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Sugar and Spice, Pedo Style

Imagine that your young daughter is surfing on the internet- you walk into the room to see a "girly" site, complete with pink fonts, colorful hearts, and pretty text- so you walk away. After all, it's a website for girls, just how harmful can it be?

Depending on if it's the site I was sent- it could be the beginning of a pedophile grooming your child.

Complete with a list of every states "consent" age, questions from young girls answered often times by a admitted pedophile- this site does nothing but slap those who work to protect our children in the face. The site even provides banners so that your child can tell their friends of this "cool" girls place. Nice huh?

At first, I wasn't going to provide the link. You know what? Screw that. You read my constant unfaltering anger every day about how these sickos are robbing our children of their youth and innocents- you at least have the right to see what your child could be looking at. THIS IS THE WEBSITE OF A PEDOPHILE

Here are is just a bit of the "great advice" this demented animal is attempting to share with your children:

Most adults do not ever develop deeper feelings than this for young girls. But here are some adults who see them as much more than young girls. Rather than just seeing a child, these adults have a heightened appreciation for the physical and spiritual beauty of young girls. These people are called girllovers. Girllovers care very much about girls and are committed to making them happy and protecting them. A true girllover would never do anything to hurt a young girl. Girllovers love to spend time with girls, because they appreciate the thoughts and emotions of girls and are eager to experience the world the way that you do. They enjoy seeing the world through your eyes!

Is that really what you want your child reading? Do you want them being told that the sexual abuse of a child isn't really hurting the child? That these deviant perverts are committed to protecting them?

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Anonymous said…
I tried getting this scumbag shut down but his webhost cried free speech. There's more to free speech than just being able to say what you want.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am so glad you posted this. As you know, it makes me sick to know that someone so vile is out there grooming possibly thousands of young girls for the next scumbag pedofile that may cross their paths. He even has a banner w/ their demented logo that girls can put on their myspace or xanga. How's that for advertising? I hope this guy is locked up or dies soon! (Preferrably the latter)

Again Thanks L.
Anonymous said…
The same pervert also runs a missing girl's website. He has pictures of missing/murdered little girls on the same site where he tries to justify pedophilia. Some of those little girl's were murdered by pedofiles.

On the site he encourages young girls who are friend's of the missing child to email him with tributes and to talk about how they miss their friend. It is known that at least a couple of some of the girl's minor friends have responded.

Ed Smart got Elizabeth's picture taken off of there. A couple of murdered children in Cincinnati had their pictures removed. But there are still many missing/murdered girls on there. And he has stated on the site that he is out of touch, but he updates the site daily.

Oh, and if you operate a site about missing children, you may want to check there. He has listed links to many legitimate missing children's sites.
Anonymous said…
This twirp is not practicing free speech. Freedom ends where someone else begins. Your freedom to punch me stops an inch away from my nose... or something like that...

What this guy is doing is not free expression, it's manipulation. He's luring children into his sick lair. Crying free speech in cases like this is like saying Charles Manson was an artist. It's trash and it REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!!

Sorry to freak out, but MAN - I've worked my whole life advocating for the freedom of expression, and the need for society to communicate openly and honestly. Now a bunch of rasists, hate-mongerers, paedophiles and perverted bastards are trying to use their "freedom of expression" as a weapon!!! It's disgusting!!!

Oh... that's it... I need a drink...

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