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Confession Time

Harding over at T.O. Crime has opened a can of warms... with 6 true confessions.
Because we're "different" than your average bloggers, in that we have penchants for death, shadows, and all things criminal, I'm calling on you to divulge six "crimes" that you have committed. That's right. Six confessions. Six statements of guilt. They could be anything from stealing gum from a dime store, lying to a priest, or strangling your parents. Or, they may be "victimless" crimes, those against yourself, like not bringing back your library books just because you LIKE to pay overdue fines.

I guess I should play along but I won't be tagging anyone... but everyone is welcome to leave their "crimes" in the comments, or blog them and it link.
So six crimes... heh... one shouldn't think that would be so hard. Here I go:
1. I drank... heavily... way before I was of legal age. Most of the time I had the help of some willing 21+ year old to purchase the alcohol for me, sometimes I was just lucky enough to find someone lacking common sense behind the counter. I was in high school when it began... and I'm pretty sure that it accounts for some of the "fuzziness" surrounding those years. Strangely enough, by the time I was 21 and legally able to buy a drink... I no longer felt the desire to.
2. I inhaled. And I liked it. Back then. Again, it was back when I was still underage to do almost anything other then drive... and again, it's one of those desires that has dried up like the Sahara Desert during summer, over the years.
3. I wrecked that car... while taking part in #1 and #2, and then left. I did leave a note and some cash- more than enough to cover the damage. So perhaps it wasn't all that bad.
4. I lied and said he was with me. He wasn't. And I knew he had done what they said... but he was my friend. And friends stick by each other. And he would have done it for me had our places been switched.
5. More than once, I didn't commit the crime, but others did. And I actively encouraged it. But we all do stupid things when we're young.
6. Slander. Yep, that's number six. It's a strange little story, which to understand you'd have to know a few things about me.
First, I have a mean streak... the joke is that going back many many generations the women in my family have had one thing in common- we have bitch blood running through our veins. I don't know any of us that doesn't have a mean streak, and I'm sure mine can hold it's own next to the best of them. It's not as bad now... but it used to run uncontrolled.
Second, I had never had my heart broken... ever. And I was still too young enough to realize that it wasn't really broken, it was humiliated. Either way... it burned.
Third, I was creative. I always liked to go above and beyond the norm. (Fair warning, I still do)
And the last thing you should know... I was 14, not really and most likely influenced a tab by #1 and # 2 again.
So here's the "crime". He dated two of us. He left two of us humiliated... because everyone knew- except us. The humiliation was the worse. I guess you'd have had to have been there to really understand that. I wasn't about to sit down and take this insult, so I enlisted the help of the Graphic Arts senior class, and around 25 really good friends. I wrote up a nice little flier detailing the evils of this boy, and um added a few extra comments that may have been completely untrue. The Graphic Arts kids spent a day printing off the flier on the brightest of paper. And then, at the end of the last day before Christmas break, me and the 25 friends inserted the fliers into every single locker, and on every single wall in the entire school.
The first day back from vacation, every single person was laughing... except him. He may have laughed even less when he went home that night to find the same embarrassing fliers posted all over his house.
I spent a few days suspended... and he ended up moving away from the school. Someone told me the fliers followed him to the new school too. I laughed back then... but now, with a little maturity under my wings, I feel bad. I wrote some horrible things... and although I am sure he deserved it... I still feel bad. I know now that words can cause incredible pain, and as silly as it seems, it sort of haunts me.
So those are my six crimes.
There's a seventh crime... but if I tell you, it'll ruin the surprise for Harding and Mag.



Anonymous said…
Waiting breathlessly for #7...

Anonymous said…
yeah....same here...still ducking.

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