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NCMEC- Sex Offender Friendly

This is down right beyond unacceptable and poor judgement. It's child endangerment and it's being done by the CEO of a group that is suppose to be about protecting our children.


To: National Desk
Contact: Michael Paranzino of Throw Away The Key,
202-253-4863 or
KENSINGTON, Md., Oct. 24 /U.S. Newswire/ -- In a stunning turn of events,
the head of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) was
quoted last week taking the side of a convicted rapist in a child custody battle
playing out in state and federal courts in Pennsylvania. Ernie Allen, president
and CEO of NCMEC, appeared on ABC News and said this about keeping a convicted
rapist of teenagers away from his own child: "
If we create an environment in
which someone convicted of a sexual offense effectively cannot live in society
in a normal way, what we're doing is forcing them out. We may even be increasing
the likelihood of their re-offense."

Michael Paranzino, president of the
anti-crime group Throw Away The Key, reacted with shock and outrage to Allen's
remarks. "We've all said boneheaded things we regret, but this is not just
silly, it is dangerous," Paranzino said. "If Ernie Allen were right, then
Megan's Law would have to go, child molester buffer zones around schools and
playgrounds would have to go, GPS tracking of sex offenders would have to go,
and lifetime probation for sex offenders would have to go. Fortunately, in this
case, Ernie Allen is dead wrong."
The case that led to Allen's unfortunate
remarks concerns convicted rapist DaiShin WolfHawk, 53, who was known as John
Joseph Lentini when he pleaded guilty to rape, attempted rape, sodomy and
attempted sodomy of two teen-agers in the 1980s. In addition, according to the
Associated Press, New York state parole records indicate he sodomized his own
daughter, a charge WolfHawk denies. His wife recently had a baby, and Schuylkill
County Children and Youth Services in Pennsylvania has taken custody of the
baby. The ACLU is representing the mother of the baby, who currently does not
have custody of her other two children either.
"There is no evidence that
treating rapists and child molesters with the tough measures they deserve in any
way leads to their astronomical reoffense rates," Paranzino added. "In fact, it
is because their reoffense rates are so high that tough measures need to be
NCMEC is a leading organization in the field of child protection, and
received more than $30 million in taxpayer funds last year. Video and text of
Allen's quote is available here:
To learn more about the nonpartisan, nonprofit Throw Away The Key, visit their
Web site at

It bothers me that the head of a group with whom we entrust to be proactive in supporting and protecting our children can take a stand that would allow for a sex offender to raise his next generation of victims. Their is no excuse, and what Ernie Allen fails to understand is that this man being around any child increases his risk of offending again. The majority of sexual abuse cases are perpetrated by a family member or friend. Someone that the victims knows.

In truth allowing this man to be permitted to raise this child does the most to increase the chances that the child will be sexually abused.

The typical child sex offender molests an
average of 117 children, most of who do not report the offence.Source:
Institute of Mental Health, 1988.

60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their
to be female.Source: Mendel, 1993.

About 95% of victims
know their perpetrators.Source: CCPCA,

It is estimated that approximately 71% of child
sex offenders are under 35
and knew the victim at least casually.

About 80% of these individuals fall within normal intelligence
ranges; 59%
gain sexual access to their victims through, seduction or


95% know their perpetrators, and yet this man, head of a organization that's sole reason for existing is to help children- believes that sex offenders pose no risks when raising children?

I believe that even if the risk would be very small- isn't it better to protect the child than to take the chance? This is a man, convicted of a horrid sexual offense- who's rights are more important, his or the child?

As for Ernie- I am hoping that the political powers that be take notice, I doubt the media will pay much attention to it- but someone out there should.

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