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Julie Welborn

Some of you may recall Ms. Welborn, as I have written about her before. She's the disturbed 38 year old woman who used her daughters chat program to meet an Ohio boy. Being the deviant she is, the Washington native picked up her things, and moved her family to Ohio in order to be closer to the then 13 year old.

Well, Julie Ann Welborn was recently convicted, labeled a sexual predator and sent to do four years in prison- I guess some stories really do have fairytale endings.
Stark County Common Pleas Judge Charles E. Brown Jr. also labeled Julie Ann Welborn, 38, of Camano Island, Wash., a sexual predator and imposed a $10,000 fine on Monday.

Welborn faced up to six years in prison on charges of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and importuning.

According to authorities, Welborn established a relationship with the Stark County boy, who is now 14, through an online game and communicated with him for about a year before coming to Ohio to meet him in October.

Welborn made contact with the boy using her teenage daughter's instant messaging program and later made plans to move to Ohio and enroll the girl at the boy's school, Massillon police detective Bobby Grizzard said.

"How a mother can use her own daughter like this is beyond my comprehension," the judge said.

An FBI and Canton-area law enforcement task force seized a moving van and trailer when Welborn was arrested Nov. 21 at a hotel.

The victim's mother alerted authorities after discovering correspondence between her son and Welborn.
Woman Ordered To Prison For Sexual Encounter With Ohio Boy

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Anonymous said…
I know her. I can't believe any of this is happening. I am in a daze.
Anonymous said…
I know her daughter
Jammer said…
Is she hot? :)
Anonymous said…
Hi. I don't know when you wrote this, but I'm Julie's daughter. Let me tell the real story.

She wasn't pursuing to find a younger kid. My yahoo messenger was signed in when the boy talked to me. I was in the shower I think, but anyway, he started a chess game and royally kicked her ass at it...then he talked her into playing the RP we all played, RuneScape, and she did eventually. She went from a level 3 to 94 in about a month because she played so much. The police say that she told them to call her 'mom' when he actually started that on his own. After they 'fell in love' he stopped. They talked on the phone constantly and it was very upsetting because it felt like her affection fro my brother and I was averted over to him. It hurt a lot. It still does. She didn't use me for anything. She dropped about 15 years of maturity when this whole thing happened. He is like my brother and I love him very much. I don't blame him for anything, even though he's the one who talked her into everything. She didn't force him at all to do anything, he talked her into everything. My mom is not a bad person. She's a push over and he took advantage of that a little, I think. I asked to be enrolled into his school. I wanted to be around him because he's one of my best friends. I was not used. All the shit they said about her using me to see's not true. They questioned me; I told them what I knew very reluctantly. When they said stuff in the paper and on the news they put words into my mouth. I didn't say most of the stuff they said I did. He was my best friend before they got 'together' and after. I still love him, but I can't talk to him anymore. He's not allowed to talk to me. They also say that she forced me into the relationship I was in at that point, but that’s not true either. The guy I was with was my friend and then I chose to be with him. The police lied about a lot of stuff.
In my eyes, I see this as my fault because I met him first. I don't regret it though. Yes, I miss my mother very much. Yes, I'm hurt. Yes. But if all of this wouldn't have happened I wouldn't have some of the good friends I have now...I wouldn't have my boyfriend who I love...I wouldn't have a lot of stuff. I wish I had my mom with me still. I wish I could visit her. I wish my dad cared more about me. I wish my brother wasn't such a mess. But I don't wish this wouldn't have happened. I love my mom.

I hope you understand more after you read this.

-Rachel welborn
Anonymous said…
Oh and by the way, he wasn't a virgin before anyway. So she didn't steal any innocence there.
I find it funny that they put mom away, but they didn't do anything when I told them that he had been raped since he was 12 by their family friend's daughter, who babysat his little sister.

So fuck it. I really don't think anyone cares about the family of the people who get put in jail.

-rachel again
Anonymous said…
...Leave it to the press and clueless bloggers like you to fuck things up. How about you don't write anything unless you've got facts, not fabrications.

Also, why don't you all get up off your asses and take care of the real predators? O_o
Lilo said…
She was an adult, he wasn't. And, as hard as it must be for those that love her- her actions were wrong, illegal, unjustifiable.

Here's the story, she had a sexual relationship with a minor. She's responsible for her actions- and blaming anyone else isn't going to undo what she has done.

And, really it's a shame that she ever put any of her children in a position where they felt that they came second to her victim.

Like it or not, she is a predator.
Anonymous said…
I am his mother. He was a virgin before he met her! She is sick, thank god she didn't ruin my son!!! And he was never raped by a babysitter. dummy. The only people to watch his little sister was me, and her dad. We still don't have a babysitter. What a horrible thing to say was done to him. Hasn't enough real stuff happened? Why add lies?
Anonymous said… write me rachel, if you have the nerve.
Anonymous said…
Rachel again;
Actually, you know Chelsy right? Yeah, her. She raped him over and over. fun with that. He told me, he told mom. Unless he lied to me, which I doubt he would ever do. I'm the one that cried over it. Jesse is one of my best friends, even though you dont let me talk to him. Tell him hi for me, Michelle.

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