This Post Sticky...
If any of you have been paying attention- you should know that the Larry King of bloggers has been running around interviewing bloggers. Well, a while back I signed up- because really what harm could it do? So this week Basil, of Basil's Blog will be collecting questions from other bloggers, and readers (friend and foe alike). If there's ever been something you wanted to ask- this is the time to do it.
For information on how you can submit questions, or to find out how you too can be interviewed- please click here. You only have a week to get over there, so just do it now. Points will be awarded for those that submit questions.
*Points not valid on any purchase, but may be redeemed for links, or special mention.
Categories: bloggers, internet, Misc,
If any of you have been paying attention- you should know that the Larry King of bloggers has been running around interviewing bloggers. Well, a while back I signed up- because really what harm could it do? So this week Basil, of Basil's Blog will be collecting questions from other bloggers, and readers (friend and foe alike). If there's ever been something you wanted to ask- this is the time to do it.
For information on how you can submit questions, or to find out how you too can be interviewed- please click here. You only have a week to get over there, so just do it now. Points will be awarded for those that submit questions.
*Points not valid on any purchase, but may be redeemed for links, or special mention.
Categories: bloggers, internet, Misc,