A 22 year old man, pedophile impregnates his victim, crosses state lines to marry the 13 year old VICTIM- with her mothers happy consent. The families of the two rather refer to it as a sensible thing to do, a way to make best of the situation. UH HUH.
"The idea ... is repugnant to me," said Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning. "These people made the decision to send their ... (now) 14-year-old daughter to Kansas to marry a pedophile."
I have to agree with Bruning- who charged the pedophile with with first-degree sexual assault, punishable by up to 50 years in prison. I am hoping he can charge others too.
When I was younger, I was very taken with a much older man. I was older than 13, and I was mature for my age even then. But in all honesty- I could not have understood the ramifications of being married to him. His suggestion that we "run off" and be together delighted me. I however woke up from dream land in tme to prevent this from happening. It's not that I believe age relevantent in every case. But it does become a very important factor when one of the involved people is a CHILD. Then it is not only illegal- it's morally wrong. I did marry young, and am married to a different much older man- however I was at a legal age, and able to understand and deal with the consequences of being married. You can't seriuosly tell me that a 13/ 14 year old is able to deal with that, and with a baby, and with being confined to live with the man that abused her.
This man is a pedophile. He should be locked up. For all of those 50 years.
"The idea ... is repugnant to me," said Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning. "These people made the decision to send their ... (now) 14-year-old daughter to Kansas to marry a pedophile."
I have to agree with Bruning- who charged the pedophile with with first-degree sexual assault, punishable by up to 50 years in prison. I am hoping he can charge others too.
When I was younger, I was very taken with a much older man. I was older than 13, and I was mature for my age even then. But in all honesty- I could not have understood the ramifications of being married to him. His suggestion that we "run off" and be together delighted me. I however woke up from dream land in tme to prevent this from happening. It's not that I believe age relevantent in every case. But it does become a very important factor when one of the involved people is a CHILD. Then it is not only illegal- it's morally wrong. I did marry young, and am married to a different much older man- however I was at a legal age, and able to understand and deal with the consequences of being married. You can't seriuosly tell me that a 13/ 14 year old is able to deal with that, and with a baby, and with being confined to live with the man that abused her.
This man is a pedophile. He should be locked up. For all of those 50 years.
I lost my virginity at age 13. and i know plenty of girls that are under 18 and they will do just about anything to feel socially aceptable. and this includes lieing about age. using fake id's and other means (like driving at age 14) just to make a guy think she is older.
now with the average girl reaching full physical maturity at 13.7 years of age, it is not uncommon to believe a girl that is young ( say 14) that she could be 22. espically if she is 5'6", driving, fake id, and the rest associated with it (like not attending school).
I would know. this happened to me 2 years ago. I was 25, she was 14. and she lied about everything, she drove a car, she was physically mature, she would come over to my house durring school hours, and she made every single physical move.
when I reported the girls behavior to the police, they flip and go after me. So for a year i fought a 'strict liability crime' costing over 60K and 2 years of my life. now finally the charges are dropped. (after 4 years of time) and what. bc a mature girl lied about age. And to think.. I only want to rejoin the military, (as an officer).
I live my life to the highest of standards. I always help others, I am always the first to volunteer, and i am extreemly ethical. and yet the DA's office kept stating that i was social decieving, lieing, and manipulative. They tried to make the "box" for pedophiles fit my oval life.
I think that people need to look at the picture as a whole.
1. if the girl is deciving the man then there is no crime. how can you pursue a man that has no idea that the girl is younger then she apears to be. (and dont give the the size / looks argument) there are several girls that dont look thier age. i have several friends that look 13 and they are 18 - 26, also my fiance is 30 and looks 19. there are also girls that are 13-15 that look and act 19-22.
2. but if the man is pursuing girls that he knows are under age. "Slam them into the curb" give them max sentances.
That is the only way to curb this social behavior. but first we have to chage the law in 23 of the states from stict liability to pure criminal.