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Don't get any Dutch Ideas

I'm sort of lost as how to start this post. Basically, there are just so many directions I want to take with it, so many areas I feel need to be discussed... and yet the words aren't rushing to me as they usually do.
I guess it started today as I was reading Steve Huff's post on a ex cop who used a badge to lure and prey upon a 14 year old boy. You'd think it couldn't be any worse, until you read that this pervert has HIV. But, as much as the story it's self bothered me, it was the discussion in the comments that really hit home. One of the commenters, describing himself as a gay man, indicated the problem with the fact that pedophiles like to use the homosexual battles for equality to further their own deviant cause. I understand what he was saying.
Like it or not, agree with it or not, homosexuals are not pedophiles. They are not any more likely to sexual abuse a child than a heterosexual is. Homosexuals are not the abhorrent danger to our children that some would portray them as being. It's not to say that a homosexual can not be a pedophile- they can, just as a heterosexual can be. But being one does not make you automatically the other.
As a teenager, I happened to be very close to two men who were homosexuals. They also happened to have a teenage boy that lived with them, and as a result usually had a dozen or so kids wondering in and out of their home on any given day. I can tell you, they were of a blessing to those wayward kids than most of the heterosexual adults those kids knew. I couldn't imagine a more warm and safe place to be.
Now, I understand the nature of the gay movement. I understand the pain of carrying a stigma that because of your sexual preference, you are only half a person, not fully entitled to the legal benefits of heterosexual individuals. I couldn't begin to imagine someone telling me that my relationship had less of a meaning, less of a legal status because they didn't agree with it. I understand it, because I have seen it. And I'm lucky that I have never had to endure it. My personal beliefs on the topic have little meaning for you, and regardless of my thoughts on it, I'm sure that you're not here to be told my views on it. So I will leave it at that.
However, the reason I have even brought it up, is important. I don't want anyone to confuse the gay rights movement with what I am about to discuss. I would hope that you, despite your personal beliefs on the first topic, remember that it is separate from the latter. And, it is something that must be addressed, not as a political position, but as moral position. This is not about gay rights, this is about our children, and we must strive to keep the two divided in our minds.
Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals.

This is not the gay movement, it it the deviant desires of a rather large group of people who care not about the best interest of children, but solely and completely about their own heinous desires.
The party said private possession of child pornography should be allowed although it favors banning the trade of such materials. The broadcast of pornography should be allowed on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening, according to the party.

This is not about the safety of children, but about the condoned sexual exploitation of those who need protection the most. This is not about consenting adults, it is about children.
Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

This is a party attempting to position itself within the legal protection of the Dutch government, and petition for the legal right to sexually abuse children.
There should really be no confusion on why this is different than the gay rights movement- which I shouldn't have to remind you, is about the right of consenting adults to engage in, and have access to the same legal rights as any other consenting adults. Pedophiles are concerned only with their own interests, the legal ability to avoid prosecution for the sexual abuse of children, and the right to exploit those children even more by the use of child pornography.
Pedophiles have found a strength in the same technologies that allow me to communicate with you. The internet, despite being a blessing to many, also has allowed a mass amount of people to connect for the benefit of their own demented desires. They have quickly realised the ability to use this technology in order to further their own cause, much to the harm of many innocent children. None of us needs to be reminded of the daily occurrences in which these monsters use the internet to promote their disgusting sexual perversions, or the times in which one of our children fall victims to these predators. Now, with strength derived from their "support groups", they are no longer a mumbling community of twisted people... they are attempting to give their perversion a voice through political means.
One can only hope that the Dutch find more suitable halls for their demented songs to be sung in than parliament, I for one suggest a nice echo-y jailhouse.
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Anonymous said…
Hi Lilo!

I haven't commented in a while, in fact, with everything going on I've hardly had time to keep up with your blog. Today is the first time in a while I've had to catch-up! I'm glad I did. You know, when I first commented here, I was a bit harsh with you. Rather ignorantly of me! This post today is a perfect example to me of waiting to judge one's character a while until AFTER spending a little time around them. Your handled this topic with true dignity!

I have a brother who is gay and he is often frustrated with certain people's attempts to cast all gay people as pedophiles. Your writing today may not mean much to some, but to me, you showed honesty which so lacking in many.

And your thoughts re Dutch pedo's...well, they were dead on too!!

A Proud American!
Anonymous said…
You show promise here. I expected as I read more or your entries you'd be a gay-basher and a gay-hater. So there's some open-mindedness still alive in Lima.
Lilo said…

Well, I'm happy that I "show promise". I can certainly say that I am not a gay basher, nor a gay hater. It's really not any more my place to judge their sexual preference, than it is theirs to judge mine.

And, I'm actually pretty open minded about these sorts of things, as in- as long as people aren't attempting to involve children into sexual activites, everyone should just mind their own business.

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