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Allen County Sex Offender Program

From Fox News Lima:

Allen County leaders need *your* help to monitor sex offenders. They are applying for a grant to help keep a closer eye on convicted sexual predators. Judge Richard Warren and other local leaders are asking you to write to state leaders asking them to give the grant to Allen County.

Mr. Karhlton F. Moore- Executive Director

Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services

Ohio Department of Public Safety

1970 W. Broad Street

Columbus, OH 43223

Reference jag grant: Allen County Sex Offender Risk Reduction Court (a-sorrc)

Dear Director Moore:

In the Lima region, over 822 registered sex offenders are supervised by various agencies, a 24% increase from 2003 to 2004. Of these, almost 60% are designated as sexual prefators or habitual sex offenders. These offenders present unique challenges to the Allen County Common Pleas Court, the Allen County Sheriff's Office, the Allen County probation department and the Adult Parole Authority, the agencies responsible for their management. Because of the public's response to sex offenders and the grievous harm that re-offenses cause their victims, the management of these offenders- from arrest to incarceration to community supervision- is of critical importance to criminal justice agencies and public safety.

After an exhaustive search for effective sex offender management models, the containment model, a best practice was selected as the management model that would best serve the community.

The Allen County Court of Commn Pleas will operate a sex offender reentry court, as a starting point for sex offender management in Allen County. The first year, 75 sex offenders will be required to participate in sex offender-specific treatment for up to 5 years as a condition of release. the probation/parole officer will communicate clear expectations and apply pressure through the use, or threat, of sanctions, to ensure that the offender complies with indiviualized treatmetn and supervision conditions. Consistent with research annd local protocols, the project consists of 6 components: 1. sex offender risk reduction court 2. intensive supervision 3. electronic monitoring 4. monitoring in schools and parks 5. intensive case management and 6. polygraph examinations to contain future behavior within acceptable bounds. Containment model outcomes are: community and victim safety through a reduced recidivism rate: reduction of victims' fear of re-victimization: public monitoring of schools, parks, and other places frequented by potential victims: and assessment of sex offenders' awareness of their triggers and control techniques.

With the increase of sex offenders in our community reaching 24% per year, funding the a-sorrc initiative is the logical next step in the management of sex offenders in allen county. Placing electronic monitoring devices in schools, parks, police and sheriff's cruisers, and victim's residences to monitor the presence of sex offenders enhances public safety in our community and can serve as a pilot project for future statewide sex offener management initiatives. Allen County is asking for your support in funding a-sorrc, Ohio's next step in sex offender management.

Sample Letter
Sincerely, ________________

Copy and paste into your favorite word processing program, print it off and send it!

This is a great idea, and one which everyone should be rushing to do. It is our job to do what we can to make the area safe for our children- and to those who don't live in Lima- well you're welcome to do it to. I favor anyone willing to send the letter in support of the grant.


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