I have yet to find any cases where a child was abused for 4 years, and the man walked out with a sixty day sentence. However, recent cases have caused me to wonder just what on earth is wrong with Vermont, such as one where another sexual predator was given a light sentence. In this last case, it seems the difference was the age of the victim, but even then should it matter? Should the fact that the victim was 16 make it more exceptable that her attacker was given only a 60-day prison term? I don't believe so.
Perhaps, he'll just go back to Jamaica, but seeing as Vermont is so Sex Offender Friendly, I'd imagine he's quite comfortable there.
Tomorrow, Judge Edward Cashman will again have a chance to ensure that justice prevails, one has to wonder if his morals will again weigh the decision on the court, rather than the laws doing so.
Categories: judges, Predators
In court papers, Attorney Mark Kaplan wrote that the short jail term and long probation imposed on Mark Hulett by Judge Edward Cashman was similar to other
sentences meted out by Vermont courts. SRC.
I have yet to find any cases where a child was abused for 4 years, and the man walked out with a sixty day sentence. However, recent cases have caused me to wonder just what on earth is wrong with Vermont, such as one where another sexual predator was given a light sentence. In this last case, it seems the difference was the age of the victim, but even then should it matter? Should the fact that the victim was 16 make it more exceptable that her attacker was given only a 60-day prison term? I don't believe so.
Marc Cartner, 38, of Jamaica, pleaded guilty to sexual assault on a minor and two counts of violating his conditions of release.
Perhaps, he'll just go back to Jamaica, but seeing as Vermont is so Sex Offender Friendly, I'd imagine he's quite comfortable there.
Tomorrow, Judge Edward Cashman will again have a chance to ensure that justice prevails, one has to wonder if his morals will again weigh the decision on the court, rather than the laws doing so.
Categories: judges, Predators
I hear a lot of stories from victim's parents complaining about prosecutors plea bargaining their cases without their knowledge, and the perps are back in the neighborhood 6 months later.
Either a person (usually though not exclusively female) was in a capacity to make a judgement regarding sexual consent, i.e., an adult, and was sexually violated or they were not. The "I was pressured by my 'date rape'" is not forced, even though it may have been powerful persuasion. If it was forced, it is not "date rape" it is rape.
The public has only so much emotion to spend. Let's spend it wisely.
As to a slap on the wrist on someone who assualts a child - indefensable. The jusdge should be impeached, disbarred, and have civil action brought against them by the victims families.