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A Quick Infection Count

It seems there is a infection going around... and it's not pretty. In fact the physical sickness it brings on is certainly one of the most revolting feelings one could encounter. Late last week, I seemed to have caught the infection, and while attempting to recover I took a few days off from writing, I thought it would be safe to do a little blog reading. You'll never be able to imagine the surprise I was in for when I clicked over to a few of my blog roll buddies and found that they too have been infected by the very same sort of seeping puss filled boils on the ass of society.

Yep, Mag is infected.
And, so is new buddy JRob.. in fact his infection is starting request dialoge..
Of course, I'm infected.
And she's not on my blogroll, but Jesse seems to have been infected also. And Rightly So, has been so wrongly infected as well.
Suzie's been infected...

Yes, as sad and disgusting as it is... it seems that a growing number of us have had our blogs infected with the perversions of pedophiles via pedo comments. Clearly, this condition must be quite catching- for these monsters seem to be spreading from blog to blog like a bad case of gonorrhea in a whore house. I'm sure there are even more infected blogs out there... if you or a friend has been infected please let me know so that the rest of can send out sympathies.

Of course, there are unlimited options one can take to combat these scum of the earth infections, personally, I like to trace back to the very first symptom, and head off the infection from there. It wasn't too hard to track down whether the toxins had mutated from... after I Lindsay Ashford had done his best to send these diseases over via this link. Yep, I've been contaminate by the head pedo himself... I just know I'll be paying an arm and a leg for antibiotics to clear this up.

Course, I'm not really willing to pay money to take care of this... I sort of have something even better in mind. Since Ashford seems to *like* my writing enough to take busy time out of his day to send his henchmen over... perhaps I could cop a nice deal with him.

So, here it is:

Open Letter to Lindsay Ashford:


I would like to offer you a truce. I believe it will be benefiting both of us greatly. First, you keep sending your sicko friends over (it does wonders for the ol' sitemeter) but please discourage them from spewing their filth ridden thoughts on my site. In return, I, Lilo, offer to give you exclusive coverage when you finally get arrested, or in the case of someone killing you for sexually abusing their loved ones. That's right Ashford, I'm offering you coverage. And not just any run of the mill coverage... exclusive coverage. I will take the time to write all about you deviant lifestyle, and the enormous amount of damage you have done to further your own sick cause... and I'll even be nice enough to put up that not so pretty picture of you. I'll even color the block-quotes puke shaded pink for you. Now, in the case of your arrest, I also offer to arrange to attend your trial, permitting that it is held within driving distance. If it is not held within reasonable driving distance, I promise to find a fellow blogger willing to drive to where ever the hearing is, and snap unsightly photos of you in the orange jail house cloths. In the case of your sudden death by family member of a victim, I again will make an appearance, this time graveside. Don't worry, I'll be sure to show up anywhere- so there is no need of a "fill in" blogger. And yes, I'll get photos of the whole thing.

See? It's a perfect deal. You have your friends stop making me physically ill with their disgusting opinions, and I highlight the very best moments of your life. You know, the moments where you are either dead or in jail.



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Anonymous said…
Don't do it Lindsay...let me be the one to do the know how angry redheads get. Bless yo heart Lindsay,I could give you the truly Southern version of justice that is required here. And no,silly man,it doesn't involve a mere bullet !
However, if you do give the redhead the exclusive,please give me the exclusive rights to copy/paste...yes?
Think about it Lindsay...angry redhead or saintly gray haired harmless granma??
Anonymous said…
Sounds like an excellent offer to me! From your postings on the web, you like to get your story out. Now you have the means to do so.
One of both of these fine writers could help you do so.
You could start at the beginning, name names and give dates. We could all be in shock and awe at the number of your victims. Heck, maybe you would even get a free trip back to the states out of it. I am sure that could be arranged in exchange for the right info.
From your interest in the states, I feel sure you want to be able to come here, or do you come here on your own anyway? It is apparent from your site, that even though you allege to be living out of the country, you keep up with the politics, the law changes, and the news here, as well as keeping up with the children.
So how about it? Fair exchange. You get the exposure, we get the info.
Anonymous said…
HSH....such a diplomat !!!
How can the guy refuse an offer like that :-)
Anonymous said…
Can I have the first dance on his grave with you?

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