Sometimes the irony in a situation is more than I can stand. This is truly one of those times.
I want you to imagine that tomorrow morning the United States is going to be attacked, right here, in every city and town. Mass armed forces are marching down your streets. Fires have broken out, guns are being fired left and right. You can hear the fighter jets roaring over your heads. After a brief look around, you realize that not one American Soldier is there- or anywhere for that matter. No, it seems that they have all went on vacation. They have no plans to return. Not exactly the most comforting thought is it?
The thing is, that would never happen. Our men and women of the military would never leave us undefended. They have more honor than that. And they should be able to expect just as much from us.
A man went off to fight for his country. He made a huge sacrifice in order to protect and defend the rest of us. His repayment for his service? A group of people, the very group whose job it is to protect those that can not protect themselves- they failed. No wait, failing would mean that they had at least tried. These people did not try. And even now, they sit by the sidelines doing NOTHING. Kelsey Briggs was a adorable little girl, with a life full of dreams and promises ahead of her. And while her father went off to fight for us, the DHS turned their back on her.
I'm outraged. You should be outraged.
But letting this little girl live in this nightmare until she was finally killed by TWO people, the one that did it and the one that let it happen, wasn't enough for the DHS. No, they now refuse to turn over evidence of the abuse that Kelsey was put through- and this, this is the irony part DHS has requested a security guard. Because, they feel endangered. UH HUH. God forbid the man that is suppose to protect them now fall asleep on his shift.
It's amazing that a group of government employees can be so arrogant that after failing to protect a child, that they now demand protecting.
I'm disgusted. Angry. Read the story, and you too can be just as angry and disgusted as I am.
I want you to imagine that tomorrow morning the United States is going to be attacked, right here, in every city and town. Mass armed forces are marching down your streets. Fires have broken out, guns are being fired left and right. You can hear the fighter jets roaring over your heads. After a brief look around, you realize that not one American Soldier is there- or anywhere for that matter. No, it seems that they have all went on vacation. They have no plans to return. Not exactly the most comforting thought is it?
The thing is, that would never happen. Our men and women of the military would never leave us undefended. They have more honor than that. And they should be able to expect just as much from us.
A man went off to fight for his country. He made a huge sacrifice in order to protect and defend the rest of us. His repayment for his service? A group of people, the very group whose job it is to protect those that can not protect themselves- they failed. No wait, failing would mean that they had at least tried. These people did not try. And even now, they sit by the sidelines doing NOTHING. Kelsey Briggs was a adorable little girl, with a life full of dreams and promises ahead of her. And while her father went off to fight for us, the DHS turned their back on her.
I'm outraged. You should be outraged.
But letting this little girl live in this nightmare until she was finally killed by TWO people, the one that did it and the one that let it happen, wasn't enough for the DHS. No, they now refuse to turn over evidence of the abuse that Kelsey was put through- and this, this is the irony part DHS has requested a security guard. Because, they feel endangered. UH HUH. God forbid the man that is suppose to protect them now fall asleep on his shift.
It's amazing that a group of government employees can be so arrogant that after failing to protect a child, that they now demand protecting.
I'm disgusted. Angry. Read the story, and you too can be just as angry and disgusted as I am.