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This is my weekly, do it on Thursday, anti ACLU post.

Let me set this up for you.
A few months back, a illegal Mexican alien in Hamilton Ohio, confronted and snatched a young girl off of her bike in front of his house. He took her into his home where he proceeded to rape her. He then drifted off to sleep long enough for this child to be able to escape. I told you of the incident before, on this post, but to shorten it up for this post- let me just say that evidence showed he not only came to MY town, but stayed for a small period of time. As far as I know, he's not come back- or been caught.

Right around the same time frame, illegal workers en-route to the job they illegally had, caused a crash which resulted in more than a few deaths. Again, in my area.

At some point our Sheriff, Dan Beck of Allen County decided he had had enough. He wanted to step up enforcement of laws pertaining to illegal immigrants. Notice I did not say just Mexican ones. I wrote about that here.

Now comes along the Ohio ACLU- who have dedicated most of their "In the News" page to slamming Beck. They said he is profiling, which is isn't- unless you call trying to take control of illegals in the area profiling. They admit that their claims against him are completely without evidence, and even manage to compare it to the treatment of Muslims after 911. How they jump on that bandwagon is beyond me.

My sheriff gained his office by way of election. I voted him in. My other half voted him in. The ACLU- they didn't vote him in, and I doubt the woman in the story below is even a registered voter in Allen County. Why she thinks her desire to pollute our county with illegals outweighs my desire to clean the area up- is again beyond me.

ACLU points finger at

Group says sheriff guilty of racial profiling

LIMA — After
the head of the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio accused Sheriff Dan Beck
of racial profiling Tuesday, he fired back saying she had no evidence of such

“It’s interesting that a group of attorneys that are supposed to
represent civil liberties make serious accusations without the first thread of
truth. There’s no complaints. They’re on a witch hunt,” he said.
Chris Link,
the executive director for the ACLU of Ohio, sent out a written statement
Tuesday titled “ACLU calls for Beck to end race-based profiling.”
When asked if
she had proof of race-based profiling, Link said she did not but said she
worries there is something to all the concerns about which she has heard and
Beck said she has nothing and cannot find anything to show his
deputies have profiled anyone based on race. Beck said the bigger issue is that
Link and her agency are trying to put pressure on police agencies that address
the illegal immigration issue.
“She is trying to justify her existence and
the existence of the American Civil liberties Union,” he said.
Link, who has
not spoken to Beck, also said the sheriff and his agency have no business
getting involved in immigration law. She said there are plenty of federal
agencies to do that work.
“The federal government has failed to put another
man on the moon but I don’t consider it my responsibility to do that,” she said.
But Beck said federal agencies are not doing their job and are allowing the
problem to grow. As sheriff he has a job to uphold the law, which also includes
upholding laws pertaining to illegal immigrants, he said.
Link criticized
Beck for concentrating too much on the illegal immigration issue while there are
other issues she said he needs to address.
“By doing that, he is essentially
turning his back on another criminal element just because they are white and
that is poor police work,” she said.
Link also said she was concerned the
climate in the country following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
fueling the fire and creating a larger audience for officials such as Beck. She
said Muslims were unfairly profiled following the attacks.
“We are deeply
concerned about these themes that are appearing. Do we have to be reminded that
we are all immigrants
,” she said.

As to the last comment by MS. Link. I am not an immigrant. I am a natural born citizen. As are my parents, and their parents and their parents. In fact on one side I can trace my roots to the Mayflower. But that is not the point. The point comes down to a single word. Illegal. Immigrants are welcomed with open arms in my area. As long as they are not illegal. And how dare someone expect me to be happy that my tax dollars carelessly tossed away on these illegals, while real Americans in this country can be denied the very thing these people are stealing.

I too am deeply concerned about the themes that are appearing. When a sheriff elected by a majority is practically told that the ACLU should be able to dictate what actions he takes- it's rather alarming. When he is told that he can not fight crime- because the ACLU believes that illegals should not be arrested- it's scary. And more over, when an illegal immigrant actually starts having more rights under the protect of the ACLU- which is suppose to be about "American Civil Liberties"- than I, an American Citizen do- it's extremely worrisome.

As for the concern that Beck is ignoring crimes just because the criminals are white- I can give you a list of those charged in Allen County to prove that not only does Beck go after white people, he does it on a regular basis.

It's time to step up ANd stop the ACLU, before the only ones in American left with any rights are illegal immigrants, sex offenders and terrorist.

Stop the ACLU.COM recently was able to get an interview with president of the Alliance Defense Fund, Alan Sears. It's very interesting, and informative. For more information, read on.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please register at Our Portal, or email Jay at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.


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