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Anthony Stockelman

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I can not imagine what it would be like to realise that the man you love is a monster, a evil deviant capable of the most heinous of crimes. My guess would be that at first hint of guilt, you would want to vindicate your mate, to stand beside them and prove not just their innocence, but that you could not have been unknowingly married to a gruesome pervert.

And then comes the moment of truth, where denial is no longer possible, and the only thing that sits between you and the realisation that your partner is the scary monster people turn from in disgust- is your ability to accept the truth.

Tabitha Stockelman experienced just that sort of torturous revelation when the husband she has stood by and supported, whom she believed to be innocent of the charges against him, stood in court and plead guilty to molesting and murdering 10-year-old Katie Collman.

"It's completely unbelievable," she said last year. "There's no way. I believe my husband is innocent. I'm standing behind him 100 percent."

But Friday, after Stockelman admitted his guilt to avoid the death penalty, she offered a different take, WLKY NewsChannel 32's Andy Alcock reported.

"I think they should bring back the firing squad, but that's just my opinion," she said Friday. "Maybe stoning ... that sounds good."

My heart goes out to her, having to live with the terrible reality that her husband could commit such a heinous crime, and I applaud her for being able to do the right thing once the evidence clearly pointed to his guilt.

If only we had more women willing to see the truth for what it is when it is presented to them.

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Anonymous said…
Wow, amazing woman. I think as hard as it must be for her, she is an example of moral fortitude that our country needs more of. We should remember her in our prayers, and also him. May God have mercy on him.
Anonymous said…
P.S. Would you considering linking my blogs? I have linked yours on my Writing Right site.

You can link either that site or my other site

Lilo said…
Stacy... I've been meaning to add you, actually over the past few weeks I've been meaning to add a couple blogs... but I kept thinking "oh I'll do it next" and then well, to be honest- I have a really bad attention span. lol
Anonymous said…
Tabitha Stockelman is not a woman to be pitied nor exonerated. She stopped standing behind her husband when she realized that in order to do so, she would have to actually find and hold a job. Instead, she found a new boyfriend shortly after his arrest.
Here's more from Channel 32 WLKY:

Stockelman's arrest and guilty plea meant a shake-up for his own child, 6-year-old son Shane, Alcock reported.

Last month, in an exclusive interview with WLKY, the killer's wife, Tabitha Stockelman, said she had to give up the couple's son because she couldn't take care of him. And she said her son is living with Anthony's brother, Troy, and sister-in-law, Kelly.

"Just out of the blue one day, she called us at our house, she was in Phoenix, Ariz., and asked us if we could come and get him," Troy Stockelman said.

Troy Stockelman said Tabitha not only gave up custody of her son in October, but added that she's been an absentee mother since, Alcock reported. He also said the last time Tabitha Stockelman saw her son was more than a month ago, and she's only seen him five times since October, Alcock reported.

"Since I've known her, she's not been a good mother," Troy Stockelman said.

Added Mary Stockelman: "I had a dying husband, and every weekend she would call and ask, 'Can you take the baby? He's wearing me out.' And I kept the kids."

After this report aired on the news, Tabitha called her Mother-in-law to threaten her.
Tabitha Stockelman is just enjoying her day in the limelight.
Anonymous said…
Hello, i am Tabithas mom, and i can say without a doubt, that she was a good and faithful wife and mother. When she supposedly was asking her motherinlaw to care for their child, she was actually helping to make the last days of her father-in-laws life bearable, as he was dying of cancer. He had two other sons, one of which now has my grandson, who did NOTHING. Its so wrong that the mother of the killer still gets to spend holidays with her grandson and i havent seen him in over a year.
As far as a relationship, she has been unable to keep a boyfriend or job since this happened, and can get no counseling because of the money it costs. I have watched her life fall apart, and we all still suffer the heartache and numbness that every killers family has to go thru. The only thing my daughter did wrong, was to stay married to him after his abuse and life threatening behavior towards her. Anyone who believes any different is obviously mentally disturbed

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