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From The Mail Box...

Carla Kay Dinger married into a premade family, and in doing so became responsible for raising and caring for a stepson. It's a common situation nowadays- and most women do an incredible job playing the role of step-mom. Dinger isn't one of those women.
She admitted carrying on a sexual relationship for two years with her then-stepson, starting in 1998 when he was 14. It ended when Dinger found out she was pregnant with her stepson's child, prosecutor Jason Parrish said.

What is startling, disturbing and down right angering is that Dinger was able to retained primary custody until 2004, when she and her ex-husband began sharing custody.
That's right, the child produced as a result of her criminal behavior was allowed to remain in her care. Sickening.
Dinger's former stepson, now 22, filed a lawsuit in 2004 against her seeking monetary damages.

In the lawsuit, he said Dinger had frequently provided him with methampetamines and alcohol.
The two had made plans for Dinger to divorce his father so they could marry, he said. But after Dinger found out she was pregnant, she sent him to live with his mother and told him not to tell anyone, he said.

Thankfully, the young man did tell his mother, and Dinger has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for her crimes.
One has to wonder though, if the boy reported the crime in 2001, his father divorced the predator in 2002- why is she just now being sentenced?

Thanks to a reader who sent me this news article- Woman Gets 20 Years for Sex With Stepson.

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Anonymous said…
admits to "13 year old girl" he is due to go to jail next week for online solicitation
In his bag in the car he says he had a bible
Wasn't there for sex, but he didn't tell her not to go to the bedroom and "get ready"
Anonymous said…
he didn't tell her he had been previously convicted for rape of a teen relative
Anonymous said…
What you don't know about this story is that the father was on meth, too. And around the same time had tried to kill his wife by putting a trash bag over her head while she was asleep. He also trapped her in a bathroom for 4 hours cutting her hands with scissors while she defended herself as he was trying to cut all of her hair off. This is one of the everyday abuses she suffered. And that she tried to leave him, and he would trap her other son in the house so she couldn't take him with her, so she would have to come back. The articles also don't mention the fact that she thought the baby she had with her step-son belonged to her husband, too, until the paternity test was done . And just before this relationship began, she had just lost the one child born to her alive out of 4 since her first at 18 (and these miscarriages were not from drugs, they were from a genetic incompatibility b/t the wife and husband, which is documented. Ther was only a 75% chance that any child born to them would be without birth defects; she actually thought that she probably wouldn't be able to get pregnant again). You also don't know that after the divorce, the father of the step-son would call her at the business they both still owned(but she had to manage) to make her have sex with him (even after the affair with the step-son) using his ability to push her indictment to force her. You really don't know anything about this case at all, except the DA's side. The father never cared about his son, and he doesn't care about her son that was conceived with her step-son. All he wants is to take the company she built, even after she gave him the house, the new lot for the new houe, and 1/2 a million to buy him out of the business, out of guilt for what she had done. He pushed the indictment, right after she bought him out, and one month before the time was up for the DA to indict her. These people are in it for the money. The father and son were just fine sitting at home getting seven grand a month to smoke pot all day b/c she felt guilty enough to let them. But they knew that eventually she would buy him out, b/c he didn't DO ANYTHING. There is so much more to this case than any person could imagine. And through it all, even now, she has admitted that she was wrong, kept her faith in God, and said that if prison was where He wanted Her, then she would do His will. And, she is. You have probably never come across the type of people that the step-son and father belong to. And I pray to God that you never do. I know that what she did was wrong (as does she), but please let it be known, that if you had been through what this lady's been through, you might not be so quick to throw the book at her without knowing the full story. She has done so much for other people, before and after the affair with her step-son, that it has been to her detriment at times. But she just kept on giving and depended on God to take care of them and her. And He still is, despite what people may think. She paid my mother's car payment for six months,and didn't even know her, because she lost her job and I wasn't able to pay it myself for my mother. I broke down at church one day, and finally admitted that I was upset abot my mother's situation, and she said "What can I do to help?". The one time I tried to send a check of my own, she ripped it up. That is really the type of person she is, despite appearances and very serious mistakes. So, before you judge just by what you get from the Associated Press, please know that this is a real human being, with family and friends that love her, and that are suffering with her. What she did was not right. But the person God has made her is a good person. And after all she has done, good and bad, she is my still my best friend.
Anonymous said…
it's all good she has done good things. BUT she is where she should jail. her step son was a CHILD when she started to ABUSE him.

if she was being abused she should of went for help.

I was abused but i did not go out and abused others because of it. being abused is no excuse to abuse others.

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