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James Robbins

James Robbins knew he was breaking the law when he arrived at the house his uncle had bought. Even the uncle was aware when he purchased the home for Robbins wife and children that Robbins presense there would be in direct violation of an ordinance that prohibits a convicted sex offender from living within the corporate limits of Wapello and from being within two blocks of any school, daycare, city swimming pool, school bus stop, library or city park. They just didn't care.

Robbins was convicted in 1998, and given a 10 year sentence for third–degree sexual abuse of his stepdaughter.

His wife defends his position that the city is being unfair:

"We can understand you don't want him living here, but why not visit?" Debbie Robbins asked.

I am hoping, above and beyond what I normally would that this idiot woman is not the mother of the victim. I can't imagine how any woman would show any support for some monster that gets his kicks molesting children.

Thankfully, the police chief and a city counselman seems to be on the side of protecting society rather than allowing this man to do as he wishes:

"You can either (challenge) it through the courts or ask the City Council to amend it," he said.

Councilman Jim Brown predicted the council would not amend the ordinance.

"That's not going to happen," he told Robbins.

Brown said he warned Robbins' uncle about the city's ordinance and the uncle still purchased the house.

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Anonymous said…
"We can understand you don't want him living here, but why not visit?" Debbie Robbins asked."

Debbie, meet Joanne Presti and her 12-year old daughter, dead victims of a "visiting" sex offender in their neighborhood:

Of course, this is a prime example of why "RSO-Free Zones" will not work. Short of tattoing a big, red "RSO!" label on their foreheads, the last measure of responsibility for these freaks falls squarely upon the shoulders of those who know them- family & friends- and allow them into their lives; and by dint of that acceptance and support, into the lives of their neighbors and extended family & friends network. The relatives and friends of sex offenders should be responsible for notifying their neighbors and friends about their RSO visitor.

I would like to see charges brought against these relatives and friends for Aiding and Abetting, depending upon their level of support (advice, financial support, actions- like introductions to others without warning them!) which they provided to the Offender. Perfect example: John Couey's family members.

Robbins is not "classified" for Level I - III, as Iowa does not require a risk assessment. However, any conviction for sex offenses (and Robbins has TWO from this case) should be a red flag for anyone who allows them into their home or life.

From the Iowa Registered Sex Offender website: "The assignment of a specific risk level or the fact that no risk assesment was conducted should not be considered a definitive indicator of whether a registrant will or will not commit another offense. No risk assessment tool can predict human behavior with certainty. "

Word. They don't put that disclaimer on there for the halibut!

Sex offenders are an especially unpredictable lot. That some of them manage to rope "very respectable people" into their lives and spectrum of friends as "supporters" should be a warning to all of us. To wit: Dr. Richard Wacksman and Joseph Crary, in the Joseph Duncan case. And more recently (Sorry, Fargo!), over 30 letter-writers- many of them employed in the area schools & educational system- in the Fargo-Moorhead Haseltine case:

Sex Offenders: They're the M-80 you leave laying on the lawn after it fails to go BOOM! in a timely manner. Is it a dud, or a hang-fire? You wanna take that chance? Nope, you give it a wide berth, a couple hours and a bucket of water. How many more "hands blown off" Independence Day news articles do you have to read before you know how to treat that M-80?

Well, there will be no shortage of Independence Day fireworks horror stories (regardless of their ILLEGAL status in many states!), and I'm sure we'll keep hearing about RSO's who were "trusted" by some idiot or another...

I'd let my children approach a dud or hang-fire M-80 before I'd allow them in the presence of a sex offender. Pyrotechnics are unpredictable, but at least they're predictably unpredictable!

Thanks for bringing these cases to light, LILO. You know, I take frequent breaks from my own blog because the content makes me ill... but then I go a-clickin' through the True Crime Blogroll and and see more and more of this same enabling crap concerning sex offenders and their "friends"... :(

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