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Duke Lacrosse Rape

The Duke Lacrosse rape investigation has taken a turn or two in the last few days.
Reports are showing that a second home was searched in connection with the March 13th rape, and more homes are expected to be searched.

District Attorney Mike Nifong said Tuesday that police have searched a second house in connection with the Duke lacrosse case, and that additional searches "quite likely" would follow.

Nifong said the latest search was at a house occupied by two members of the Duke lacrosse team.

He declined to say what officers were looking for. Those details, along with an inventory of any evidence that was seized, will be outlined in the search warrant and accompanying paperwork, which by law must be returned to the county Magistrate's Office by today.

Another turn in the case came when LE took DNA samples from 46 Duke State Lacrosse players, hoping to be able to find matches to the DNA found on the victim.
Most interesting it seems is that the 911 calls have been released to the public, as I've noticed a good number of searching coming in evidently looking for the links.
For those visitors, the audio can be found here:
First 911 call
Second 911 call

Depending on where you stand on the whole "boys will be boys" theory- you might find the story done by the News and Observer a tad infuriating, in some spots. It's not so much the story-as it is the the ease with which it seems that Duke officials are sort of throwing this to the wind. Yes, they admit the party was a bad idea- but then there are pieces of it like this one:

Brodhead and Athletics Director Joe Alleva stressed that the decision to forfeit games was not done as a penalty against the players but in recognition of the seriousness of the situation. They added that players had faced harassment.

"The behavior was bad behavior, boorish behavior," Brodhead said of the March 13 party. "But from there to what is alleged is a very serious step."

The university will take appropriate action once the facts become clear, Brodhead said.

Angry students confronted Brodhead after the news conference.

"How are you going to protect us from these lacrosse players?" shouted Bridgette Howard, a sophomore from Baltimore.

Brodhead promised to meet with students today but cautioned them about casting judgment until the legal process is complete.

That seem to be more of a brush off than a "we have a serious problem" type statement. It could possibly just be the way I am reading it... but it almost sounds as if they are saying "well, yes they broke a dish- but that's a far cry from blowing up a house", when in fact there seems to be evidence of a blow up house.

UPDATE: The Smoking Gun has a copy of the search warrant which includes of a list of items seized (digital camera's, a couple laptops, cell phones and household items) , address of home searched, description of vehical searched, and the name of three males- Adam, Matt and Brett who the said rapist... with a brief description of the heinous crime.
*H/T A Complete Bunch of Pants for the Smoking Gun find, and who had a link to Deadspin- who has the complete Lacrosse Team Roster.
It also seems that a blog has been started in order to follow the story completely as it unfolds. Those interested in complete updates may want to visit Justice for two Sisters.

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Anonymous said…
Hey Lilo,

Did you want to be part of this week's carnival? I didn't get an e-mail, but I think I've been having some e-troubles because I missed one from Trench as well. Let me know and I'll add you.

Anonymous said…
I live in Durham, about 3 blocks from the house where the lacrosse team had their 'party.' The community outrage is growing. Last eve was the first step towards a disciplinary action of the lacrosse team that the university has made. President Brodhead has decided to suspend all games until a legal resolution is met.....whatever that means. The issue, with many in the community, is that SOMETHING happened. And, while the young lady only accuses 3 of the is very difficult to believe that the others in the house were unaware of who was in that bathroom with her...even if they don't know exactly what happened. Worse still, is the arrogance with which members of the LAX team are now strutting about the community. A guest contributor to the university's paper website (, and also a recent alum/current law student, was at a bar recently where members of the team came in and slammed down shots, yelling, 'Duke Lacrosse'. Patrons of the bar were stunned at their seeming pride! Even if the investigation proves nothing...these young males (they are not men) have shown their true - and sickening character.
Anonymous said…
I've been looking all morning for a team roster- but THe Internet Archives aren't able to go back to any previous GoDuke pages to pick it up, and for the life of me I can not seem to find it anywhere else on line. If anywhere is aware of where to find the full team roster- I'd love to know.
~We should at least be able to know who it is that would keep silent in the face of all of this.
Anonymous said…
I'm from Cleveland, OH and am appalled. I know your area NAACP has its share of problems, for sure.

But NAACP needs to do something instead of selling out this time, as I can show you they love to do if there is anything controversial; they lose corporate interest if they get too controversial.

As a former reporter for a weekly and a daily, I'm also disgusted with the veil of secrecy.

No Justice, No Peace.
Anonymous said…
Awesome info, thanks..
Anonymous said…
This whole issue is a bunch of trumped up crap. No rape, no crime, get over it and put this damn DA in jail for even bringing these charges. Particularly now that we know there is no DNA, except for the boyfriends. Truly amazing how some look for causes to sooth their souls
Anonymous said…
When do you think you will do a follow-up on this story? What's your opinion now?

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