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Linsi E. Light

When it came on the news last night, there was very little information. Even today, although there is more coming out- there still is a rather chilling "quietness" in the details of the case.

You must understand, my home town is rather small. Murders front page news. So when the second murder of the year was shuffled into the mid section of the paper this morning, without so much as a name for the victim, it seemed- well it seemed odd. It wasn't until this evening that one (out of two) local TV news stations picked it up enough for it to hit their website.

What I have been able to compile so far, is that at some time last night, Lima Police received a call about a gun being shot. They arrived at 1212 Bellefontaine Ave, on the east side of Lima to find a 19 year old OSU student dead.

The young woman would be identified as Linsi E. Light, a first year OSU Lima student from Montpelier Ohio, a small Ohio town with just over 4,000 residents. She apparently had been shot in the head.

Next door to Linsi's place here in Lima lived her boyfriend, another OSU Lima student- 19 year old Richard Wegmann. A few hours after Linsi was found dead, he turned himself into police.

Wegmann was arraigned in Lima Municipal Court today at 2:00 pm on charges of Reckless Homicide. He was also able to post bail of $10,000. The case is set for a preliminary hearing on the 17th of this month at 11:15 am.

More information will be posted when available. Also see: - Local News - Setting the Standard for news in West Central Ohio



Anonymous said…
I am from Stryker, Ohio (about 15 miles from Montpelier). Linsi was one of my friend's sister. Her death has had a heartbreaking impact on the community of Montpelier and the surrounding area and we can only hope that Wegmann will recieve the appropriate and maximum punishment for her murder. I refuse to believe that this was an accident.
Anonymous said…
I am Linsi's First cousin, today we laid Linsi to rest, I am 11 years older than her, but I watched Her grow up at Christmas, Thanksgiving, and every family get together. She lived 4 blocks away from me, She was a beautiful young woman who had life stolen from her. She had over 400 people come to visitation on wednesday, every one of her friend's, co-workers, and family were there

Linsi,you will be missed
now go catch some fish with your grandpa

We love you, your family
Anonymous said…
Linsi was one of my best friends. They were not together anymore!! He got put away this morning for murder! He deserves so much more for it though!
Anonymous said…
I regret never getting to know Linsi. I will forever only know her has a girl I passed from time to time at school. From what I saw, Linsi was full of life, with her ripped jeans and backpack slung over her shoulder, i like to think that she was just waiting to take on world. I am sad that I will not pass by Linsi, exchanging a look that that says hi, but never uttering a word, a smile that says i know your there, don't run into me, and a spirit that is now free to look over those who knew her best. Linsi is now a kindred spirit, who goes from future uncertain to gaurdian of life. Linsi Light, I wish I had known her.
Anonymous said…
yeah i argee with everyone he should burn in hell for what he did and Linsi was a unique but very pretty girl through school, I had a honor to have a few classes with her and she would always help me if I needed it, I also grew up with her and her brother Kevin and her parents, I'll miss her and her smile that I seen in school and around Montpelier.
Anonymous said…
I used to know Ricky, back in grade never think when your young, even for a moment, that you are looking at a guy that would one day be a murderer, what he has done he discustes me....... I dont know Linsi, but I am praying for her every night now
Anonymous said…
I dont know what to say. I have been Rick's good friend for the longest time. I didnt go to school with him, but we did got to H.S. together. I am floored right now. A life has been lost, and a life has been ruined. I didnt know the victim, but I am praying for her and her family. Rick.......why?????????????????????
Anonymous said…
That "Reckless Homicide" charge and the low bail astounded me ... that's all I can say.
Anonymous said…
I used to be close friends with Lindsi's family. When I read about her in the paper, I was devastated. I just cannot believe that this has happened to to them. I say them because this sort of thing doesn't just happen to the victim. The whole family and community that is left to mourn and ask "Why" are also victims.
Unfortunately, what happened to Linsi,this bright young woman, who was so loved by so many, was a textbook case of what people who work against violence are always saying:
1) The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when the victim is trying to leave the abuser. This is when most victims are badly harmed or killed. My sister was in an abusive relationship many years ago and was killed when she tried to leave.

2) the gun you bring into your home is far more likely to be used against you or someone you love.
I hope this tragedy serves a purpose and that is for people - young and old - men and women - to gain a greater understanding of the dangers of gun ownership. A good place to begin is by putting
"Brady Campaign" or "Ohio Coalition against Gun" in their search engine and look at the facts. I don't want to turn this into a debate of the pros and cons of gun ownership and lose sight of the tragedy of losing Linsi, but I want people to understand that owning a gun does NOT make you safer.
Anonymous said…
Our hearts and prayers go out to Linsi's family and friends. What a waste of a precious young life.

As friends of the Wegmann family, we are absolutely floored by the charge of murder that Rick is facing in the death of Linsi. To us Rick was a normal, polite and “clean cut” teen. Why?

Everyone should know that the Wegmann family is very special. The parents are kind, considerate and giving to family, friends and the community. They are conscientious, caring and responsible parents. I'm sure they are devastated beyond words with what happened to Linsi. Their life is “changed” in a way I cannot imagine. We pray that the Wegmanns can find some “peace” and hope they know that we are here for them.
Anonymous said…
His parents may be "kind, considerate, and giving" but he is not. He didn't give, he took. Took something very special from all of us.
I was at the visitation. There was a line, forming all inside to outside. There were so many people there I could not even believe it. I knew she was loved, but wow. So, that shows how many people cared for her, and, had something taken away from them.
Why don't people think before they act? It's something in life that has always been said. Yet, nobody does it. Well, this here, proves that that theory, should have come into play.
I just sit back and wonder "where would Linsi be now? What would she be doing?" Probably screaming and making weird noises, smoking, playing with her hair, working, singing, or her most favorite thing, on her cell phone.
Rick deserves every bit of what he gets. Even if he did hire 3 lawyers and plead Not Guilty, I hope he gets everything he deserves.
Let me ask you one thing; Do you honestly want a killer running down the streets? What if it was one of your family members?
That, would be something to look at.
R.I.P. Linsi.
Anonymous said…
This is an old post but I just got access to read the blogs. I knew Linsi, Rick, and Cory all pretty good, mostly Linsi and Cory. I met Rick once and he seemed like a big wierd-o from the start. Really we were all glad when Linsi broke up with him and started seeing Cory again. We all felt a lot better, and she was so much happier.
Anonymous said…
You all are wrong. Ricky was a sweet guy and yes... He was strange but he has add so there ya go. Hes a sweety and I hope he gets everything going for him GOOD!

I love this guy and I always will. We went out and he was fine. I hung out with him the week of the shotting and I know that they broke up and he was happy.. I dated him and he was a good boyfriend. Maybe it was a ending of a life but he doesnt deserve life in jail and everyone deserves a better chance
Anonymous said…
I pray for the Light Family to find peace. I am sorry for this tragic incident that has happened.

And for the Wegmann's.. You are one of God's Wonderful people and I only hope the best blessings for you all.
Rick is my best friend. I could always run and talk to him when I needed... and he would always listen. Kind and sensitive is what would describe Rick.. Ricki is not a violent person.. as people make him out to be... If you would really know Rick, you all wouldn't think so either. He has always been great to me and my kids. I pray for you everynight Rick! Only hope God will not let them punish you for the rest of your life for an accident. I love you Rick.. I will always and forever be there for you...

And yes, I truly believe this is an accident. So to the people who wants to cuss at everyone that loves Rick.. I understand you all are hurt and confused. But if you would actually want to see someone rot in jail without knowing the whole story.. that's kinda sad.. what kind of people are you? yes the media plays tricks making the worst of people but... The trial will tell all.
In realization... However, kids should not play with guns! Point Blank.. and if Linsi was truly frightened of him why would she let him in her home.. with her gun? It doesn't add up... Yes, justice should be served weither it is an accident or not. That's the price you pay.
Mistakes are made, and we cannot turn back time. We tend to harm our future with careless actions and not realize in a blink of an eye.. everything can be taken from us. I hope others can take this incident and learn from it.
I pray for both families to find peace within themselves.
Anonymous said…
It's just that we "saw this comming" in a way. All of us who knew Richard could see he was not a good person. Granted I only met him once because Cory, Linsi and my boyfriend and I went on a double date to bdubs. I had the unpleasent pleasure of meeting Richard when we brought Linsi home. There was no way the Richard I met on Feb 7th was the same Ricky his friends are telling us about.
Anonymous said…
Yes, accidents happen! Can you tell me everyone is a freaking angel... I think NOT! Everyone makes mistakes, and we learn from them.. well I hope most people do.
For the comment: "You seen it coming" and if you
did.. you didn't do anything about it. what a friend... glad you arent' mine if that was the case. But... I highly doubt this would of happened if there wasn't a gun in play. If there was never a freaking gun this incident would of never happened! I know Rick and I love Rick he's not controlling, compulsive or whatever you want to say about him.. I mean why would he.. he had everything going for him. I never knew Rick the way you guys try to make him out to be. So what I can say about him... he's a GREAT GUY! Oh and to clear the record straight about the saying "oh he's a spoiled rich kid" yada yada yada... If you knew Rick he likes doing shit on his own if he can.. and he'll try his hardest at it too. Always had a job. Yeah he may come from a wealthy family but is that how everyone judges him? what does people say about poor people.. do they call them trash? I mean c'mon people get realistic why in the hell would you trash someone so harsh and not knowing that person.
Don't get me wrong.. I'm not siding with Rick with what happened but I will always be there for him no matter what... cause he would me.
I pray for the Light family, your daughter was someone special. I met Linsi and she seemed very pure.. and trust me you can't say that about much young females these days. but the way I seen them together and hear about them.. it doesn't seem the way that people are trying to describe. Doesn't seem right.. Does it?
But anyways.. My prayers go out for everyone, even the trash talkers...
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I knew Rick. We where great buds. He was NOT spoiled at all. He earned his way the entire way. He wasnt handed jack squat. He had great parents who wouldnt do that, and know what it does to a kid. I feel sad for eveyone in this ordeal, but especially his parents. They where really great people.
Anonymous said…
A thought to ponder is why do the "Rick supporters" blog or post anonymously and not put their actual names.
Anonymous said…
the same reason everyone else does.. it's not only the "Rick supporters".
Anonymous said…
Rick has supporters? why? lol...
Anonymous said…
not that we support what he had happened, but is there for him. LOVE YOU RICK!
Anonymous said…
Rick was a dumbass. He killed my best friend and now he will rot in jail for that! Anyone who says Rick was a "nice guy, wouldn't do that" well your freakin crazy!!! He was not nice to her or any of her friends. And he had ADD?? ok,now tell me something that matters..I know a lot of people with ADD and you don't see them in jail for shooting need to find some real evidence, then get back to us. Also, it wasn't an accident and before you say it was...maybe you should find out some of the forensic evisence first because I know for SURE it wasn't an accident.
Anonymous said…
Anyone having relevant information about this case can contact the Lima Police Department.

Detective Joe Nolan
ID Officer David Hammond
Anonymous said…
rick did fly off the handles somrtimes , but i doubt he ever meant for somthing like this to happen. He is a good guy and i dont know why he would do somthing like that. I didnt believe it till i heard it on the news. Yes i Support rick, Not what he did, But the rick that i always knew at the football games. and in the hallways
Anonymous said…
Guilty. By a jury of his peers. Hooray for the justice system - they got one right!
Anonymous said…
It's been a year now since I've seen Linsi last. Almost a year since she's been gone. Sometimes "good" people do bad things" In this case one bad person got what they deserved. The jury spoke and I was there to hear them say, "Ricky, you are fucking guilty!!" okay maybe my own lingo but hey. He got what goes around comes around, right Justin Timberlake? Ha

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