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The Disappearence Of Ashley Lyn Howley

Sometimes, there are those stories that haunt us. It might be just the heinous nature of the crime, or the young age of a victims... and sometimes it's just all the "what could have been's" that make one tragedy stick out more than another.
Usually, when it comes to finding stories- I never really find myself at a shortage. Sometimes I get cases from recent news headlines, sometimes from other bloggers, and sometimes even from you readers. And then, every great once in a while- I'll be working on something completely different, not really looking for anything new to write about... and a story just seems to find me. I say they find me... because they are normally the ones that really stick with me, that do more than just keep me awake at night, they sink in and stay with me.
Ashley Howley's case was like that. I was working on a story about a missing Columbus Ohio girl, and for some reason Google sent me to the wrong missing girl story. Well, maybe not the wrong one, just not the one I had been looking for. But, something about the story surrounding Ashley's disappearance caught my eye... and it's been with me since.
Next month will mark two full years that Ashley has been gone, lost to those that loved her, her family, her friends. And although her case has been long forgotten by the media... it has not been forgotten by those that knew her best. And, they are desperate to share her story... and hopefully move someone enough to provide the information needed to bring her home.
Ashley's story is told below, by her cousin, please take a moment to read it...

Ashley Lyn Howley, age 20 at time of disappearance, has been missing from Columbus, OH since on or about June 16, 2004.
On June 16, 2004, 2:30 a.m. Ashley called 911 from a neighbor's house very distraught (I have heard the tapes), stating she had been assaulted. On these tapes she can be heard answering yes, it was her estranged boyfriend who had ALLEGEDLY choked, kicked, etc...her. Ashley refused medical treatment and the BF, of course, was nowhere to be found. I would later get an account of what happened from her best friend. She states Ashley told her that this took place in the bedroom, and at one point he choked her to the point of semi-consciousness. He went to the lower level and when she heard him coming back, she "played dead". He stood over her and told her that if he couldn't have her, no one would. He left, WITH HER CELL PHONE. Ashley waited a few minutes, and ran to a neighbor's where she made the 911 call.
She hid in the bushes waiting for help. I should tell you that the BF was on probation at that time for a previous assault on Ashley. She tried to have him "picked up" prior to this night, a minimum of 10 times, to no avail. This guy, according to Ashley's close friends, would not let her go. He reportedly stalked her, and at one point, took her beloved dog to make her see him. When she spoke to people about this, including her dad, she would say that his "rich daddy" will bail him out anyway.
On the afternoon of the 16th, there are several conversations that take place between Ashley and her best friend whom i will refer to as B( again, i verify this through her cell records). She was throwing her belongings into bags, and contemplating going to B's house. The last verifiable conversation was at 4:10 p.m. Ashley has never been heard from again. The estranged BF moved a buddy of his into the apt. (it was in both Ashley's and BF's name), a few days later. Neighbors saw them throwing some of Ashley's belongings into the dumpster. A neighbor asked where Ashley was," BF said she went back to Michigan" Ashley's cell remained active until July 30 with no activity. There were calls made between 3 individuals until early June 18th. We know who these 3 are, it is none other than BF, new roomie, and the alleged drug connection who has quite a story to tell of why Ashley was killed. YES, we know she was killed. The Det. in charge (i use this term loosely) states he got info early on from a "uniform" that Ashley was killed, her body dumped. This was 23 months ago. Ashley's apt was not entered by LE for nearly a month. Ashley's mom reports, and it haunts her every day, that Ashley fought in that apt. In the bathroom of her bedroom on the wall and door was evidence of this. Ashley's animals were still there. ANYONE who knew Ash, knew she would save her animals before herself. Much of her clothing remained hanging in the closet, in BAGS, personal items in her bathroom, etc...matter of fact, by the time LE entered, the place was a complete shambles. One of Ashley's vehicles (the one that was running) was missing. This would turn up a month later in an apartment complex known to one of "the three". This vehicle was released from the police several months ago. I do not know where it is now...I do know that i recently found a police report that IMO could place one of these people right in the middle of this. Here's a question, If BF was so in love, obsessed, why was he NOT LOOKING FOR HER????BECAUSE, HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE SHE IS. Oh he called LE, just to "chat". He stated from the very first call "my lawyer says not to talk to you". WHY DO YOU NEED A LAWYER? These calls seemed to be more of the what do you already know type. This is the perfect time to add that this guy has never been formally questioned, talked to, however you want to put it. Nor has "roommate", who has quite a tale to tell...The Det. dismisses him as "a drug addict who keeps changing his story." This drug addict tells the same story to two separate people (they do not know each other). And BTW...THEY'RE ALL DRUG ADDICTS!! You don't get to choose the cast! Ashley herself struggled with this, but she was winning the struggle. B reports that Ashley had gotten kind of a little "pooch", belly, when she stopped using. She was very proud of this as it was her "proof", if only to herself. There are those who say she was using heavily. It really doesn't matter in the end, but, it mattered to Ashley. I think it's appropriate to say here that Ashley had hopes and dreams. I was very close with her from the day she was born until her early teens when she moved to Ohio. She was priceless. Easy going, funny, and so tender hearted. I think people look down on Ashley, LE, and SOME of the media, will not give her case the attention it deserves. She made some poor choices, not many of us can say we haven't somewhere in our lifetime. Looking back on the few early news reports this det. says "I've never had so much information in a missing persons case." This is the very same person who, when i was trying to get an NCIC # to get Ash into the database, said to me, and i swear to GOD, "You probably know more about this than i do...Even if that were true, YOU DON'T SAY THAT OUT LOUD. I have written notes every time i make, or receive a call regarding this case. My first conversation with DET was memorable. He told me that he was the only person handling Ashley's case because "no one else would touch it." WOW. And so began the official non investigation. Add to that, people disappearing off of corrections sites (thank God i made copies), records "disappearing", that should be there. This would be a great time to mention BF's dad has a GOVERNMENT job, and apparently enough money to buy his son out of ANY trouble he may find himself in. Add that to informants who have solid information, only to have it disappear. When Ashley's dad received her cell records, he began calling the #'s. Roommate said " i can't believe you found me so fast." Another man says Ashley called his # VERY DISTRAUGHT, by mistake. His # appears again, for several minutes the next day. WHO IS HE? DET. doesn't know. I asked him today. Going back a ways, there was a wallet turned in, i cannot tell you how i know, that was found with something that made it possible it was Ashley's. DET knew nothing about it, even though it was turned over to his dept. He looked for it, couldn't find it and said "it must not have had to do with her case." WOW AGAIN. There is a lot more...I am not ALLOWED to say anything, in writing anyway, or i will find myself in legal trouble.Oh, and, if you piss off DET, he WILL NOT speak to you again. Ashley's dad is not kept informed of anything, he screwed up. HINDERING THE INVESTIGATION, is what they call it. a grieving father is what i call it. What is most difficult, if you have to pick one thing, it appears many people have information. 100,000.00 will not bring these people forward. I have sensed fear from the very beginning. What is at the bottom of that fear? Oh, one more thing. BF has a sealed juvenile record rumored to detail him, a knife, and another female. Any other information i can give you will be happily given, personally. I need to be able to go to the State of Ohio to find Ashley, C.P.D. won't.

~~wind beneath her wings ...We love you Ashley and will NEVER stop searching...

For Previous Posts On Ashley:
Ashley Howley
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Anonymous said…
Hi Lilo, I'm going to steal this one for the carnival. Let me know if you have any concerns!

Meli said…
can some one email me about this how do i get a hold of ashleys cousin i want to know the name of the boyfriend and i know she cant tell it on here

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