Today I had the overwhelming joy of hitting 9000 visitors to my lil blog here. In a little under 6 months I've managed to conspire to enlighten that many people. Wow. With just over 20,500 page views- I'm feeling sort of giddy.
I know- I don't really relay a vision of a giddy woman dancing around singing "Puff the Magic Dragon"- because mostly those that read this get only a view of my serious "what's wrong with the world" side of my personality. Despite that- I REALLY AM GIDDY!
Thank you to all those that visit, a big thank you to those that come back after the first time. And a huge thank you to all the bloggers who have been nice enough to link here, I've made a list. And you bloggers will be remembered in my will. (Although there isn't much to hand out).
When I started this I wasn't sure where it was going to take me. I was sort of aware that it was going to be a good excuse as to why my dishes aren't washed- but other than that- I had no idea. I thought it would be a humorous little release, something for me to use to complain about all the goofball things I deal with daily. And then, somehow it took off and became what it is now. Which must be a good thing- because some people manage to find their way back here.
And all I can say is thanks, and that if you feel the needs you may leave suggestions for me below- as comments. I read them. Sometimes I respond to them- but mostly I save that space for you.