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Mom Arrested After Baby Found Mauled By Dogs

This is a story that I really don't want to share, it angers me all the while breaking my heart at how someone could be so cold and callous. My only comment is that there is always a better way. Some may of thought of going to the hospital, others may have thought about calling someone- anyone for help. But the complete disregard this person showed is horrifing.

PORTSMOUTH, Ohio -- Investigators said the badly-mauled body of a newborn infant
was found Tuesday afternoon on the banks of the Ohio River. The next day, the
baby's 21-year-old mother was arrested after admitting to a hidden pregnancy.

The mother told investigators that the baby was still-born at home. She
said she panicked and disposed of the baby boy a few miles from her home, NBC
4's Erin Tate reported.

The investigation began after authorities
received a 911 call from a frantic mother.

Dispatcher: "911, what's your

Caller: "My kids were just outside, telling me that the dog
was chewing on something dead. And I walked out there to see what it was. It's a

The baby was found in the yard of a Scioto County home. The
resident, Steve Stiltner, found the dead newborn surrounded by dogs.

had a leaf over its face and she had realized when she walked around that it was
a human baby," Stiltner said.

Scioto County Sheriff Marty Donini
speculated that the baby had been eaten by dogs.

"Our coroner at the
scene wouldn't even commit to the race, sex or age of the child," he said.

The body was sent to the Montgomery County coroner's office in Dayton
for an autopsy. The autopsy revealed Wednesday that the baby was still-born.

"It's unfortunate that the baby was still-born, but in some
ways I'm thankful that that did occur, especially the way the body was disposed
of and what happened afterwards," Donini said.

Numerous tips led the
sheriff to arrest the baby's mother, Sarah Halcomb. She was charged with a
felony count of gross abuse of a corpse.

Officials said Halcomb
confessed and took detectives to the site where she had disposed of the infant.

"She panicked, hid the baby inside the house, then a couple of days
later, removed the baby and disposed of the baby," Donini said.

scene continues to disturb Stiltner and his children.

"I don't want to
live here anymore. I can't walk down my porch without looking over here and I
still see that baby laying here every time I look down," Stiltner said.

Halcomb also had bench warrants out for her arrest on eight other
charges, including forgery, theft, and receiving stolen property.


Anonymous said…
ok ok, first off i wanna say i know this girl personally and i am in shock that she even did this.. Portsmouth had a huge problem with narcotics and has for some time. 90% of the population is on oxycontins or crack prolly.. shit we was on 20 20 and 60min a few yrs ago and the Ptown claim to fame was oxycontin capital of the world.. and now we are in the top 10 of most violent cities in america.. so go figure. this girl had a dead baby freaked out didn't know what to do didn't know who to tell ect. (AND FIRST OFF YOU CAN BRING ALIVE BABY TO THOSE PLACES WITH OUT QUESTIONS BEING ASKED NOT A DEAD BABY!!!) no doubt she was high and being high inpairs ya judgement but this girl isn't that bad she just got invoved in the wrong shit.. but it is a sad thing i agree
Lilo said…
I'm pretty sure if you deliver a stillborn baby, you are allowed and expected to without the threat of punishment to call or go to a hospital. MOST people who have this tragic situation occur- actually do go to the hospital, very few decide to just throw the dead baby away.

You're wrong, she is that bad. There is no excuse for it. But you run around condoning it all you want.

*Note to readers- I called my local hospital, and their response is that if you deliver a stillborn child, or have a miscarrige- they highly suggest that you call 911 rather than discarding the baby and pretending it didn't happen.
Anonymous said…
Just in case you didn't know, they actually released her yesterday (22NOV). The fact that she named me the father in her statement to police makes me extremely angry in the fact she never said one word to me. I would have done anything for her to help her in her pregnancy. I'm not one to run from my responsibilities. I really think something should be done to keep her in jail until her trial date comes. She does not deserve to walk among free people after the atrocity she has done. I am still waiting on the DNA tests to come back to make sure that this child was mine. The wait has been kiling me. Not many know, because I wanted to stay out of the media circus this had started out to be. Now that I have seen that people are talking about it, I feel that I must comment and share my thoughts.

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