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James Effler, Library Rapist

A while back I brought you the gruesome news of a sex offender in Des Moines, who grabbed a toddler at a the library and took her into the bathroom in order to rape her. Thankfully, employees at the library where not only able to find this scum, they retrieved the little girl and held the sick monster captive in the restroom until police could arrive.

Well seems this perv has pleaded- NOT GUILTY.

Des Moines, November 21st, 2005- This morning, the man accused of assaulting a
toddler at the Des Moines Public Library was in Polk County court to enter his
plea. James Effler pleaded not guilty to charges of kidnapping and assault.
Police say Effler assaulted a 20-month-old girl after she walked away from
her babysitter at the library last month. Effler is a registered sex offender.
He is listed on Iowa's Sex Offender Registry for assaulting a woman in Texas
back in 2002.

AND- New details on the story are giving fuel to those that want internet filters to block access to pornography sites on public libraries computer system.

A homeless sex offender accused of molesting a toddler in a Des Moines library
restroom last month told police he used library computers to view pornography
many times.Even if that's true, James Effler Jr. didn't violate any laws or
break library rules.The Effler case gives fuel to groups that push for Internet
filters intended to block pornographic Web sites at libraries - a position
opposed by some librarian associations despite the risk of losing federal
money."This is a sad thing. Children are being raped and molested in public
libraries, and it's often a result of pornography being available to people in
public libraries," said Dan Kleinman. He is the founder of the Chatham,
N.J.-based Plan 2 Succeed citizens group, which largely opposes the American
Library Association's position and seeks to filter library computers. "It's
reoccurring in these communities. It's not frequent, but reoccurring." Continue reading

As supportive of personal freedoms as I am- I feel strongly that these filters should be applied. I don't know about your library, but at mine, you can look over your neighbors shoulder to see what they are looking at. There's not any justification for those that are fighting this law. A library should be considered a place of intellect- not a pornography screening room. If you are so inclined to look at it- do it at home.


Anonymous said…
So happy you agree. The article says Plan2Succeed wants to filter all library computers. Not exactly. We say who cares what we want. All we want is that people know they should be in control of their own libraries, not the ALA [American Library Association], and US v. ALA says it is perfectly legal to filter all computers. We want people to become aware of the ALA efforts to ensure children remain plugged in with p**n and criminals remained plugged in with children. People need to seize control of their own libraries from the ALA. We are not against p**n in and of itself. We are not even against the criminals -- see how we do not publish their names, except where they themselves are library employees. We are against the ALA pretending that US v. ALA was never decided. See the reaction in the article about the raped kid -- the head librarian in the state says it's "legal p**nography." Maybe, but what has that to do with a public library? When this story first came out it was only about the kid raped in the bathroom. No mention of the computers. I didn't even list it on the Plan2Succeed web site. But I personally made phone calls to a number of reporters that it might be computer p**n related. They said they would look into that. They did, called me back and told me it was directly connected. Then now the story comes out about the connection to unfiltered p**n. I hope the parents sue the ALA for millions and millions and that trial discovery shows the ALA's likely vice grip on the library caused it to remain unfiltered despite US v. ALA and the unfiltered Internet was a contributing factor to the child's rape. Only then will the ALA back down from its stance that children have a First Amendment right to access p**n and that it would be age discrimination to keep them from seeing it. Only then will attention be brought to bear that the ALA policies result in rapes and molestations of children in public libraries. Only then will local communities nationwide throw out the ALA clones that politely make ALA-coached psychobabble excuses for maintaining even one unfiltered computer. While I'm at it, I urge you to look at Safe Libraries at http:/ who is fighting similar if broader issues. - Are Children Safe in Public Libraries? And here's a sample outrageous quote from Judith Krug, the top person at the ALA responsible for ensuring ALA policies are maintained and enforced and local policies are whittled away: "Parents who care give their children Playboy." I see from your About Me page your interests in protecting children from harm mirror those of Plan2Succeed's. Please get in touch with us. Thank you.

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