A 22 year old man, pedophile impregnates his victim, crosses state lines to marry the 13 year old VICTIM- with her mothers happy consent. The families of the two rather refer to it as a sensible thing to do, a way to make best of the situation. UH HUH.
"The idea ... is repugnant to me," said Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning. "These people made the decision to send their ... (now) 14-year-old daughter to Kansas to marry a pedophile."
I have to agree with Bruning- who charged the pedophile with with first-degree sexual assault, punishable by up to 50 years in prison. I am hoping he can charge others too.
When I was younger, I was very taken with a much older man. I was older than 13, and I was mature for my age even then. But in all honesty- I could not have understood the ramifications of being married to him. His suggestion that we "run off" and be together delighted me. I however woke up from dream land in tme to prevent this from happening...