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Phyllis Gayle Riedle

Never in my life will I be able to understand how a woman can sexually abuse a child. I'm not talking about the 20 something teacher who has sex with her 15 year old student- I'm talking about the deviant pervert who molestes a little child.
Phyllis Gayle Riedle is sick. Not the kind of sick were she needs medical treatment, but the demented sick were she needs to spend her life behind bars.
Wednesday afternoon, 48-year-old Phyllis Gayle Riedle of Runaway Bay turned herself in to the Wise County Sheriff’s Department after an arrest warrant was issued for aggravated sexual assault of a child. She was jailed and her bail was set at $150,000.

Walker said Riedle admitted to sexually assaulting an 18-month-old girl.

Investigators have also discovered evidence of a second victim, a 7-year-old female cousin of the 18-month-old girl. Walker said that nude photos, believed to be of the 7-year-old, were found during a child pornography investigation into Riedle’s brother, Kevin Dean Riedle, 41, of Runaway Bay. He was arrested March 1 for possession and promotion of child pornography and remains jailed on $300,000 bail.

Walker said the two victims are from the Bridgeport area, and the assault and the nude photos took place when Phyllis Riedle baby-sat the two last fall. He said Phyllis Riedle took nude photos of the 7-year-old while she slept and performed sex acts on the 18-month-old.

Reaging the rest of the story you'll find that this pervert and her brother- also charged- have a sexual relationship with each other, and had two children living with them*. Thankfully the children have been removed from the home.
Police are still investigating whether this case may be tied to the recent international child porn ring that was recently in the news.
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*Correction, previously stated wrong.


Anonymous said… I really need an alka seltzer and I just chugged the last one at midnite.
I just have this overwhelming urge to come out swinging....but I would never be able to sort out what direction.
Anonymous said…
Before you go off telling people things, make sure you get your story right. The two children are from Phyllis and her ex, not her brother Kevin, so don't say they have two children "together" unless your sure you know what your talking about. The reason I know is because Im a very close friend of her daughter.
Anonymous said…
Here's another fact for you. Phyllis only met Kevin in July of '05. They have the same father but two different mothers. She has also raised 3 great children... Although she is to blame in this, the sick one in this relationship was Kevin, who took a loving mother who was on welfare with no self esteem, trying to escape drug addiction, convinced her to move to Texas saying that he would take care of and get her off of Welfare... And then when she had alienated herself from her family and freinds... Sprung this on her.
The reason I know this is because I am her oldest son!
My mother is a lot of things and unfortunately two of them were: lonley; and easily manipulated.
Perhaps the question that needs to be asked is this: "If the FBI had been searching for Kevin since '03, how could they let a single mother with 2 teenage children (who were never molested by thier mother) move in with a known child pornographer in August of '05?"
Unfortunately non of the papers reflect this fact
Anonymous said…
Having also known this person named Phyllis and also knowing that one of the children that were taken away this time had been a victim of child abuse before one must wonder just how "manipulated" she was. How could she put these children in harms way again after what they had already been through... She is sick.
Anonymous said…
I also knew Phyllis. In fact, I suppose we are "family", although I do not claim her as such and have not since I was about 8 years old. She is NOT a victim here. This is not a woman, going through a rough patch. This is a career welfare mom, drug addict etc. She has never been more or less. I respect her son's feeling of the need to stand up for her, but I believe it to be misguided and sad. J-(Phyllis' son), you know that there has ALWAYS been abuse in the family. Your portrayel of a "loving mother" is a bit far-fetched. I hope she gets life. I am just so glad that it happened in Texas rather than CA (where she is from). Here, we would slap her on the wrist and send her on her way. Disgusting, horrific and disturbing.
Anonymous said…
phyllis riedle is NOT a bad person. she IS a loving mother and always will be i will always love her no matter what she is a part of me and nothing can change that even though she has done this horrible thing that will be stuck with those 2 little girls for ever. i know how they feel and how confused they are because i am her only little girl that you all speek of and i was abused when i was little, i cannot understand how she could have done that because she "loved" her brother ....did she completely forget about me and my other brothers? did she just not care enough? i dont know and i dont know if i will ever understand. i just want you all to know that if your going to talk about my mom then get your facts straight and know what the fuck your saying because it hurts. and this person ^ above me doesnt know what the hell their talking about! my mom WAS A LOVEING MOTHER! and your blind if you couldnt see that and if you do know her than you know she was clean all the way until she turned herself in and that she was on welfare because she had something wrong with her hand not just because she was to lazy to do anything!
Lilo said…
For the children, especially the daughter, if your mother was a loving mother, than she would not have abused you. I feel for you and what you have gone through- both in your childhood, and now experiencing this. And I hope that one day you reach the point where you can see the difference between an abusive parent, and a loving one.
Anonymous said…
Heh, okay this is her youngest son... she loved us so much. SHE was not the one to abuse us, she never hurt us in anyway. I love her to death and (talking to the person above me) we do know the difference between a loving parent and an abusive one. After my uncle was arrested 4:30 in the morning, the police violently pulled me off my bed because they "didnt know" my sister and i were living there. My mom at the time was in california because my grandmother passed away (we raised the money to get her there) and when she came back she confessed. My sister nad i were then placed in a foster home for 5 months!! because the police forgot about it or something. The cops also took my computer because they thought is had something on it. I NEVER LOOKED AT ANYTHING ON IT! BUT they still have it, why? I do not know but do not blame my mother for this.
Anonymous said…
Alrighty People for all of you guys whom is a part of all this "B.S."--- I am or should I start by saying that I play a very big role in this story of both Kevin and Gayle riedle, You see I was married to Kevin at one point and time and I also have a Daughter that is now the age of 22 years old and Kevin had his way with her for a number of yrs. without me knowing a thing. Although at times YES as a mother one qeustions things and because of Kevins threating remarks to her about if she ever told the things that he would do to her and to me. So things finally came to an end on that first day of March.Now I look back and see the signs and they really get to me deeply.But on the other hand don't feel sorry for me cause by all means thats not what I'm looking for.My Daughter can now breath now that this has can to an end.I can't start to know the feelings that she has endured through that time as a 5 yr. child up until the age of 21. This was all kept to herself for all these yrs. and she is really a strong woman that I love and think the world of.I set here thinking of ways that i could get back at these 2 People that has made life pure "HELL" for these children.Kevin has taken my Baby girls youngest yrs. away and this turns my stomach but what goes around comes around and now both Kevin and Gayle I hope and pray that they get "DEATH" for this crime that they both knew was wrong.
Thisone said…
Well just to let all you know its very hard to read bout this stuff, I am directly involved too. it is not important how. Things are always diffucult for victims and their families. Don't get me wrong I am still dealing with issuses directly from Kevin. And I know that i will always have to deal with these things. But we as a socity also need to reach out and embrace our victims, without the proper support behind us we will never be able to face the world head on. Luckly i had a person who i could talk to, which made it alittle easier to deal with(thank you nkr). I feel deeply for the childern of these two monsters. regardless if she was manupulatied or not she is her own person and knows right from wrong. AND YES IT IS WRONG TO HAVE ANY TYPE OF RELATIONS WITH A CHILD OF ANY AGE.
Anonymous said…
(Speaking to her children) She is a grown woman. He is a grown man. They both know better. You can make excuses for them all you want to, but you don't need to. They need to answer for their actions. Not you kids. I'm sorry that you all have to face this, but your not responsible for your mother and HER actions. I myself am a parent and love my children with all my heart and soul and would not for one moment hurt my child or any other child. Not to say that you kids were abused in any way by your mother and if you weren't then thats terrific. However, they do have substancial evidence to the contrary for those other children, and they do need justice so that they and their families can start the closure and healing process. You also need to find some closure and healing of your own. I do know how painful it is to have a parent taken out of your life, and believe me I realize how hard it is on children to be taken from familiarity and placed into a foster care system, and I am deeply sorry that any child has to endure such a process such as the foster care system. You may not realize it now, but in time you will, that you will be stronger people for having endured such greif. But this seems to be God's will and the only advice I would give is 'To let go, and let God'. I know how hard it is to just let go and let God handle it. I don't want you kids to think I am being disrepectful toward you, because I'm not. I will sencerely hope and pray for peace to find you kids and that God watches over you always.

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