charges brought that could result in him already being jailed.

Either way, for a week this man advertised for children, and for a week there was little that was done about it. About makes you sick, doesn't it?



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