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Jerry Rangel

Readers might recall that I recently wrote an entry on Jerry Rangel- a sex offender charged with raping a 13 month old child that was left in his care. The injuries suffered at the hands of this deviant are unexcusable, no one should have to suffer like this, least of all a innocent little child.

Doctors said the child suffered multiple skull fractures, a broken left leg, a torn vagina and bruising on her head, legs and hands. She was hospitalized for a week before being released to a foster family near Scott & White Hospital in Temple.

This is one of those stories that leave so many of us wondering just what could have been done to prevent this, and just who could have stopped it. Sadly, it's also one of those cases where there was plenty of warning that this was a dangerous man, and plenty of people who could have acted to prevent this.

A little history on Rangel only proves the case that this did not need to happen, there was ample opportunity to stop this monster.

In 1996, as a juvenile- Rangel was convicted of raping an 11 year old in Texas. He served 8 years, and then was released from parole in 2004. 8 years for raping a child. A judge, a jury and a parole board could have served the best interest of society and kept him behind bars for much longer than the 8 years. But they didn't.

Then in 2005, Rangel was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, his then girlfriend was breaking up with him when he grabbed a knife with a 5-inch blade and pulled her into the bathroom, and told her if he couldn't have her, then he didn't want to live. When she attempted to leave, he grabbed her by the neck and choked her. Luckily, police were called, and arrived to find the two in the bathroom still. [unconfirmed reports point out that this victim could be the mother of the child raped]

Now, Rangel sits in jail for committing his third known crime, committed on what was his 23 birthday. Three horrific crimes, and he's only 23. Two heinous crimes, two chances to lock this man up for a long long time- not to mention the fact parole could have been denied.

People in every aspect of the judicial system let society down when they preformed what ever roll they might have had in letting this man be released into the public.

Even then, even with all those chances- there was one more person who could have prevented this. I know it's not PC to put the blame anywhere but on the criminal- this time is going to be an exception.

The 23-year-old mother of four normally worked nights at The Tropicana Club in Bryan, but she was starting a new day job and needed to attend orientation. So, she said, she did something she usually wouldn't do: She left her three daughters in the care of Jerry Rangel - a convicted sex offender.

I don't care what sort of half baked excuse you may have- there is never never a good enough reason for leaving your child with a rapist. EVER. Even more disturbing is that Deanna Alvarado knew who he was, knew what he was, and yet still- she left her children with him.

Now, to be fair to Alvaroda, she's very upset that people are putting the blame on this on her. In fact, she's stated a response to them- I'm sure you'll find it, interesting to day the least.
Police and family members said Rangel and Alvarado had been dating for several months and occasionally living together. Family members also told police they were aware Rangel was a convicted sex offender.

But Alvarado said last week that Rangel was merely a friend who, like many of her other friends, sometimes stayed at her home. She accused her relatives of lying about their relationship.

"I just barely met him," she said, responding to her mother's statements to police that the two were dating. "My mom don't even live here. My mom don't even know what's really going on."

Alvarado said she has known Rangel for about eight or nine months, but she didn't know he was a convicted sex offender until he returned from a trip to the Dallas area the week before the assault on her daughter.

"I just barely met him" and she learned about his status as a sex offender a week before the heinous attack. So, she hasn't known him long enough to date him- but she's known him long enough to leave her children with him? This is where I am going to explain something to stupid people- YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE YOUR KIDS WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW ARE SEX OFFENDERS AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEM WELL ENOUGH TO DATE THEM. Clearly, someone somewhere forgot to explain to this sorry excuse for a mother that if you don't know them well, you have no business leaving your children with them.

Now, Alvarado is attempting to get her children back- the 13 month old along with two barely older children were removed from the home while the situation is investigated.

As if this woman hasn't insulted the term "mother" enough, she goes on to add to her stupidity:

A day after the assault on her daughter, Alvarado took aim at the Bryan Police Department, saying she felt the agency had done a "sloppy job." She said she found a bloody diaper under her bed and minor bloodstains on the wall - evidence, she said, that police didn't do a thorough investigation of her bedroom, where the toddler and Rangel were found.

"If you are a crime scene person, you are gonna turn that bedroom upside down. They did not dust for fingerprints. How do they know that it was not a break-in?" Alvarado asked.

Thankfully, she at least has enough sense that she has cut off all relationships with Rangel. And of course- she's ran to the paper to tell them just how much of a victim she is in this whole thing. I mean, who leaves their child with a man who has been snorting cocaine and drinking, and who happens to be a sex offender- and actually walks away not concerned that something horrible could happen.
Read the entire story....
H/T to a very appreciated reader
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Anonymous said…
He knows that she has found out he is a sex offender, then a week later she goes off and leaves her kids with him. Wouldn't be a big jump for him to believe she just gave him permission to assault her kids would it?
At least it appears to me that she may have tacitly given her permission.
As far as the comments about what she found in the bedroom- sounds like she watches too much TV.
I hope she is never allowed to have those kids back. She ought to be charged with neglect for leaving the kids with a known child sex offender.
Anonymous said…
If this broad were my child,I'd consider her stupidity terminal and too painful to live with and put her down myself.
God help us. Please.
Anonymous said…
This is astonishing. This woman may not be guilty of rape, but she sure as hell is guilty of neglect of the highest order. To me, it's akin to leaving her child with a starving alligator. Seriously, if I were a prosecutor, I'd be considering charges of gross negligence causing death for such a repugnant lack of judgement.

Man... I'm starting to think I should start blogging about baseball or candy or vodka martinis. This crime stuff is getting really really depressing.

Heaven help us...

Anonymous said…
Deanna Alvarado has the nerve to want CPS to give her children back "what kind of mother is she anyways"? This personnot only works at a bar but is hanging out with people who are doing drugs and drinking?She then has the poor judgement to leave her baby's with a man she hardly knows! It is women like these who should be nueterd like a dog, and CPS would have to be crazy to give her kids back to her!and if they do then they should be charged with Child Endagerment!!!!

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