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Paul Kraft

There are some things that are so heinous, that there is no fitting punishment. In the case of Paul Kraft, I can not even begin to imagine something that would be enough punishment to ever fit his crime.
Kraft and his wife where arrested after chatting with a undercover officier in a Yahoo Chat room by the name of "baby and pre-teen sex". While chatting with the UCO, Kraft offered to rape his 3 year old child on webcam, if someone else was willing to do the same. The UCO informed Hamilton County sheriff's deputies, who went to Kraft's home and arrested him. Investigators found evidence that Kraft along with his wife, repeatedly had sexually abused their children, ranging in age from 1 to 6 years old.
Robin Kraft, 25, was indicted Aug. 26 on 17 charges, including rape, attempted rape, felonious assault and child endangering.
The felonious assault charges do not relate to physical violence, but allege Robin Kraft mentally harmed her daughter and four sons, Deters said. She was found not competent to go to trial and is being treated at Summit Behavioral Healthcare pending a re-evaluation of competency.

More information can be found here, although it is very disturbing to say the least.
The latest in the case, Kraft has been found guilty of the rape of the 3 year old. His wife is still has not been to trial.

The man who was accused of continually raping his young daughter has been found guilty on all charges.

Judge Charles Kubicki found Paul Kraft guilty of several charges including several rape counts and pandering child pornography.

Prosecutor's said that Kraft and his wife, Robin Kraft, has sex numerous times in front of their children and often included their children in these acts. Their children range in ages from one to six years old. SRC

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Anonymous said…
Mike, I think this case is exactly opposite what people have in mind when they say that. To be fair, you have to admit that these two were predators that preyed mercilessly and horribly on their own offspring! (You can't even call them what they are -- their children -- because they were never children to those two... I just have to say it... to those two MONSTERS). I think you would be pretty hard pressed to come up with a reasonable amount of cases like this, as this just defies anyone's reasoning powers.

You always seem to choose to "capitalize" on these incomprehensibly heinous cases by using them to broadbrush everyone that would fall under your pet law. I have heard someone else say that this tactic is gauche, and seeing this opportunistic comment of yours forces me to agree.

I just thank God that this kind of malevolence is a rarity. You should, too. And pray for those children, while you have Him online.


Lost, I don't know how you do this every day, but I have a ton of respect for you.
Anonymous said…
Visit the paulkraft/devil discussion. Come vent your anger, or leave your thoughts, prayers for the children or whatever you want to say about this ANIMAL!
Anonymous said…
I am speechless (well almost). These MONSTERS have recieved far too light a sentence in my eyes, I only hope that "prison justice" picks up the slack. It takes the lowest form of life to prey on children, to prey on your own children takes the lowest of the low. I rarely pray but I pray for these children.
Anonymous said…
I don't think I have ever read news where I just bawled like a baby afterwards, until I read about the Kraft children. That is so disgusting. Those parents don't deserve prison, they deserve death. Raping a 3 year old?? I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter, and I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her...especially the people that are supposed to love them more than anything.

Those parents deserve the death penalty. They crossed the line, it should never be about them...they don't need to see psychologists, or therapists...they need to walk their butts straight to the electric chair. No one needs to ask them why they did it or anything...just get them off the planet.
Anonymous said…
There are no words to describe the complete and utter evil that those people thought of for their children. I cannot imagine what could possibly motivate them. I do think it is an important question to ask. We all know, statistically, that if anyone ever harms a child it is more then likely by someone known to the child. I reccomend you all read any and John Douglas books. It help create an awareness. I think the evil these people will suffer someday in hell will not be enough.
Anonymous said…
There are no words to describe the complete and utter evil that those people thought of for their children. I cannot imagine what could possibly motivate them. I do think it is an important question to ask. We all know, statistically, that if anyone ever harms a child it is more then likely by someone known to the child. I reccomend you all read any and John Douglas books. It help create an awareness. I think the evil these people will suffer someday in hell will not be enough.
Korrie said…
Did you know he has more children? And he has other victims also that he got away with raping? His sister lost custody of her daughter when the father found out that her brother molested her.( the child) He also molested his sister Kimberly in 1989 or 90 in South Carolina. His two other children do not know him due to the fact that I found out about his sister. The day I found out is the day I left. It hurts me to know he did this to my kids brothers and sister.. and if you think that he didn't molest the boys boy did someone wear a blindfold.. Only thing Ohio did wrong? Not giving him the death penalty. Sorry Ohio.

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