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Well, he's sorry now

It's never good when I pull up a story and the first sentence my eyes land on reads:
Walleman told Chrzanowski that he is sorry and realizes he needs rehabilitation, but the judge responded that Walleman failed in his second chance.

Turns out a Macomb Michigan child molester has been getting more than his share of second chances. Let's see if you can follow this, cause the judge seems to be having problems with it:
Ronald Elliott Walleman, 53, was sentenced Monday by Macomb Circuit Judge Mary Chrzanowski, who scolded Walleman for assaulting a 10-year-old girl after the judge had already sentenced him to one year in jail and five years probation for assaulting a 5-year-old in 2001.

"You slapped the court in the face when you went out and committed this new crime," Chrzanowski told Walleman moments before ordering him to spend 78 months in prison, less one year of time-served.

Walleman was convicted of attempted first-degree criminal sexual conduct and sentenced by Chrzanowski in 2003 for assaulting a St. Clair Shores girl. Originally charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct, he reached a plea bargain after two additional victims came forward and agreed to testify about his alleged assaults against them. He then pleaded guilty to the attempted charge.

After being released from the Macomb County Jail nearly two years ago and still on probation, he sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in a public place in Monroe County and pleaded guilty last year to second-degree criminal sexual conduct. He was sentenced to at least 38 months in prison.

Because of the probation violation, Chrzanowski could sentence him to two-thirds of 10 years, the maximum penalty of the offense, although sentencing guidelines indicated a minimum sentence ranging from only 5 months to 23 months.

Besides the five year old, the ten year old, and the girl in St. Clair- more victims have come forward to testify, one his niece and one his cousin, another girl accused him of molesting her when he was a teenager, although no charges were brought. Yet Walleman's defense says it is unfair to call him a "serial pedophile" because of only two convictions. A case of "it only counts if I have to serve time" denial, I'm supposing.

This sick freak could be facing life in prison... but something tells me the wuss judge will be more likely to assist in helping give him "treatment" and then play the catch and release game. After all, it seems like they've been taking that route with him for years.

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Macomb Daily : Molester assaults girl while serving probation 04/18/06


Anonymous said…
First, this sicko predator needed to be put away forever....for the first time he was CAUGHT. But the rest of the a crime in my eyes as well of just allowing him to be free. These damn soft judges..that think they are some type of God...need to go to jail with them. I am so sick of these judges allowing these sex predators/offenders/pedos whatever you want to call them on the street. There is no cure....and I am beginning to believe that these soft/liberal judges could very well be guilty of similar crimes...if not porn junkies themselves or worse. This makes me sick.
Anonymous said…
You can help in making sentencing more standarized by participating in an ongoing forensic research that asks the general public to help shape criminal sentencing standards. At the public can have a direct voice in the development of community based standards to aid juries to replace arbitariness with evidence-based objective fairness. The survey asks you to rank intents, actions and attitudes of crimes against each other, to identify what society feels constitues "the worst of the worst: thus warranting more severe punishment.
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