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New to me article on Mike Luebrecht

Okay, see I was right. Amazing.

Source Toledo Blade

FORT JENNINGS, Ohio - Michael Luebrecht was incredibly calm as he phoned 911 and said, "I drowned my son in the bathtub."
The Putnam County man remained calm as he followed the dispatcher's directions for trying to revive 13-month-old Joel Luebrecht and waited for rescue workers. When they arrived nine minutes later, they found the child lying on a bed, lifeless. Despite efforts at CPR, Joel was later pronounced dead at St. Rita's Medical Center, Lima.
"There was no 'state of mind.' He was very calm," said Sheriff James Beutler, who was among the first to arrive at the Luebrecht home in this small Putnam County village a few miles north of Delphos.

We'll probably never know why he did it other than we know it was something he thought about, planned, and carried out," Sheriff Beutler said.
Mr. Luebrecht, 37, was being held in the Ottawa County jail on a charge of aggravated murder. During an arraignment in Putnam County Court yesterday, Judge Mike O'Malley set bond at $1 million.
The case is expected to be presented to a Putnam County grand jury June 3.
Investigators are baffled by what appears to be a case of premeditated murder.Mr. Luebrecht's wife, Amy, was at work at the local post office when her husband picked up their youngest son from a baby-sitter's house north of Fort Jennings about 1 p.m. Monday and drove home.There, he filled the bathtub with water, submerged Joel in the water, and held him there until he stopped breathing.

He then laid him on a bed and called 911 to report the crime."Something happened here. Something had to have snapped to cause any individual to think that way, to do such a severe act," Sheriff Beutler said. "There had to be a severe change in his thought process for that to happen."The child's death was hard for many in the small community to believe.Melissa Luersman, whose mother was baby-sitting for Joel and his brother Monday, said her family is devastated because they've been taking care of Joel in their home since he was born. She described him as a fun-loving child who liked to play with toys. We called him Scooter because he didn't walk yet. He would just scoot," the 17-year-old said.
Her family met Michael and Amy Luebrecht and their three sons at their church, Kalida Family Outreach Center.
She never thought of Mr. Luebrecht as an angry or violent person.
"It doesn't seem like him," she said.
Miss Luersman said her mother was baby-sitting Joel and an older brother on Monday but did not find it unusual that Mr. Luebrecht only came to get Joel because he said he had to take the child to a doctor's appointment.
"He came in like normal. He acted normal," Miss Luersman said.
"He told us he had an appointment, but he didn't."
Sheriff Beutler said both of the victim's parents described Joel as a good-natured child.
Mrs. Luebrecht told deputies that her husband was a good father.
"There was just nothing out of the ordinary," the sheriff said, adding that he thinks men are more prone to act out in violence when a child is misbehaving and they are angry. "Usually with shaken-baby cases, there's something that invokes that anger."
An autopsy was to have been performed in Lucas County yesterday. Putnam County Coroner Dr. Oliver Lugibihl said he had no information about the case.
Because the child was pronounced dead at St. Rita's, the case was being handled by the Allen County coroner, who could not be reached for comment.

Cory Dickman, a neighbor of the Luebrechts, said his father, Jeff, is a volunteer firefighter who was called to the scene Monday. He performed CPR on Joel to no avail.
"He was pretty upset about it," Cory said.
"From being in a small town, you just wouldn't think that would happen."
Funeral services for Joel will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Dupont Church of the Brethren in Dupont, Ohio.
Visiting hours will be from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Heitmeyer Funeral Home in Continental and one hour prior to the service on Friday.

So for all those who like to tell me how horribly wrong I am (as if I am the one who killed one of my children)- make sure you go back and read it over and over again until you can gather the information in your naive little mind that he A) lied when picking the child up B) that is was something planned out C) he was calm- and according to all of you after he "realized what he did" he called. Oops, he never realized it the way you put it because for him to "realize" it there had to be a moment that he didn't know what he was doing. And you know what you are doing when you go to that extent to lie, deceive and murder someone.

I am still sticking to the "this man should fry in hell" thought. I believe its the Christian thing to do.

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Anonymous said…
Christians always have been good at Christian behavior. Mercy, compassion. I'm not saying offenders should not be detained, but the dark, angry, violent vehemence Christians display against others who err is so unchristian-like. I'm not a Christian and I feel I display more behavior in line with what Christ would have wanted his followers to do that most Christians. I find hypocracy here.

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