I've seen the many places out there in the Blogosphere, who reject the idea that these teachers running around sexually assaulting our children should be in jail. I've read the comments about how it doesn't effect the boys, and how lucky they should feel. I disagree. Sexual abuse is sexual abuse. It's against the law, and it is morally repugnant. For those that justify letting women sexually abuse students, I have to wonder how they feel when a man sexually assaults his students? Is it okay as long as the student is male, or does the offending teacher have to be female in order for it to be acceptable? I'd like to see their take on this:
Evidently, as the UAW Guy pointed out, it's just not female teachers who can sexually abuse male students and get away with it, male teachers can too.
For the second time in recent weeks, a male teacher has been given no prison time for sexually assaulting one of his male students.
And the other one:
Categories: predators, judges,
Evidently, as the UAW Guy pointed out, it's just not female teachers who can sexually abuse male students and get away with it, male teachers can too.
For the second time in recent weeks, a male teacher has been given no prison time for sexually assaulting one of his male students.
According to the Janesville Gazette, Rock County Judge Alan Bates sentenced Hoff to three years probation after he pleaded no contest to one count each of disorderly conduct and misdemeanor fourth-degree sexual assault of a 16-year-old boy, who now is 17. Bates also ordered Hoff to pay a $1,000 fine, serve 30 hours of community service and have no contact with the victims. Hoff must also surrender his teaching license and participate in counseling and treatment required by his probation officer.
And the other one:
Prosecutors asked Brockton Superior Court Judge Suzanne V. Delvecchio to give Pathiakis four to eight years in state prison, followed by five years probation. But she issued a suspended, 2 1/2-year jail term, followed by five years probation. SOURCEI'm not sure what is going on in our judicial system when it becomes acceptable for Judges to stop following the law, and instead hand out probation to sexual predators. I'm not sure when we as a society decided that judges should have such an overwhelming power that when they make these sentences, no one is willing to demand more. If this is all the punishment these predators are going to get, why even bother charging them? Our attempts to have the prosecution and held responsible for their crimes are pointless, it becomes a absolute waste of time as long as these judges continue to let them walk.
Categories: predators, judges,