Okay, fairs fair so I decided to look into the other Mayor for Lima choices out there. So far I have found Neb Bushong on the web. Although this seems to be the only Neb in Lima- I am not sure if it is the right Neb or the wrong Neb. But I found some pages that a Neb Bushong has put on the internet- although they are not political, I am posting them anyways- only to give one more room to form an idea of this Neb- who may or may not be the Neb i was looking for. Calls to the phone number reached and answering machine. I don't like answering machines. I don't leave messages. He will not call and confirm because I didn't leave anything asking him too. Oh well heres the links... link one and link two. I will continue my search for other "I wanna be mayor" people and share what I come up with. OH and if anyone knows if this is the right or wrong Neb- please feel free to post.
empirical- ADJECTIVE: Relying on or derived from observation or experiment: empirical results that supported the hypothesis. Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment: empirical laws. Guided by practical experience and not theory, especially in medicine Kennedy hate crimes rider may doom Hatch's sex offender bill By Robert Gehrke The Salt Lake Tribune WASHINGTON - A fight over federal hate crimes legislation could torpedo Sen. Orrin Hatch's push to strengthen the nation's sex-offender registries and clamp down on sex crimes. The Senate Judiciary Committee gave quick, unanimous approval to Hatch's bill Thursday, clearing its way for consideration by the full Senate. But Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said he plans to try to attach language to a bill that would require tougher sentences, provide federal assistance and offer grants to prosecute hate crimes - those motivated by hatred for a race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. The White ...