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Carnival Of the True Crime Blogs 21

This week I'm honored to present the 21st Edition of the Carnival of the True Crime Blogs. It's been quite a day spent reading from this talented group... and I'm sure you'll be as disgusted by the stories as we have been.

First up we have one of my favorite bloggers, who's way with words has wowed the masses- Harding from T.O. Crime. He's been covering the story of a young girl gone bad... and the murders that brought her wickedness to our attention.
Today, Medicine Hat, Alberta, is famous for different reasons. It is the site of another triple homicide. It is the site of a crime scene investigation, a swarming of reporters, and endless speculation over why, and how, this could happen.
The most shocking feature of this case… a twelve year old girl has been arrested for the crime. She and her 23-year old “boyfriend” were caught up with in Saskatchewan, and are now in custody.

Trench over at The Trenchcoat Chronicles presents a update to the trial on the planned attack on Marshfield High School, while questioning the evidence against Tobin Kerns.
The source says that the only list of names was the one Joe Nee gave verbally to police while trying to implicate Tobin. And lastly according to the source witnesses have stated that Nee, Farley, and Sullivan were still talking about their plan after Tobin Kerns had broken ties with them and was in Oregon.

Home Sweet Home brings us the tragic ending to a "nice guy" story, that left a woman bruised and broken, and a family friend dead.
While on the drive Johnny suggested they go for a picnic. When Tonya refused, Johnny began driving fast and recklessly to a dirt road. There he told Chucky to get out and walk down the road. He ordered Tonya to take her shirt off and he poured a liquid, thought to be window washing liquid, down her front. Then he proceeded to beat her with a tire iron.

Mag at SSCAT has provided a frightful tale of two children lost to the world due to murder… but unlike many of the stories we read, these children are not the victims… they are the killers.
Katrina Denise Powe, 31, and 9-year-old Mystery Toma Hillian were found dead Sunday in the family's apartment outside Washington after police received a 911 call. Authorities have not said who made the call.
Police have arrested Ms. Powe's son,and Mystery's for the murders.
His name is not being disclosed because he is 12...twelve.

Crime Scene Blog presents a possible answer to who the Daytona Beach serial killer is, as a man recently arrested seems to fit the bill giving police a chance to investigate.
Someone near a wooded area heard a voice crying for help and called 911. When officers arrived, Joseph William Lovetro was on top of a woman, trying to keep her quiet. She lost consciousness, and deputies performed CPR to revive her. The 27 year-old was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Investigators said the suspect picked up the woman over the weekend, and took her to a wooded area, where the attacked occurred.

Steve Huff, of Huff's Crime Blog brings us Killing Beauty, And asks why the killer was free to commit the heinous crime to begin with.
They say 29-year-old David Sullivan walked into the restaurant shortly after 8 p.m. Thursday and attacked Anna Svidersky. The suspect then turned and walked out the door.

Laura from Clews has been looking into the twenty year old murder of Sister Pahl, and presents us with her own series of questions surrounding the crime, and the priest now charged in the gruesome murder in Notes on the Diabolical Murder of Sister Pahl
The evidence thus far in the case against the priest consists of the fact that he had the opportunity to commit the crime; he owned the murder weapon; he told a strange lie to police (that someone had confessed the murder to him); and a witness heard running footsteps at the time of the murder that seemed to halt at the door to the priest's room.

Trench brings us more News of Doom, this time telling us the story of the three dollar murder.
Three teens accused of beating a man to death in the middle of an intersection during a robbery that netted only $3 have been charged with murder, authorities said.
Christopher Ryan Copeland, 17, William O’Leary Tedders, 17, and his brother Carlos Tedders, 16, all of Wayne, were arraigned Wednesday.

Trench brings us another Perverted Justice story over at MyCrimeSpace… this time in the sunny orange growing state of Florida
Twenty-four men -- including two from Punta Gorda -- came to Fort Myers this weekend bringing tools of seduction, coercion and rape. They thought they would meet a child home alone. Instead, they found the police and a national news correspondent lying in wait.

That wraps it up for this weeks carnival- with the exception of my own post which you'll find here.
Anyone who meant to submit a post and didn't- leave a link in the comments of this post, and I'll add it as soon as I can.

For those interested in more information on how to join the True Crime Blogroll, you can find out more information here.

This post linked at TTLB Carnival Page

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Anonymous said…
Good job as usual Lilo. Hey, rumor has it that you have an excellent throwing arm. Mags, did you get hit with anything?
Anonymous said…
I'm still waiting....and my own red headed child told me if I was very,very nice for a realllllyyyy long time...I might..might...escape unscathed. But she doubts it.

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