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Working Offender

I know some may be surprised by this- I'll state it and then explain it. I believe that if they have to be released, if for some forsaken reason our government failed us by not creating laws strong enough to keep them behind the cool steel of prison cells doors- sex offenders should be allowed and encouraged to work. I would prefer they be locked up, however present laws allow them to be free. And if they must be free they should be able to pay their own way. The thought of my tax dollars supporting them as they run through towns all over the country, coming and going as they wish at my expense is offensive. If I have to pay for them- I prefer to pay for them while they are locked up. I do not want to pay while they run free. Granted there is a great limit to the types of jobs they can hold. They should not have contact with children. They should not be able to work at MC D's- it's a kid place for crying out loud. Nor should they be able to work where they have contact with the general public. If I take my kids there- I don't want some perv to be wondering around looking all friendly with their store issued name tag. I don't want them at schools or day care centers. I could go on and on but you get my point. My position has been explained.

UYes, there is a reason to all this ranting. And I promise I am getting to it. I like to be fair in my insulting of people. I try not to condemn those undeserving, and I attempt to reign in my anger when I start inching closer to the yelling and farther away from giving reasonable arguments for my disgust at those I write about. Anyone that knows me can attest to the fact that I have a wild mouth. That I see things very one sided, and that I am prone to vulgar outbreaks. I know, you're shocked. But I decided after the first annoying comment that I would choose to not yell mindlessly while spewing "gutter talk" on this blog. (I have considered starting Lost Part 2 just for the cursing, but I haven't decided how well that would go over) Given all of that I have had to ponder over a certain issue for the last few days. It went sort of like this :

"should I cast insults, should I not cast them? Is it REALLY that bad? Does it strike me as something I could over look? Is it important enough?"

I've come to the decision that yes, it is important enough, no I could not over look it, yes it is that bad, and oh yeah- I'm gonna insult someone here.

Just what, someone please tell me- was this 5man thinking?? First- for those of you who don't know who he is- don't be red faced here, I didn't know who he was either until I started wondering why his photo appears when I do a Yahoo News search for sex offenders- he is Republican Raymond Burton, of New Hampshire. No, he's not the sex offender. And this is the place where my previous ranting fits into the story. Ol' Burton it seems hired an aide. Nope that's not the big issue either. Most political monkeys have aides- even the not so monkey like politicians have aides. Aides, as in help, not the disease. However at issue is whom he chose to hire for the job.

A longtime aide to Executive Councilor Raymond Burton has an extensive criminal record in four counties in New Hampshire and Maine, according to a newspaper's review of court records.
Mark Seidensticker, 45, of Concord and Ogunquit, Maine, was arrested last month in Concord, accused of inappropriate contact with teenage boys. Based on that arrest, Burton said he will no longer employ Seidensticker, who is being held on $50,000 bail at the Merrimack County jail.
The New Hampshire Union Leader reported Friday that Seidensticker has previously been convicted of indecent exposure, attempted sexual assault on a boy, failing to register in Maine and New Hampshire as a sexual offender, stalking a former boyfriend and violating probation. He has served several jail sentences.
The paper said Seidensticker did not respond to a written request for an interview.
In the fall of 1998, Burton paid him nearly $500 to work on his re-election campaign less than a month after Seidensticker was convicted of indecent exposure for masturbating in front of three teenage boys in Lisbon.
Burton, a Bath Republican, has served for nearly 30 years on the council, which approves state contracts and appointments. The newspaper said Seidensticker has work on five of Burton's last nine campaigns.
In Ogunquit, Seidensticker was convicted of failing to register as a sex offender in 2002 and again last year.
Burton has said he knew of the 1992 Concord conviction and the latest Concord arrest. He said earlier this month he was "not totally familiar" with the Maine failure-to-report charges.
"I knew it was sort of somewhere in the background, but the details, I was unaware of," Burton said.

To add to the story, Burton has been asked by more than one person to resign- he is quick to shrug that off, and claims "“We all make mistakes and I stumbled badly on this one, but life moves ahead and I intend to do exactly that,”" HERE Where I fully agree that everyone makes mistakes- some seem a bit more unforgivable than others. "U.S. Sens. John Sununu and Judd Gregg and both of the state’s congressmen, Jeb Bradley and Charles Bass, have urged Burton to resign. All four are Republicans, as is Burton. Gov. John Lynch, a Democrat, also called Monday for Burton to step down.Sununu said court records and campaign reports “make clear that . . . Burton continued to employ Mark Seidensticker in a public capacity despite knowledge of his convictions.”"

These things concern me. As a member of the general public who begrudginly has to pay taxes that are turned into salaries for these voted in clowns- I am concerned that this stands out as a direct insult to the best interest of public welfare. Because, although this sex offender has every right to work- we should have the right to expect our "political powers that be" are not employing them.

The biggest difficultly in this situation is that aside from the current uproar on Burton- he seems to be a responsible, and community oriented official. Many state him to be a real man of the people- which may be why this has been so disturbing for so many people. With one blow a seemingly good record of public service is forever tarnished by a clear lack of good judgement. And not just one time, but repeatedly. He has strong support among bipartisan lines- and yet there's a black cloud now hovering above him.

I can not stand (sit actually) and say (type) that I am among the believers that he should step down, nor can I place myself on the side that is supportive. Thankfully- he's not in Ohio's scandal filled government. Thankfully I don't have to see his name on the ballet and decide whether I can overlook such a distasteful act of incredible stupidity, or check the box which appears beside his future opponents name. That's for the voters in NH. I could respectively request that the voters take into account this situation, and his record- to be fully aware of his qualifications, and to choose whatever more closely resembles their values. A sheer lack of common sense- does it over ride a life clearly dedicated to serving the public faithfully? Was his decision to hire, and continue to employ such a endangerment to our children enough to cost him his position?

Should his choice in employing the sex offender be seen as a stand he made in support of the offender, or was it mere lack of common sense?

Give me your thoughts on it!


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